It really didn't take rocket science to see that Sony won't reach 25M this fj. The lack of price cuts all over Europe made it very clear that Sony was aware they're not going to make it, so better not lose money on hardware. Last year's price increase from 499 to 549 also showed the difficulty of not losing money on hardware. fj report shows the margin is down to 6% which is extremely low. They have to make a lot more money this year to reason a price cut on hw.
For the same reason, all those XBox rumours started to show up (spiraling out of control). XBox also needs (a lot) nore income. I'd wager that Nutella has told XBox he is no longer willing to shovel billions down the hw pit every year. (XSeries cost a lot more than PS5s to produce and this holiday season saw dumping prices. My guess is MS lost well over half a billion alone on hw this holiday season).