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Forums - Politics Discussion - Shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas (19 Students, 2 Teachers Dead)

Drakrami said:

What you have listed is so naive... Seriously, have a school psychiatrist evaluate every student? Then what? The ones with potential problems gets sent somewhere or keep on receiving therapy? That will somehow prevent people from snapping and go on a rampage? People snap all over the world. The USA problem is guns are readily available for the snappers to do mass damage. They like to broadcast it too and brag about the mass damage they are able to cause. 

In denial, putting bandages on instead of curing the problem. 600million guns, so what? If you start now and have some sort of normalcy with guns ownership, that number can be 300million in 10 years. In 20-30 years, may be USA can become a normal country where people aren't getting shot daily. Once you have guns under control, may be then police aren't scared the shit out of every time they inspect someone and police violence will be solved as well. 

The idea that people "just snap" is ridiculous. The Buffalo shooter didn't "just snap." He was indoctrinated with white supremacist ideology. The various Incel shooters didn't "just snap." They were indoctrinated with Incel ideology. This shooter likely didn't "just snap" either. You honestly don't think there are any interventions that can be done to break the White-Supremacist and Incel pipelines that exist in the U.S? 

Trying to eliminate 600 million guns, and almost certainly failing is the "bandage rather than cure" solution. Solving the source problems of most shootings: white supremacy, misogyny, organized crime relating to the drug trade, and social alienation are the radical solutions in that they strike the root of the problems. 

Now tell me, how are you going to get rid of enough of the 600 million guns that there would be a significant enough effect on supply so that people who want to commit this violence can't just get a gun in the black market? Will you increase police presence? How will BIPOC people perceive this increased police presence and what would the effect be on our communities? Who would be targeted in the enforcement of these laws? And you are calling my solutions naive? 

Last edited by sc94597 - on 25 May 2022

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Kakadu18 said:

Glad my parents decided against moving to the US in the 90s. Gun laws in the US are simply ridiculous.

With all due respect I greatly disagree with that statement.  It implies we have gun laws....  which, for all intents and purposes, we don't.

Non Americans think I am joking, but trout fishing in the mountains requires giving up more personal information than buying a gun.  Getting on an airplane is harder than getting a gun.  Buying a house is harder than getting a gun.  Buying a car is harder than buying a gun.  I could keep the list running, but I think people get the point.  I could drive up the street, hit the local store, and leave with a shotgun and I don't think it would take me more than 15 minutes.    

Of course I could make the process even easier and buy a gun second hand.  

Last edited by Chrkeller - on 25 May 2022


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

Can the thread title be changed to actually put some respect on the topic

I don't know which is sadder, the actual shooting or knowing that this will just keep happening over and over because nothing will actually change.

Ryuu96 said:
Otter said:

Can the thread title be changed to actually put some respect on the topic


Changed it.

Is this better?


Around the Network

This is all just so utterly heartbreaking. Speaking as a teacher, it is genuinely disgusting that these things are allowed to happen in the US on a consistent basis without anything substantial ever changing even when innocent children are being killed. I feel so sorry for the families of everyone who was killed.

Chrkeller said:

Democrats will demand gun control. Republicans will send prayers. Nothing will actually change.

Glad my kids are home schooled.

You better order your food from  hello fresh because its not like that is the only place you can find someone willing to go on a killing spree in the US.

Ryuu96 said:
Otter said:

Can the thread title be changed to actually put some respect on the topic


Changed it.

Is this better?

It was already changed



Pemalite said:

Gun control works. Australia is evidence of it, the fact that there is a false sense of fear that guns will be permanently banned by conservatives is just flawed logic.
It didn't happen here despite the screeching in the 90's.

We still have guns here, but they don't get handed out like lollies, there is a process to obtaining a license, with accompanying training, firearm security and more to go with it.
In short, someone suffering mental health issues or has a criminal history is unlikely to be able to obtain a license and thus a firearm.

You need a vehicle license due to how dangerous vehicles are, it makes sense to roll that out to other high risk activities.

The sad thing is when you say this to some American's  how it has worked in Australia they  spit out the old knifes kill people, cars run over people, things you see in Aus every now and then, or they see the farmer story that lost everything shoot his family for example.

What they don't get is that certain guns make it easier to kill someone and at a faster rate. Most people that do these massacres need the gun as a knife they be to gutless to do it, and if they did well you can get a group of people jump that person and disarm them and far less people would die.

In reality if they looked at Aus, since Port Arthur, we haven't had a massacre of that nature (i.e. a stranger shooting strangers). The worst we gotten is some guy with a hand gun from memory in probably 2008 now who shot like 3-4 people?



To expand on my previous comment regarding solutions and why intervention can be quite effective. There is a pretty decent blog post on Psychology Today about the causes of violence and why suggesting that people "just snap" is not helpful.

"The findings revealed that targeted violence is an often discernable process of thinking and behavior (they don't just snap). Assassins and attackers plan their attacks and are motivated by a wide range of issues. They consider several targets before acting, but rarely direct threats either to the target or to law enforcement. The findings also suggested that mental illness is not critical to determining dangerousness; the ability and capacity to develop and execute a plan is much more significant. Most importantly, the findings indicated that there is no "profile" of the attacker, but rather, identified a common set of "attack related behaviors" exhibited by the subjects. These behaviors are cited in the report.

Mental illness alone does not increase the risk of violence, but when mental illness is combined with other risk factors such as substance abuse, (as in the case of Bedell, who self-medicated with marijuana) it does increase the risk of violence. Previous research has produced mixed results about the link between mental illness and violence."

"Other factors that predicted violent behavior included a

  • history of juvenile detention or physical abuse,
  • having seen parental fighting,
  • recent divorce,
  • unemployment,
  • being victimized themselves.
  • being younger, male, and low-income"

"Whether a person is mentally ill or not, one does not just "snap." There is generally a progression of behaviors down a pathway toward violence and those behaviors often become noticeable as a person moves down that path. As parents, teachers, friends, family, co-workers, and law enforcers, we should learn how to recognize those behavioral warning signs and communicate our concerns to people who might be able to help. Unfortunately, it can be extremely difficult to get help for someone with mental illness that doesn't accept the help, as was the case with Bedell."