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Forums - Sony Discussion - Report- Sony developing a new handheld console codenamed Q Lite

curl-6 said:

Even as a peripheral I'm not sure there's a big market for this, Wii U demonstrated that off TV play isn't something that the mass market find terribly exciting.
Remote play was already a thing on the Vita. You can do it on your smart device or PC already.
Much like Wii U, this feels like a solution in search of a problem.

Yeah there really isn't. If they're developing this with the expectations it will only sell to some enthusiasts and reach 2m lifetime on a good day then that's fine. If they're expecting this to be a mainstream device they've made a mistake. Really if this is a misstep or not depends entirely on what Sony are expecting from this.

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curl-6 said:

Even as a peripheral I'm not sure there's a big market for this, Wii U demonstrated that off TV play isn't something that the mass market find terribly exciting.
Remote play was already a thing on the Vita. You can do it on your smart device or PC already.
Much like Wii U, this feels like a solution in search of a problem.

I mentioned it early but this could be great for parents.  My kids could play ps5 without the tv... I like it, pending price.


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Jpcc86 said:

I dont hate the concept, but the price is everything.

Sure. At $100, maybe 125, it'll fly off the shelf. But as I said in a comment on the article, The reason that the platform holders sell accessories is because they are very high margin items. They make a ton of money on them. This thing is not going to drive game sales, so it can't be a loss leader like a console. It has to be a high margin accessory to make sense for Sony.  I don't see how it can cost less than $200 to make sense for them. And, even at $200 I'm not sure it would be a great profit driver.  How many units can it possibly sell at $200? I'd say not many.

With all of this in mind, I find this rumor hard to believe. Either it's missing some details that would make the hardware more appealing, or it's just wrong. 


Last edited by VAMatt - on 09 April 2023

People laughing at this should be wary. If priced right, this could be a killer peripheral: the accessory would be optional which in the case of the WiiU for example, it was not...

VAMatt said:
Jpcc86 said:

I dont hate the concept, but the price is everything.

Sure. At $100, maybe 125, it'll fly off the shelf. But as I said in a comment on the article, The reason that the platform holder is still accessories is because they are very high margin items. They make a ton of money on them. This thing is not going to drive game sales, so it can't be a loss leader like a console. It has to be a high margin accessory to make sense for Sony.  I don't see how it can cost less than $200 to make sense for them. And, even at $200 I'm not sure it would be a great profit driver.  How many units can it possibly sell at $200? I'd say not many.

With all of this in mind, I find this rumor hard to believe. Either it's missing some details that would make the hardware more appealing, or it's just wrong. 

Plus, to be worth it financially, it doesn't just have to make a profit per unit, it has to recoup all the R&D costs involved in creating it, otherwise the overall project would be a net loss for Sony.

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SKMBlake said:
Pemalite said:

I don't have the same issues.

I am also able to stream it to an old generic ARM TV box (x96 running KODI that I grabbed for $20 off Ebay) in the garage with similar hardware that I bought in 2016.
* Amlogic S905X @2ghz.
* 2GB Ram.
* Android 6.0.

The fact you are getting issues after a period of time, probably indicates the software has a memory leak in your specific setup.

I dunno, and I am definitly not the only one, found this

I don't have the issue on my Shield TV nor my Samsung tablet nor my phone

No one is stating you don't have an issue.

I am stating not everyone has the issue. Myself included.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Oh boy ... I guess those Switch 2 rumors weren't as bad after all.

Sony trying on the already existing and niche remote play market is bound to get the odd eye.
Can't say if they'll pull it off cuz in a sense, this can mostly only appeal to people already owning a PS5 and who has 5G connectivity plans .... Which I don't think is a lot.

Switch Friend Code : 3905-6122-2909 

price is the key...
A Dual sense is $69, add much better battery, a screen, the most basic motherboard with Cpu and some memory...
i say $149 is likely, the sweet spot would be $99, but i think sony gonna aim for some profit...

Don't forget they sold the PSTV at 99$

And yes it could play Vita games and also access to PS Now, but it was sold first as a remote play device

SKMBlake said:

Don't forget they sold the PSTV at 99$

And yes it could play Vita games and also access to PS Now, but it was sold first as a remote play device

You mean the same PSTV that didnt even last 3 years? lol

The only way this is gonna be successful is if you can play the same library games as the PS5 - albeit in a lower resolution/performance due to the specs it would have compared to an actual PS5.

There's no way its gonna be $100, thats for sure.

If its gonna be its own platform with its own library like the Vita, it'll do even worse.