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Forums - Politics Discussion - Shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas (19 Students, 2 Teachers Dead)

~Mod Note: Title Changed

Well it is not a chainsaw massacre but another damn school shitting in the US, kill primary school kids and adults. 

Can't believe that this will most likely be swept under the carpet by the US. 

Perhaps the US needs some sanctions of their own as allowing this is worst than war.


Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 25 May 2022



Around the Network

At some point, you have to question why in the US, 5 months into the year, there has been over 200 mass shootings, and over 27 school shootings.

Like this doesnt happen anywhere else in the world.
End of the day, its the guns. To many guns around.

The US has way too many guns, and they don’t want to admit it.
It’s like the country is brainwashed into believing they’re not culturally insane when it comes to guns.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

JRPGfan said:

At some point, you have to question why in the US, 5 months into the year, there has been over 200 mass shootings, and over 27 school shootings.

Like this doesnt happen anywhere else in the world.
End of the day, its the guns. To many guns around.

On average that's one mass shooting every 17 hours and one school shooting every 5 days. That's just mental.

Yet America's solution to this problem seems to always be:

Last edited by Kristof81 - on 26 May 2022

Obviously guns is the problem. Doesn't take a 10 year old to make that out.

The problems are Republicans and rural gun lovers aren't it? Their arguments are logic from another world. From we need to arm teachers and security guards at schools to there's more deaths for car accidents (like seriously?) While they are in denial with their below average IQ, more people are dying. Simple as that.

Around the Network

Gun control works. Australia is evidence of it, the fact that there is a false sense of fear that guns will be permanently banned by conservatives is just flawed logic.
It didn't happen here despite the screeching in the 90's.

We still have guns here, but they don't get handed out like lollies, there is a process to obtaining a license, with accompanying training, firearm security and more to go with it.
In short, someone suffering mental health issues or has a criminal history is unlikely to be able to obtain a license and thus a firearm.

You need a vehicle license due to how dangerous vehicles are, it makes sense to roll that out to other high risk activities.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

There is estimated to be about 400-600 million guns in the U.S. The majority of them are probably semi-automatic weapons at this point. That is a gun to person ratio of between 1.2 and 1.8. 

Controlling the supply of guns is just not logistically possible at this point. 

It would be easier to: 

  1. Work on reducing wealth-inequality and eliminate homelessness and poverty. 
  2. Pay to have a school psychiatrist evaluate every student and have free-at-the-point of use mental healthcare for everyone in primary and secondary school (at least, ideally for everyone.) 
  3. Reconstruct social clubs that allow people to form physical connections beyond their family and in which a person is more likely to be de-radicalized or re-adjusted to society. Historically local churches did this, but the U.S population is secularizing. Right now the problem is that young people in the U.S experience what Durkheim called Anomie. This is either because rules are too rigid and alienate them or because there is no normative structure at all. 
  4. Reconstruct the education systems so that students don't feel alienated. See: Ferrer movement and Francisco Ferrer as an ideal model. 
  5. Decriminalize all drugs and other non-violent "crimes." 
  6. Aggressively dox and put maximal social pressure on fascists and other hyper-nationalists. 
  7. #6 but for Incels and other radical misogynists. 

Introducing every point on this list would be easier (and likely have a greater effect on shootings) than reducing the supply of guns in the U.S. Solving these problems would also solve many other social problems in the U.S as well. 

Last edited by sc94597 - on 25 May 2022

Democrats will demand gun control. Republicans will send prayers. Nothing will actually change.

Glad my kids are home schooled.


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

Glad my parents decided against moving to the US in the 90s. Gun laws in the US are simply ridiculous.

sc94597 said:

There is estimated to be about 400-600 million guns in the U.S. The majority of them are probably semi-automatic weapons at this point. That is a gun to person ratio of between 1.2 and 1.8. 

Controlling the supply of guns is just not logistically possible at this point. 

It would be easier to: 

  1. Work on reducing wealth-inequality and eliminate homelessness and poverty. 
  2. Pay to have a school psychiatrist evaluate every student and have free-at-the-point of use mental healthcare for everyone in primary and secondary school (at least, ideally for everyone.) 
  3. Reconstruct social clubs that allow people to form physical connections beyond their family and in which a person is more likely to be de-radicalized or re-adjusted to society. Historically local churches did this, but the U.S population is secularizing. Right now the problem is that young people in the U.S experience what Durkheim called Anomie. This is either because rules are too rigid and alienate them or because there is no normative structure at all. 
  4. Reconstruct the education systems so that students don't feel alienated. See: Ferrer movement and Francisco Ferrer as an ideal model. 
  5. Decriminalize all drugs and other non-violent "crimes." 
  6. Aggressively dox and put maximal social pressure on fascists and other hyper-nationalists. 
  7. #6 but for Incels and other radical misogynists. 

Introducing every point on this list would be easier (and likely have a greater effect on shootings) than reducing the supply of guns in the U.S. Solving these problems would also solve many other social problems in the U.S as well. 

What you have listed is so naive... Seriously, have a school psychiatrist evaluate every student? Then what? The ones with potential problems gets sent somewhere or keep on receiving therapy? That will somehow prevent people from snapping and go on a rampage? People snap all over the world. The USA problem is guns are readily available for the snappers to do mass damage. They like to broadcast it too and brag about the mass damage they are able to cause. 

In denial, putting bandages on instead of curing the problem. 600million guns, so what? If you start now and have some sort of normalcy with guns ownership, that number can be 300million in 10 years. In 20-30 years, may be USA can become a normal country where people aren't getting shot daily. Once you have guns under control, may be then police aren't scared the shit out of every time they inspect someone and police violence will be solved as well.