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Forums - Politics Discussion - Shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas (19 Students, 2 Teachers Dead)

It's even more heartbreaking seeing their faces and smiles. They're gone now, never to return. Torn out of life by a lunatic without morals.
I hope they didn't suffer to much pain.

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Machiavellian said:
Chrkeller said:

Democrats will demand gun control. Republicans will send prayers. Nothing will actually change.

Glad my kids are home schooled.

You better order your food from  hello fresh because its not like that is the only place you can find someone willing to go on a killing spree in the US.

Between fishing, videogames and grilling...  can't say I go out much anymore.  But yeah, I don't disagree it is a problem.  I'm just 100% jaded because it isn't like anything is going to change.  This has been a problem for a long time.  Heck Sandyhook was a decade ago...  I don't see the point in expecting change when we all know it isn't coming.

The reality is one side will blame guns, the other side will blame everything but guns...  and in 30 days we will sweep this under the rug, and repeat said discussion when this happens again.  Rinse/repeat.


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

Drakrami said:

Obviously guns is the problem. Doesn't take a 10 year old to make that out.

The problems are Republicans and rural gun lovers aren't it? Their arguments are logic from another world. From we need to arm teachers and security guards at schools to there's more deaths for car accidents (like seriously?) While they are in denial with their below average IQ, more people are dying. Simple as that.

Why arms guards in schools a bad thing?

My 3ds friendcode: 5413-0232-9676 (G-cyber)

cyberninja45 said:
Drakrami said:

Obviously guns is the problem. Doesn't take a 10 year old to make that out.

The problems are Republicans and rural gun lovers aren't it? Their arguments are logic from another world. From we need to arm teachers and security guards at schools to there's more deaths for car accidents (like seriously?) While they are in denial with their below average IQ, more people are dying. Simple as that.

Why arms guards in schools a bad thing?

In the US we have 130,000 schools...  not including Universities.  So that is a bunch of guards, who need a salary and then the school has to take on liability insurance.  Not too mention Columbine had armed guards and it didn't do much.  Bear in mind some schools in the US are massive.  My high school had 4,000 students and was a complex of a building.  It would need what 10 guards?  15?  The idea isn't bad, but logistically not that simple.  


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

What in the world, makes a kid... cuz 17 years old, your still a kid, go on a rampage like this?
Also the victims, are surely in no way connected to him, or wronged him anyway?
Like what motive does it take to drive a person to this sort? I cant fathom it.
Just lashing out at random, makes no sense to me.

Around the Network
cyberninja45 said:
Drakrami said:

Obviously guns is the problem. Doesn't take a 10 year old to make that out.

The problems are Republicans and rural gun lovers aren't it? Their arguments are logic from another world. From we need to arm teachers and security guards at schools to there's more deaths for car accidents (like seriously?) While they are in denial with their below average IQ, more people are dying. Simple as that.

Why arms guards in schools a bad thing?

It probably isnt, however I suspect many see it as a failing, or sign of society (not a possitive one).
Rest of the world, you dont have security guards, patrolling, carrying armed guns, for schools.

It would have a negative image/tone to the US, that love to taut that the US is the best place in the world to live.
If your society is at a point, where you need to lock kids in schools, and have guards patrolling, armed to the teeth, to "keep them safe".
It says something about your society.

Chrkeller said:
Machiavellian said:

You better order your food from  hello fresh because its not like that is the only place you can find someone willing to go on a killing spree in the US.

Between fishing, videogames and grilling...  can't say I go out much anymore.  But yeah, I don't disagree it is a problem.  I'm just 100% jaded because it isn't like anything is going to change.  This has been a problem for a long time.  Heck Sandyhook was a decade ago...  I don't see the point in expecting change when we all know it isn't coming.

The reality is one side will blame guns, the other side will blame everything but guns...  and in 30 days we will sweep this under the rug, and repeat said discussion when this happens again.  Rinse/repeat.

NO, there will be no change.  The GOP is already lining up their blame game and its going to be everyone and everything besides the easy access to guns.  They will continue to use the same lines they have always used because their constituents believe and accept those sayings.  Ted Cruz already came out with his excuses and when you read the comments you see how easy people believe the solution is to create our schools into armed prisons.

Chrkeller said:
cyberninja45 said:

Why arms guards in schools a bad thing?

In the US we have 130,000 schools...  not including Universities.  So that is a bunch of guards, who need a salary and then the school has to take on liability insurance.  Not too mention Columbine had armed guards and it didn't do much.  Bear in mind some schools in the US are massive.  My high school had 4,000 students and was a complex of a building.  It would need what 10 guards?  15?  The idea isn't bad, but logistically not that simple.  

Idea based on logic from another world sounded like a bad idea to me. I misunderstood.

But from your reply it sounds like arms guards is a good idea but its not logistical to have enough of them?

My 3ds friendcode: 5413-0232-9676 (G-cyber)

cyberninja45 said:
Drakrami said:

Obviously guns is the problem. Doesn't take a 10 year old to make that out.

The problems are Republicans and rural gun lovers aren't it? Their arguments are logic from another world. From we need to arm teachers and security guards at schools to there's more deaths for car accidents (like seriously?) While they are in denial with their below average IQ, more people are dying. Simple as that.

Why arms guards in schools a bad thing?

Why not make bullet proof vests standard school attire.
Why not put airport security in place at every school.
Why not have armed guards in every class room and multiple in community spaces.
Why not have guard towers on the playground.
Why not fence off the schools with bullet proof glass fences and barbed wire on top.

Or why not do something about the abundance of guns and ease of getting them. Kids should not get guns for their birthdays. How stupid is that. You can't drink until you're 21 because you could be a danger on the road, but go ahead and play with guns.

School shootings happen in other countries as well, but one stands out

We have moderate gun control in Canada and "Canada has experienced a total of 19 school shootings between 1884 and 2016. The deadliest of these events was the Ecole Polytechnique massacre in Montreal, which resulted in 15 deaths, including that of the shooter. Several Canadian school shootings have resulted in a single death or no deaths at all."

Why are automatic weapons not even banned in the US?

Anyway this is what Canada uses:

If you are 18 or older, you can apply for a possession and acquisition licence (PAL). The licence enables you to possess or acquire firearms of the class listed on your licence, and to get ammunition.

You must first take the Canadian Firearms Safety Course and pass a test. (To have a restricted firearm, you must also take the Canadian Restricted Firearms Safety Course.)

Then you must apply for the PAL licence and pay a fee. The licence fee is based on the class of firearms you intend to acquire: for non-restricted firearms, the fee is $62.55; for restricted or prohibited firearms, the fee is $83.40

There is a minimum 28-day waiting period. The RCMP conduct various background checks. They may contact your partner, former partners, and references listed in your application, to see if they have any safety concerns about you owning a firearm.

The licence is renewable every five years.

Sounds reasonable?

Gun laws require owners to be licensed and (certain) guns to be registered, similar to how driving laws require drivers to be licensed and cars to be registered.

If children frequently shot to death is not enough, you really have to ask what it would take. What would it take for a yes to mandatory training and basic background checks? Where is the bar if it is not at dead children?
I get that countries and cultures are different. And what worked in one place at one time does not mean it will work in the US right now. But if people are not a 100 % sure that more robust gun controll wouldn't decrease the number of dead children, than we owe it to them to at least try.
Try it for a few years. 10 years say - is that so much to ask for in the face of this horror? And when things don't show improvment, just go back to handing them out like candy.
And even if the improvement is not particularly staggering - what is the harm in trying? That less guns get into the hands of unstable ass clowns? That the government can make sure that gun owners are sane, safe and responsible? You would want such people as protectors, right? Trained people who can judge a situation and not somebody who hears a fart, gets scared and blows his own head off.