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Forums - Sales Discussion - FF7 Rebirth has reportedly sold half what Remake did in the same timeframe

curl-6 said:
Farsala said:

100s of games have been ported, but 100s of games haven't made it yet. Take the top games from 2023 (according to a random media site), excluding 1st party.

For a company like SE that is taking forever to port to even PC, I think a few 100k is the low point. For my interpretation, this is the level of sales needed to port from PS5.

Xbox Series X- 200k

Xbox Series X/S- 400k

PC- 400k

Switch- 600k+

Basically I think a Switch port needs to sell at least 3 times an Xbox Series X port, or at least 150% a PC port.

The ones that didn't make it don't change the fact that hundreds did. There simply wouldn't be so many Switch ports if it wasn't viable, period.

Now it seems you are missing the point.

In my original post I said games that get ported to Switch tend to be the ones that are guaranteed to be profitable/viable.

You countered by saying Switch ports aren't expensive or risky.

I responded by saying if they aren't expensive or risky, then the 3rd party support would be booming like Sony or PC.

And then our recent posts.

You get what I am saying now? I didn't say all the ports weren't viable, just that devs pick and choose the ones more guaranteed.

But I still disagree that isn't expensive or risky for all the other games that weren't ported.

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Farsala said:
curl-6 said:

The ones that didn't make it don't change the fact that hundreds did. There simply wouldn't be so many Switch ports if it wasn't viable, period.

Now it seems you are missing the point.

In my original post I said games that get ported to Switch tend to be the ones that are guaranteed to be profitable/viable.

You countered by saying Switch ports aren't expensive or risky.

I responded by saying if they aren't expensive or risky, then the 3rd party support would be booming like Sony or PC.

And then our recent posts.

You get what I am saying now? I didn't say all the ports weren't viable, just that devs pick and choose the ones more guaranteed.

But I still disagree that isn't expensive or risky for all the other games that weren't ported.

We were talking about FF7. If it's apparently viable to port much smaller stuff like Sniper Elite or Zombie Army, I doubt FF7 is going to have trouble getting attention on a Switch successor.

And expensive is relative; porting, even across platforms of different power levels, is a lot cheaper than building a modern AAA game from the ground up, was the point.

zeldaring said:
Tober said:

Let's say GTA6 and Tears of the Kingdom would have launched in the same month. I'm pretty sure TotK would not have sold a single copy less, nor would the TotK Switch version. There are audiences out there that don't care for GTA6 or prefer other franchises more.

Tons of gamers are casuals that buy games based on hype, when everyone is talking about something it makes you wanna join the party and looking at the reveal trailer views this will be far aways the most anticipated game of all time. so yes it would have effected TOTK sales but more importantly with switch 2 it could slow it down a bit when the biggest game ever is not on your console. 

Biggest game ever will be on Switch 2, it's called Minecraft. No one here denies GTA 6 will be huge but you are grossly overestimating it. You make GTA sound like it's the end all be all but it sits in fourth all time. Mario, Pokemon, and Call of Duty have all sold more games than GTA. Mario and Pokemon are exclusives and Call of Duty is a younger franchise and caught it. Doesn't sound like it's anywhere near as big of a deal as you make it. Minecraft outsold it by over 100 million, I would argue Fortnite is also bigger than GTA. I want you to actually do some research about how many monthly active users GTA has and compare to Minecraft or Fortnite or Roblox. You will be surprised. 

curl-6 said:
Farsala said:

Now it seems you are missing the point.

In my original post I said games that get ported to Switch tend to be the ones that are guaranteed to be profitable/viable.

You countered by saying Switch ports aren't expensive or risky.

I responded by saying if they aren't expensive or risky, then the 3rd party support would be booming like Sony or PC.

And then our recent posts.

You get what I am saying now? I didn't say all the ports weren't viable, just that devs pick and choose the ones more guaranteed.

But I still disagree that isn't expensive or risky for all the other games that weren't ported.

We were talking about FF7. If it's apparently viable to port much smaller stuff like Sniper Elite or Zombie Army, I doubt FF7 is going to have trouble getting attention on a Switch successor.

And expensive is relative; porting, even across platforms of different power levels, is a lot cheaper than building a modern AAA game from the ground up, was the point.

Well SE hasn't chosen the Switch for any newer FF games so far. Smaller games are easier to port than the AAA.

Based on their PR, SE definitely want to try it though. Anyways it was just a comment on how the Switch would be more challenging than your typical port. Everyone knows ports are cheaper, but ports to other systems are even cheaper.

Edit: Once again to clarify

"A port of FF7 would be a pretty safe bet to make a return, and Switch ports aren't that expensive or risky given we've seen everything from Doom to Grounded to Outer Worlds to Sniper Elite to Kingdom Come Deliverance make the jump.

That Switch 2 will offer a worthwhile market is also a reasonably safe bet. Nothing's guaranteed, of course, but at this stage its safer to assume success than failure."

@bold I didn't disagree or agree with.

@Italics I disagreed with.

Last edited by Farsala - on 24 May 2024

Farsala said:
curl-6 said:

We were talking about FF7. If it's apparently viable to port much smaller stuff like Sniper Elite or Zombie Army, I doubt FF7 is going to have trouble getting attention on a Switch successor.

And expensive is relative; porting, even across platforms of different power levels, is a lot cheaper than building a modern AAA game from the ground up, was the point.

Well SE hasn't chosen the Switch for any newer FF games so far. Smaller games are easier to port than the AAA.

Based on their PR, SE definitely want to try it though. Anyways it was just a comment on how the Switch would be more challenging than your typical port. Everyone knows ports are cheaper, but ports to other systems are even cheaper.

Edit: Once again to clarify

"A port of FF7 would be a pretty safe bet to make a return, and Switch ports aren't that expensive or risky given we've seen everything from Doom to Grounded to Outer Worlds to Sniper Elite to Kingdom Come Deliverance make the jump.

That Switch 2 will offer a worthwhile market is also a reasonably safe bet. Nothing's guaranteed, of course, but at this stage its safer to assume success than failure."

@bold I didn't disagree or agree with.

@Italics I disagreed with.

To clarify I was speaking relatively; they're not that expensive compared to the costs of building an AAA game in the first place, and not expensive enough to stop a wide range of them making the jump, from the megatons like Witcher 3 to less popular stuff like Sniper Elite.

Last edited by curl-6 - on 24 May 2024

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Chrkeller said:
RedKingXIII said:

This thread is insane. A few thoughts.

1. I think Final Fantasy could sell well on PC; it's just that Square always treated the platform terribly with late (and sometimes terrible) ports. Every single player Final Fantasy release didn't release on PC day and date with the Playstation versions.

2. FF7 Remake was exclusive to the Epic Games Store for a year and it launched in a terrible state. It came to Steam a year later and it was still $70. That certainly didn't help sales. XV sold pretty well on Steam, at least for a 2 year late port. (It's 1-2m according to SteamSpy, close to the Xbox One version).

3. I don't think FF17 is coming to the Switch 2, but it's probably going full multiplatform and it will be coming to Xbox and PC day one. 7 Remake/Rebirth, 14 and probably 16 are the ones I think will be released on the Switch 2, but they won't light the world on fire considering they're all late ports.

4. GTA 6 is not going to kill the Switch 2 hype, that's ridiculous. The two can coexist together and be successful.

I'm assuming 7 remake hit Epic a year after ps4?  So Steam got the game 2 years after ps4?  

Assuming I understand that would definitely explain why it didn't sell great.  

It hit PS5 a year after the PS4 version. 6 months later they released it on the Epic Store (I said 1 year of exclusity but I was wrong. My bad!). Then 6 months later it was released on Steam. So yeah, 2 years after the PS4 version.

RedKingXIII said:
Chrkeller said:

I'm assuming 7 remake hit Epic a year after ps4?  So Steam got the game 2 years after ps4?  

Assuming I understand that would definitely explain why it didn't sell great.  

It hit PS5 a year after the PS4 version. 6 months later they released it on the Epic Store (I said 1 year of exclusity but I was wrong. My bad!). Then 6 months later it was released on Steam. So yeah, 2 years after the PS4 version.

Oh, makes sense.  thanks, much appreciated.  


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

Phenomajp13 said:
zeldaring said:

Tons of gamers are casuals that buy games based on hype, when everyone is talking about something it makes you wanna join the party and looking at the reveal trailer views this will be far aways the most anticipated game of all time. so yes it would have effected TOTK sales but more importantly with switch 2 it could slow it down a bit when the biggest game ever is not on your console. 

Biggest game ever will be on Switch 2, it's called Minecraft. No one here denies GTA 6 will be huge but you are grossly overestimating it. You make GTA sound like it's the end all be all but it sits in fourth all time. Mario, Pokemon, and Call of Duty have all sold more games than GTA. Mario and Pokemon are exclusives and Call of Duty is a younger franchise and caught it. Doesn't sound like it's anywhere near as big of a deal as you make it. Minecraft outsold it by over 100 million, I would argue Fortnite is also bigger than GTA. I want you to actually do some research about how many monthly active users GTA has and compare to Minecraft or Fortnite or Roblox. You will be surprised. 

You are comparing a single game vs franchise sales lol . Minecraft is huge but everything will run it including mobile, it will come out on every system as well and won't be system seller cause it can be played everywhere. The hype is on different level for gta6, all you have to do is look at views in 5 years ps5 reveal trailer is at 60 million in 5 months the gta6 trailer is 200 million it litterly shattered records in views for any piece of entertainment that's not music video by miles like 4-5x. There is no bigger interest in single piece of software ever.

Last edited by zeldaring - on 24 May 2024

zeldaring said:
Phenomajp13 said:

Biggest game ever will be on Switch 2, it's called Minecraft. No one here denies GTA 6 will be huge but you are grossly overestimating it. You make GTA sound like it's the end all be all but it sits in fourth all time. Mario, Pokemon, and Call of Duty have all sold more games than GTA. Mario and Pokemon are exclusives and Call of Duty is a younger franchise and caught it. Doesn't sound like it's anywhere near as big of a deal as you make it. Minecraft outsold it by over 100 million, I would argue Fortnite is also bigger than GTA. I want you to actually do some research about how many monthly active users GTA has and compare to Minecraft or Fortnite or Roblox. You will be surprised. 

You are comparing a single game vs franchise sales lol . Minecraft is huge but everything will run it including mobile, it will come out on every system as well and won't be system seller cause it can be played everywhere. The hype is on different level for gta6, all you have to do is look at views in 5 years ps5 reveal trailer is at 60 million in 5 months the gta6 trailer is 200 million it litterly shattered records in views for any piece of entertainment that's not music video by miles like 4-5x. There is no bigger interest in single piece of software ever.

What? No I am comparing all of GTAs franchise sales lol. Dude, seriously do some research. GTA V and all the other GTAs combined have sold less games as a whole compared to Mario. Pokemon and CoD have also sold more, that's what happens when you don't take 12 years to make games.  You are acting like the world has never seen GTA releases before and the world will just stop everything else for it. This franchise is fourth alltime to two exclusives lol and CoD walked it down and surpassed it. GTA is being grossly overestimated by you, you literally said its the biggest game in the world and I countered with a game that smoked it lol and all you have are excuses. Its actually funny to see people say Minecraft on its several platforms is an unfair comparison but GTA V can freely be compared to even exclusives. The 300 million are just paid sales by the way. I started comparing GTA to Minecraft, Fortnite, and Roblox because it's much more similar to them as in a long term game getting consistent support. Mario, Pokemon, and CoD don't get that type of individual support, they rely on consistent releases. It will have a massive, massive launch but no individual game will do damage to a platform especially when that platform has access to its own behemoths such as Nintendo's first party line up along with Minecraft, Fortnite, and CoD. Switch 2 will be fine and very likely to give PS5 a run for its money. 

Phenomajp13 said:
zeldaring said:

You are comparing a single game vs franchise sales lol . Minecraft is huge but everything will run it including mobile, it will come out on every system as well and won't be system seller cause it can be played everywhere. The hype is on different level for gta6, all you have to do is look at views in 5 years ps5 reveal trailer is at 60 million in 5 months the gta6 trailer is 200 million it litterly shattered records in views for any piece of entertainment that's not music video by miles like 4-5x. There is no bigger interest in single piece of software ever.

What? No I am comparing all of GTAs franchise sales lol. Dude, seriously do some research. GTA V and all the other GTAs combined have sold less games as a whole compared to Mario. Pokemon and CoD have also sold more, that's what happens when you don't take 12 years to make games.  You are acting like the world has never seen GTA releases before and the world will just stop everything else for it. This franchise is fourth alltime to two exclusives lol and CoD walked it down and surpassed it. GTA is being grossly overestimated by you, you literally said its the biggest game in the world and I countered with a game that smoked it lol and all you have are excuses. Its actually funny to see people say Minecraft on its several platforms is an unfair comparison but GTA V can freely be compared to even exclusives. The 300 million are just paid sales by the way. I started comparing GTA to Minecraft, Fortnite, and Roblox because it's much more similar to them as in a long term game getting consistent support. Mario, Pokemon, and CoD don't get that type of individual support, they rely on consistent releases. It will have a massive, massive launch but no individual game will do damage to a platform especially when that platform has access to its own behemoths such as Nintendo's first party line up along with Minecraft, Fortnite, and CoD. Switch 2 will be fine and very likely to give PS5 a run for its money. 

Dude gta was huge before gtav but now it's on another level take this into consideration that gtav has out sold mario wonder, botw, totk mario odyssey, and mario kart combined You trying to bring franchise sales is irrelevant we are talking about how big one single game will be and nothing comes close and you can clearly see from trailer views that the interest is basically something we have never seen before in AAA game.