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Forums - Sony Discussion - Report- Sony developing a new handheld console codenamed Q Lite

curl-6 said:

Even as a peripheral I'm not sure there's a big market for this, Wii U demonstrated that off TV play isn't something that the mass market find terribly exciting.
Remote play was already a thing on the Vita. You can do it on your smart device or PC already.
Much like Wii U, this feels like a solution in search of a problem.

I mean the Wii U was $350 with very few games, with absolute aweful marketing, so I'm not sure it should be used for comparison. As a peripheral, if this could sell 8m that'd probably be a success. Worth mentioning that unlike a  platform (PSVR/Wii U) this doesn't need dedicated software support. It's no different from the costly £203 dual sense controller which is bound to only shift a few million units over its life. Even the steamdeck has been rumoured to only be targeting no more than 3m for it's first 12months on market. So expectations should really be kept in check for what sony thinks the potential market for this is.

It'll all come down to marketing and cost. There's a decent 10m audience there. Playing a PS5 from your phone is not appealing to anyone, a dedicated PS5 tablet however...

Last edited by Otter - on 09 April 2023

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VAMatt said:
Jpcc86 said:

I dont hate the concept, but the price is everything.

Sure. At $100, maybe 125, it'll fly off the shelf. But as I said in a comment on the article, The reason that the platform holders sell accessories is because they are very high margin items. They make a ton of money on them. This thing is not going to drive game sales, so it can't be a loss leader like a console. It has to be a high margin accessory to make sense for Sony.  I don't see how it can cost less than $200 to make sense for them. And, even at $200 I'm not sure it would be a great profit driver.  How many units can it possibly sell at $200? I'd say not many.

With all of this in mind, I find this rumor hard to believe. Either it's missing some details that would make the hardware more appealing, or it's just wrong. 


I don't think it has to be high margin to be a success if it furthers the engagement with people and their consoles. As others had said, this could make it more kid friendly. And be of higher appeal in developing markets in Asia 

If true, it's dead on arrival.


Otter said:
curl-6 said:

Even as a peripheral I'm not sure there's a big market for this, Wii U demonstrated that off TV play isn't something that the mass market find terribly exciting.
Remote play was already a thing on the Vita. You can do it on your smart device or PC already.
Much like Wii U, this feels like a solution in search of a problem.

I mean the Wii U was $350 with very few games, with absolute aweful marketing, so I'm not sure it should be used for comparison. As a peripheral, if this could sell 8m that'd probably be a success. Worth mentioning that unlike a  platform (PSVR/Wii U) this doesn't need dedicated software support. It's no different from the costly £203 dual sense controller which is bound to only shift a few million units over its life. Even the steamdeck has been rumoured to only be targeting no more than 3m for it's first 12months on market. So expectations should really be kept in check for what sony thinks the potential market for this is.

It'll all come down to marketing and cost. There's a decent 10m audience there. Playing a PS5 from your phone is not appealing to anyone, a dedicated PS5 tablet however...

The Switch being the WiiU's successor and refinement has proven that off-tv play is an important feature... Just grab the console and walk off.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Pemalite said:
Otter said:

I mean the Wii U was $350 with very few games, with absolute aweful marketing, so I'm not sure it should be used for comparison. As a peripheral, if this could sell 8m that'd probably be a success. Worth mentioning that unlike a  platform (PSVR/Wii U) this doesn't need dedicated software support. It's no different from the costly £203 dual sense controller which is bound to only shift a few million units over its life. Even the steamdeck has been rumoured to only be targeting no more than 3m for it's first 12months on market. So expectations should really be kept in check for what sony thinks the potential market for this is.

It'll all come down to marketing and cost. There's a decent 10m audience there. Playing a PS5 from your phone is not appealing to anyone, a dedicated PS5 tablet however...

The Switch being the WiiU's successor and refinement has proven that off-tv play is an important feature... Just grab the console and walk off.

By "off TV play" I didn't mean the truly portable experience you get with the Switch, I meant more the "tethered" functionality of the Wii U or the device described in this report.

Being able to play on the go is definitely appealing, but being restricted to streaming from a stationary console isn't quite the same.

Last edited by curl-6 - on 09 April 2023

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KLAMarine said:

People laughing at this should be wary. If priced right, this could be a killer peripheral: the accessory would be optional which in the case of the WiiU for example, it was not...

I highly doubt this will every be a killer peripheral but it definitely have a market depending on price.  The thing is being tethered to the PS5 is the issue.  While being a mobile device in the home and mind you your home setup will need to be solid because I have used remote play multiple times and it can be hit and miss for a lot of titles.

I have a PS Vita which I used remote play a lot and the experience had a lot of latency.  Fast type games experience was not worth it even using it with my PS5.  If the device is cheap, I highly doubt the performance will improve.  If its expensive then it will only satisfy people who really want to remote play with a device such as this when they could easily use their phone.  If its just some glorified controller then it would be right their with any expensive controller which is nice to have but not something killer.

Sony already collaborated with Backbone on a PS Remote Player controller for phones last year:

This costs $99 USD for just the controller bits, since the screen and internals are provided by the phone.

curl-6 said:

Sony already collaborated with Backbone on a PS Remote Player controller for phones last year:

This costs $99 USD for just the controller bits, since the screen and internals are provided by the phone.

This white controller doesn't work for Android but there's a black one released early this year for Android in North America.  Anyways I'm always interested in remote play but don't like third party accessories. The backbone controller looks good but I use an Android phone and the Android backbone hasn't released in my country yet. If this new remote play device is priced right $150 or less then it could sell decently

Well if this really is what they're making, then they needn't "wonder", the competition will be laughing their asses off. There has got to be a little more to this thing.

Digital Foundry talked about it yesterday. John's opinion is similar to mine: he thinks a weaker handheld PS5 in the vein of SteamDeck is probably doable and would be cool.

Kyuu said:

Well if this really is what they're making, then they needn't "wonder", the competition will be laughing their asses off. There has got to be a little more to this thing.

Digital Foundry talked about it yesterday. John's opinion is similar to mine: he thinks a weaker handheld PS5 in the vein of SteamDeck is probably doable and would be cool.

I don't think a Steamdeck variant of the PS5 makes much sense since none of the games will be optimised for weaker hardware.

That said, I've read some interesting thoughts that this device is most likely just an alternate controller (Dualsense, DS Edge, and then this) with a screen. 

Like, if this is going to be pushed by Sony as a controller accessory, then a lot of the talk around the limited info we have on this device is somewhat irrelevant since this isn't a handheld but a controller.