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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Mario Movie Breaking Records; 5 Day Opening Weekend Set To Beat Frozen 2

Good for them. I enjoyed it.

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Mar1217 said:

The only part of the experience that will differ most between is gonna be the voice acting. I don't have a screenplay near where I am enough to see the movie in VO so I'll have to settle for our French Canadian dub which I can trust but listening to the trailer,.makes me think most of the voice actor were on auto-mode on this one.

Prolly, still better than listening to sub-tier Chris Pratt, which amongst the cast seems to be the biggest miscast (though it is what we knew already from the first trailer)

Actually Chris Pratt was fine. I thought the casting was mostly good except for the Kong characters, and Anya Taylor-Joy as Peach was kinda jarring too.

Speaking of which, it's a miracle my friends found a session in English here in Brazil. Dubbed is usually the only option when it comes to animated movies here, it's why I never watched Puss in Boots The Last Wish at the theaters.

mZuzek said:
CaptainExplosion said:

Ok, but mostly nitpicking here.

When there's a crappy joke every two minutes, many badly out of place licensed songs, no character work and a nonsensical plot that makes its key macguffin inexplicably pointless, I'd say those can be some pretty major issues. The DK stuff is nitpicking, sure, but everything else is definitely in the realm of "the movie is worse because of this".

I guess there's no point in arguing, anyway. There is no valid criticism one can have of this movie, because the counter-argument is always "well I enjoyed it, so you're wrong". It's gone way past the point where you can look at it objectively.

Not really, because all of your complaints are subjective too. The licensed songs worked fine, the character arcs are understated but there as Mario has consistently wanted to be a success despite experiencing failure after failure, making the ad scene work well and Luigi has struggled with being a coward the whole movie but finds the courage to save his brother. Bowser got the super star specifically to impress Peach not seeming to care about its power except as a means to get her to like him. Not all of the jokes are winners, but most are funny and those that aren't pass harmlessly rather than being cringeworthy. 

But go on and tell me 'I didn't enjoy it, so you're wrong' lol.

Mar1217 said:

Gonna see it tomorrow and well after seeing some of the stuff said.
It'll prolly land in the "I got what I expected from it".
Like a decent kids flick that does not want you to actually truly get a deep experience on an emotional level aside from the fan service stuff + all the things Illumination brand is known for (kinda bland comedy), rather boring pop musical choices.

But hey, if the visual side of the movies is as good as said. I might get some good vistas out of it.

As for its early success. I won't jump the gun and Nintendo prolly won't as well. I'm expecting them to go quite slowly with the process of doing movies in actuality and I doubt their end goal would be to simply do a Smash movie.

Not only that, but keeping certain franchises to the Universal realm would waste some of their franchise potential. Zelda should be something reserved for a studio like Ghibli or a live-action studio that is willing to respect the franchise in due form.
Same for Metroid.

Anywoo, not everything from Nintendo needs to become a movie btw

A Metroid movie from Illumination would be a disaster. Illumination has yet to prove they can do a movie with such a grim and often nightmarish atmosphere.

Easily the best video game adaptation I’ve seen, which I know is not a very high bar to beat. Personally, after watching a 3 hour briefest called Avatar 2, I found the pacing perfect. Mario loves to hop, sprint, and fly through his levels and that was the kinetic energy I felt from this movie.

If they really wanted to they could have slowed down many parts, like him running the training gauntlet. The quick nature of the editing actually made the depth of his suffering that much more palpable. There are implied moments of time duration that serve not only as an abridged look at his growth, but also carry much more humor than watching the same exact run 15 times.

I also thought the existential crisis of the chipper sounding luma was unexpected and also added a heavy weight to the story that didn’t need to be there, but I was glad to see. While many animated movies tend towards the raunchy to make the adults laugh, Mario Movie went high brow and a little “Waiting for Godot.”

One thing is for certain: I am beyond excited at the prospect of seeing other films from Nintendo (with Illumination or from other live action studios). We are finally in a time where the movie industry can treat these IPs with the dignity they deserve and having a fun respite from the MCU is welcome indeed.

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mZuzek said:

There's a lot more wrong with the movie than just the pacing imo. The worst offender probably being the countless forced jokes we've seen in hundreds of children's movies before. The kind of humor that'll only get laughs from people under 10. Heck, there were kids at the theater I was in and even then there were moments of just absolute silence, when the movie's clearly waiting for people to laugh. Doesn't help that the movie opens with one of its unfunniest jokes.

Licensed music was an awful choice too, not in the least because they went for the most obvious songs imaginable, instead of choosing what fits the movie they just go the pop culture reference route. And instead only use actual Mario music here and there as little nods and winks.

Outside of that, yeah, it's just not enough character work in there. I suppose you shouldn't expect amazing character development from a Mario movie, just take it for what it is... but then the final act pretends like we've had these huge character arcs, they make a big deal of the scene when Mario sees the ad again (which absolutely does not land), and then suddenly Luigi acts like a hero after spending the whole movie locked in a cage. In the end they just win because they get the super star, which... uhh, why did Bowser want it anyway? He spends the whole movie making a big deal out of it yet doesn't use it once. I was actually surprised to see that it works the same as it does in the games, because if it's just limited-time invincibility, I don't see how that changes anything about Bowser or his army or anything. It's literally pointless.

In the end, people like it because it's got tons of fan service and it's generally accurate to the games. Well, with the exception of everything involving the Kongs, which felt really bizarre, is it just me? I thought both Cranky and Donkey were totally miscast, and the whole kingdom and army and all that was just weird. At least they made the place look like a DK area, but nothing else about them felt DK.

I mean, almost all of what you said you could apply verbatim to Guardians of the Galaxy, which I assume you enjoy based in your avatar.

If anything I felt like the movie was played surprisingly straight with most jokes being contextual instead of the more forced Marvel/Disney stuff. The songs except for one were also 80s songs, which fit a Mario movie.

Maybe the movie simply wasn't your thing. Most people seem to have enjoyed it.






haxxiy said:
mZuzek said:

There's a lot more wrong with the movie than just the pacing imo. The worst offender probably being the countless forced jokes we've seen in hundreds of children's movies before. The kind of humor that'll only get laughs from people under 10. Heck, there were kids at the theater I was in and even then there were moments of just absolute silence, when the movie's clearly waiting for people to laugh. Doesn't help that the movie opens with one of its unfunniest jokes.

Licensed music was an awful choice too, not in the least because they went for the most obvious songs imaginable, instead of choosing what fits the movie they just go the pop culture reference route. And instead only use actual Mario music here and there as little nods and winks.

Outside of that, yeah, it's just not enough character work in there. I suppose you shouldn't expect amazing character development from a Mario movie, just take it for what it is... but then the final act pretends like we've had these huge character arcs, they make a big deal of the scene when Mario sees the ad again (which absolutely does not land), and then suddenly Luigi acts like a hero after spending the whole movie locked in a cage. In the end they just win because they get the super star, which... uhh, why did Bowser want it anyway? He spends the whole movie making a big deal out of it yet doesn't use it once. I was actually surprised to see that it works the same as it does in the games, because if it's just limited-time invincibility, I don't see how that changes anything about Bowser or his army or anything. It's literally pointless.

In the end, people like it because it's got tons of fan service and it's generally accurate to the games. Well, with the exception of everything involving the Kongs, which felt really bizarre, is it just me? I thought both Cranky and Donkey were totally miscast, and the whole kingdom and army and all that was just weird. At least they made the place look like a DK area, but nothing else about them felt DK.

I mean, almost all of what you said you could apply verbatim to Guardians of the Galaxy, which I assume you enjoy based in your avatar.

If anything I felt like the movie was played surprisingly straight with most jokes being contextual instead of the more forced Marvel/Disney stuff. The songs except for one were also 80s songs, which fit a Mario movie.

Maybe the movie simply wasn't your thing. Most people seem to have enjoyed it.

^This, but I feel the movie should've instead done more original songs like it did for Bowser.

Variety is now saying $377 worldwide, $204 million domestic (US) for the 5 day opening.

That makes it

The biggest 5 day opening in North American box office history (beating Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen from 2009)
Biggest opening of 2023
Biggest global opening for an animated film
Biggest opening for an Illumination film (yes bigger than Minions)
2nd biggest domestic opening for an animated film

377 million already against a budget of only 100 million means this movie is already massively profitable.

Mario sequel and probably even a Donkey Kong spin-off are auto-green lit on Tuesday after the long weekend is over, but now I think the big question in Hollywood will be all about those Zelda movie rights.

It is going to destroy the box office take of every video game movie too, already has outgrossed Sonic 1's entire run, and will overtake Sonic 2 in a few days. 

You can't ask for better box office opening numbers than the Mario movie just attained. Super impressive, I expected the Mario movie to bring in big numbers since Mario is one of the most iconic characters/franchise of all time and its the first time we're seeing that character have a deeper story which would get many people interested,but I definitely didn't expect it to do this well.

I think a sequel has to be a given at this point, it'll be absurd not to capitalize on the biggest box office opening in history. In terms of a Nintendo cinematic universe, I dont see what's stopping Nintendo from doing that. People might be skeptical if people may be interested in the sequels or if the quality standards will still be high in future films, but it's inevitable imo that future Mario movies will still be extremely successful just like how we saw in the sonic movie sequel, and the critic reviews won't prevent it from reaching high levels of success. I'd love to see a Metroid movie with a deeper story, Zelda and Smash Bros movie would be amazing too.

I wonder how the success of this movie will affect Switch sales or game sales. I have a feeling Mario game sales will spike up significantly after this movie and maybe even Switch sales too, but I have a feeling that most people who were interested in this movie likely already own a Switch so the hardware sales spike won't be as high, but there were also many more casual families I assume who also attended this movie who may gain an interest in Nintendo again to buy a Switch, we'll just have to wait and see.

Im glad to see Nintendo expanding as much as they are, First we've seen Nintendo expanding to theme parks with Super Nintendo world and it was packed when I attended the one in Hollywood, generating a ton of interest, and now we have the Mario movie breaking box office records. It's good to see after 40+ years Nintendo is branching their IP outside of video games and may become a bigger media conglomerate in the future, their IPs are far too amazing to only stick to video games.

Soundwave said:

Variety is now saying $377 worldwide, $204 million domestic (US) for the 5 day opening.

That makes it

The biggest 5 day opening in North American box office history (beating Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen from 2009)
Biggest opening of 2023
Biggest global opening for an animated film
Biggest opening for an Illumination film (yes bigger than Minions)
2nd biggest domestic opening for an animated film

377 million already against a budget of only 100 million means this movie is already massively profitable.

Mario sequel and probably even a Donkey Kong spin-off are auto-green lit on Tuesday after the long weekend is over, but now I think the big question in Hollywood will be all about those Zelda movie rights.

It is going to destroy the box office take of every video game movie too, already has outgrossed Sonic 1's entire run, and will overtake Sonic 2 in a few days. 

100mil is the production budget. The marketing budget is usually at least the same amount.