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I've seen people point out the 77 million figure from Take-Two. That number is just estimates from IDG consulting and are not official. 

I know the regulars are aware Sony's figures are shipped and shipped does not equal sell-through. But we did get official sell-through data from Sony through March 2023 and the gap between shipped and sell-through was 2.4M as of March 2023. So if the gap remains the same that would put sell-through around 52.4M. And again the 77M figure are estimates.

Sell-through figures (page 7):

Shipped figures:

Welfare who also tracks Xbox sales has Xbox Series X|S shipped estimates at 29.7M. That is compared to VGChartz estimates of 27.23M sell-through for a gap of around 2.5M.

Last edited by trunkswd - on 14 February 2024

VGChartz Sales Analyst and Writer - William D'Angelo - I stream on Twitch and have my own YouTubeFollow me on Bluesky and Threads.

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