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Forums - Sales Discussion - FF7 Rebirth has reportedly sold half what Remake did in the same timeframe

Can we just ban the term "GTA" from this thread? It has nothing to do with Switch 2 really, and has even less to do with Final Fantasy potentially on other platforms like Switch 2.

There is no brand in the industry that stops other hardware brands from selling, Zelda/Mario Kart/Animal Crossing doesn't stop Playstation from selling, GTA/COD/Madden NFL didn't stop the Switch from becoming the best selling hardware likely ever, Spider-Man/Last of Us/God of War/etc. doesn't stop the PC, none of the above stop mobile gaming from being massive either.

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Soundwave said:

Can we just ban the term "GTA" from this thread? It has nothing to do with Switch 2 really, and has even less to do with Final Fantasy potentially on other platforms like Switch 2.

There is no brand in the industry that stops other hardware brands from selling, Zelda/Mario Kart/Animal Crossing doesn't stop Playstation from selling, GTA/COD/Madden NFL didn't stop the Switch from becoming the best selling hardware likely ever, Spider-Man/Last of Us/God of War/etc. doesn't stop the PC, none of the above stop mobile gaming from being massive either.

No one said it was gonna stop but we are seeing declines in almost everything. I just said it might take some of the hype away when the biggest game of all time is coming near your launch and not on your console. Any game releasing near gta6 will be in trouble lol.

Last edited by zeldaring - on 24 May 2024

"Switch, Nintendo and GTA" should all be banned from this thread. This thread is about FF7 not speculation based on fandom.


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

zeldaring said:
Phenomajp13 said:

What? No I am comparing all of GTAs franchise sales lol. Dude, seriously do some research. GTA V and all the other GTAs combined have sold less games as a whole compared to Mario. Pokemon and CoD have also sold more, that's what happens when you don't take 12 years to make games.  You are acting like the world has never seen GTA releases before and the world will just stop everything else for it. This franchise is fourth alltime to two exclusives lol and CoD walked it down and surpassed it. GTA is being grossly overestimated by you, you literally said its the biggest game in the world and I countered with a game that smoked it lol and all you have are excuses. Its actually funny to see people say Minecraft on its several platforms is an unfair comparison but GTA V can freely be compared to even exclusives. The 300 million are just paid sales by the way. I started comparing GTA to Minecraft, Fortnite, and Roblox because it's much more similar to them as in a long term game getting consistent support. Mario, Pokemon, and CoD don't get that type of individual support, they rely on consistent releases. It will have a massive, massive launch but no individual game will do damage to a platform especially when that platform has access to its own behemoths such as Nintendo's first party line up along with Minecraft, Fortnite, and CoD. Switch 2 will be fine and very likely to give PS5 a run for its money. 

Dude gta was huge before gtav but now it's on another level take this into consideration that gtav has out sold mario wonder, botw, totk mario odyssey, and mario kart combined You trying to bring franchise sales is irrelevant we are talking about how big one single game will be and nothing comes close and you can clearly see from trailer views that the interest is basically something we have never seen before in AAA game.

No that's not impressive at all, is it bigger yes! How much bigger we don't know because this game has the advantage of getting far more support than the prior releases. It's really not that hard. Your cherry picked comparison is funny because Mario has sold more games on Switch since 2017 than GTA V did since 2013 across 3 generations and PC. I'll let this be my last post on it though.

Phenomajp13 said:
zeldaring said:

Dude gta was huge before gtav but now it's on another level take this into consideration that gtav has out sold mario wonder, botw, totk mario odyssey, and mario kart combined You trying to bring franchise sales is irrelevant we are talking about how big one single game will be and nothing comes close and you can clearly see from trailer views that the interest is basically something we have never seen before in AAA game.

No that's not impressive at all, is it bigger yes! How much bigger we don't know because this game has the advantage of getting far more support than the prior releases. It's really not that hard. Your cherry picked comparison is funny because Mario has sold more games on Switch since 2017 than GTA V did since 2013 across 3 generations and PC. I'll let this be my last post on it though.

I didn't cherry pick anything i picked the best most hyped Nintendo games on switch that carried the system. when i think the games that carried the switch i think mario kart 8, BOTW, Mario odyssey, and smash. 

I Think the views gave us a good hint of how big when you do nearly 200 million views in 5 months and your doing 6x more views then the biggest games in 2 years that's saying something. 

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I'm looking forward to Rebirth. I'm thinking 1440p at 120 fps. Maybe even 4k at 120 fps. Square makes some beautiful games. Their new stance on supporting PC is most welcome.


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

PC =/= high end rigs either, the ancient 1650 GPU is like the no.2 GPU on Steam, making more PC games means the games still have scale radically. Maybe 40% of Steam users at best have what would be considered high end rigs. PC requires you're gonna have to optimize well for low end hardware too, a lot of people are running rigs that are sub-PS5 quality even. And then you have even on top of that things like Steam Deck that you may plausibly want to consider as well. 

Soundwave said:

PC =/= high end rigs either, GPUs that are a 2060 (like the 1650 which the 2nd most popular GPU on Steam today), making more PC games means the games still have scale radically. Maybe 40% of Steam users at best have what would be considered high end rigs. PC requires you're gonna have to optimize well for low end hardware too, a lot of people are running rigs that are sub-PS5 quality even. 

Irrelevant to my post.  But thanks?

Seriously my friend, the fandom has gotten old.  Relax a bit.  

Scaling isn't a problem. Hasn't been in a decade.  


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

Chrkeller said:
Soundwave said:

PC =/= high end rigs either, GPUs that are a 2060 (like the 1650 which the 2nd most popular GPU on Steam today), making more PC games means the games still have scale radically. Maybe 40% of Steam users at best have what would be considered high end rigs. PC requires you're gonna have to optimize well for low end hardware too, a lot of people are running rigs that are sub-PS5 quality even. 

Irrelevant to my post.  But thanks?

Seriously my friend, the fandom has gotten old.  Relax a bit.  

I wasn't addressing you otherwise I would have quoted you, like how full of yourself are you. I was making a comment about PC architecture in relation to multiplat ports, you can't just make a port aimed for the highest end hardware when that's not the majority of the PC userbase. There are lots of PC/Steam owners who don't even have a rig that matches up directly to a PS5. 

High end rigs, like 30 series or better is maybe like 15% of the PC market. 

Soundwave said:
Chrkeller said:

Irrelevant to my post.  But thanks?

Seriously my friend, the fandom has gotten old.  Relax a bit.  

I wasn't addressing you otherwise I would have quoted you, like how full of yourself are you. I was making a comment about PC architecture in relation to multiplat ports, you can't just make a port aimed for the highest end hardware when that's not the majority of the PC userbase. There are lots of PC/Steam owners who don't even have a rig that matches up directly to a PS5. 

Lol.  I comment about pushing FF and your immediate post is about high PC.  Coincidence!

And scaling games on PC is expected.  Nothing new.  


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED