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Forums - Sales Discussion - The Road to 160m+ for Nintendo Switch

XtremeBG said:
Phenomajp13 said:

^ Thank you bro, it's so obvious lol. Bro even thinks he can speak for the entire world. No one likes me lol!

You are the one, who speaks in plural form from the entire world or forum, not me.

Quote the exact sentence please, I don't follow.

Also I don't follow what is so hard to understand. Why does it matter that people will still not accept it and why do we have to adjust the goal to 162 million as you suggested just because of them believing false information?

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Phenomajp13 said:

Quote the exact sentence please, I don't follow.

Also I don't follow what is so hard to understand. Why does it matter that people will still not accept it and why do we have to adjust the goal to 162 million as you suggested just because of them believing false information?

Your first post after your ban expired. You don't follow ? Your problem.

Weren't we done with that ? Lastly you said you take my word for it, and did a post about that, and I explained before that everything to you. Are we starting again ? I have never said we should move the goal to 162M.

Phenomajp13 said:

I agree with everything you are saying as long as you truly mean it. So I'll take your word for it and believe you are only preparing us for the future. The issue with saying it  is by repeating it, it helps spread the misinformation. That could be viewed as negligence especially when you know better. You are the one with the helpful graphs/tables about sales, so you ofcourse want accurate information. You spread the correct information via your threads.

Last edited by XtremeBG - on 03 February 2025

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XtremeBG said:
CourageTCD said:

At first, it was 155M, then 157M~159M, then 160M, then 160.6M and now 161M. Soon people will start talking about 161.5 or something like that

It was never 155M, it was always "more than" 155M, or "over" 155M, 157-159M was the most mentioned range between 2014 and 2024. So 10 years.

The theoretical maximum of 161.8M and everything above 159M was only mentioned rarely when calculating and speaking of how much could the PS2 sell in the best case scenario.

Now is not 161M. 161M is the number where there won't be any doubt that the Switch outsold PS2, since Layden confirmed that the 160.6M number was on point for the production units. But if Switch end up somewhere close to that there may be some people come with the theoretical maximum of 161.8M. So in order to shut all mouths and no one can doubt the Switch 1st place, 162M is the golden number.

XtremeBG said:
CourageTCD said:

Well, 155,000,001 is more than 155M and they are pratically the same thing. If the Switch had managed to break the 155M it should have considered the most sold console, same thing if the Switch had crossed the 160M mark when the goalpost was there. The "more than" expression is just an excuse for not settng the sales in a fixed number and be able to play around with units sales by convinience 

What I find it funny is that people demand that the Switch prove its sales numbers to claim the number 1 position but are okay with vague terms like "more than" or "at the range of maximum of" for the PS2. The oficial PS2 sales is "more than 160M". If the Switch manages to sell two units more than that number it should be considered the most sold console oficially.

It was never 155,000,001, since "over" 155M was till march 2012. And the PS2 was sold for 9 more months. So it's clear the PS2 didn't sell just 1 unit in those 9 months, so Switch breaking 155M shouldn't be considered the most sold console even before 2024, when the announcement of 160M was made. It was always known that for those 9 months at least some 2M have been moved in the worst case scenario.

I am not sure that people are okay with vague terms, it's just what they have. Everyone would want to know the exact numbers, and Sony just go out and say it. As of this moment PS2 official sales are more than 160M yes, but Shawn Layden confirmed the 160.6M is real. So the Switch should manage to sell more than 160.6M. In my previous posts I talked about what Switch needs to sell in order no one can be able to doubt it, that's why I said 162M.

XtremeBG said:
Phenomajp13 said:

Quote the exact sentence please, I don't follow.

Also I don't follow what is so hard to understand. Why does it matter that people will still not accept it and why do we have to adjust the goal to 162 million as you suggested just because of them believing false information?

Your first post after your ban expired. You don't follow ? Your problem.

Weren't we done with that ? Lastly you said you take my word for it, and did a post about that, and I explained before that everything to you. Are we starting again ? I have never said we should move the goal to 162M.

The bolded looks like goalpost moving to me but yes we can move on since you claim those arent your intentions. That post wasn't just aimed at you ofcourse.

So do you agree that those that would still not believe are not relevant because its false information? The goal is 160.6?

Phenomajp13 said:

The bolder looks like goalpost moving to some but yes we can move on since you claim those arent your intentions. That post wasn't just aimed at you. So do you agree that those that would still no longer believe are not relevant because its false information? The goal is 160.6 plus?

Don't take the words out of context. I said golden number because of what I were saying in the sentences before that, about people will desperately doubt who is 1st place if Switch ends before 162M and above 160.6M. I already said that the range of PS2 is 160-160.6M, so this is telling enough. The range is officially confirmed from SONY (over 160M at their website, and 160.6M production units from Layden), So that alone makes everything else invalid. That however does not change the fact that there will be desperate people doubting the 1st place until it reaches 162M. This is not goal post moving, this is simply the true facts. To you it may looks like saying 200M + is needed. So treat it as 200M + goal post move. My posts speaks for themselves enough. I don't need to explain anything to you. Think whatever you want to. I told you. Just for you, the new goal is 200M+

Phenomajp13 said:

So do you agree that those that would still not believe are not relevant because its false information?

I've agreed with that the moment 160.6M production units was confirmed. I don't know why I have to specially say it out loud just for you. Are you my boss ? Have I been obligated with something to you ?

Last edited by XtremeBG - on 03 February 2025

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XtremeBG said:
Phenomajp13 said:

The bolder looks like goalpost moving to some but yes we can move on since you claim those arent your intentions. That post wasn't just aimed at you. So do you agree that those that would still no longer believe are not relevant because its false information? The goal is 160.6 plus?

Don't take the words out of context. I said golden number because of what I were saying in the sentences before that, about people will desperately doubt who is 1st place if Switch ends before 162M and above 160.6M. I already said that the range of PS2 is 160-160.6M, so this is telling enough. The range is officially confirmed from SONY (over 160M at their website, and 160.6M production units from Layden), So that alone makes everything else invalid. That however does not change the fact that there will be desperate people doubting the 1st place until it reaches 162M. This is not goal post moving, this is simply the true facts. To you it may looks like saying 200M + is needed. So treat it as 200M + goal post move. My posts speaks for themselves enough. I don't need to explain anything to you. Think whatever you want to. I told you. Just for you, the new goal is 200M+

The hyperbole about 200 million is unnecessary because it did look like the goal was being adjusted to 162 million.

Regardless it is also a FACT that those people are irrelevant. That is false information no matter what they say. The authoritive figure already spoke. My point is, the "golden number" is not 162 as you stated because we don't have to entertain liars or ignorance (those desperate people). So when you make post saying 162 million to shut everyone up, it becomes goalpost moving because the FACTS have already been established and you know the facts. Hence the thread being about the 160 million and Rol's latest post not mentioning the theoretical range anymore. Nice chat, good to see we are on the same page once we get past the nonsense.

Last edited by Phenomajp13 - on 03 February 2025

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Phenomajp13 said:

The hyperbole about 200 million is unneeded because it did look like the goal was being adjusted to 162 million.

Regardless it is also a FACT that those people are irrelevant. That is false information no matter what they say. The authoritive figure already spoke. My point is, the "golden number" is not 162 as you stated because we don't have to entertain liars. So when you make post saying 162 million to shut everyone up, it becomes goalpost moving because the FACTS have already been established. Hence the thread being about the 160 million and Rol's latest post not mentioning the theoretical range anymore. Nice chat, good to see we are on the same page once we get past the nonsense.

I will say it again just for you. THE GOLDEN NUMBER IS 162M. To shut up every mouth, and so that anybody can't doubt the Switch's 1st place. Since it will have people that do, if Switch ends in the 160.6M - 162M range. I won't. Many won't. But some will. So to shut them up, 162 will do it. That is not goalpost move, and I don't give a damn about what it looks like to you. Just for you specially the goal is 200M. I am moving the goal post specially for @Phenomajp13 of 200M+. Also read the edited part of my previous post to you. I am not obliged to explain to you anything, just because it looked in a certain way to you.

That is how I make my sentence when I do move the goalpost. Not going with some other reasons or explanations. @Phenomajp13 my goal towards you is 200M+. Start to discuss now my intentions. I am waiting.

XtremeBG said:

I've agreed with that the moment 160.6M production units was confirmed.

Therefore, you could simply save all your words and debate and take it as that. Everyone did the same by reading the Layden confirmation. You just look out for something to start a debate. That is intentional flaming with no purpose. This tells enough:

Phenomajp13 said:

And then miss out on all the fun?

Last edited by XtremeBG - on 03 February 2025

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XtremeBG said:
Phenomajp13 said:

I will say it again just for you. THE GOLDEN NUMBER IS 162M. To shut up every mouth, and so that anybody can't doubt the Switch's 1st place. Since it will have people that do, if Switch ends in the 160.6M - 162M range. I won't. Many won't. But some will. So to shut them up, 162 will do it.

So this is what goalpost moving looks like folks and is the textbook definition. It becomes goalpost moving as soon as the poster claims we need to shut everyone up by moving the goal up (hence goalpost moving) instead of just shutting these people up with Sony's facts! If the facts are what Sony said, then we can shut up the naysayers with Sony's FACT! Instead the "golden number" is 162 million because they (the desperate people) want to disagree with facts. Isn't it interesting that we should even entertain naysayers when we already know the facts? Thats it from me though. I'm done now.

Last edited by Phenomajp13 - on 03 February 2025

Phenomajp13 said:

So this is what goalpost moving looks like folks and is the textbook definition. It becomes goalpost moving as soon as the poster claims we need to shut everyone up by moving the goal up (hence goalpost moving) instead of just shutting these people up with Sony's facts! If the facts are what Sony said, then we can shut up the naysayers with Sony's FACT!

Saying that everyone would shut up at 162M is not goalpost moving, since it is simply targeting the fact, that there will be some desperate people doubting it till last for 162M. It is never claiming that Switch needs 162M. If I did that, I would never agree or say that the range is 160M-160.6M or that for me Switch has beaten the PS2 if it passes the 160.6M (which I also said in one of my previous posts) or even started a topic of when Switch will pass PS2 and 160M. If my intentions were other, first I would put a title of 161.8M or 162M, and then I would say everywhere the PS2 is at 161.8M, not 160-160.6M. You obviously can't read with context, and can understand things that are with context.

I don't claim we need to shut up everyone by moving the goal post, I am simply claiming there will be debates. Stop talk from everybody, and speak for yourself, as you already saw, everyone is against you and your attitude. The numbers will shut them up, not the other people, since those desperate people won't shut up by the words of others. And also speaking about shut them up or not have nothing to do with goal post moving itself. Saying someone will doubt some number is not goal post moving. Saying that the number " x " will shut them up is not moving goal post. The goal for the Switch to become N1 is to beat the PS2, which confirmed number is 160.6M.

I saw your edited part, about that: the golden number in terms of numbers that no one (not even naysayers) can debate. In that context. Of course that once Switch reaches passes 160.6M it has outsold PS2. Oooh, you are done now ? Why ? Wouldn't you continue to explain what my intentions are ? Go run your winning laps then!

Last edited by XtremeBG - on 03 February 2025

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Tomorrow we will know more, because Nintendo's report comes then. Anyway ultimatley we have to wait till may when the FY numbers and their FY2025/26 FC are out. PS.: As i mentioned numerous times, i exclude 161- 162 million 100% and for said reasons (Fight-The-Streets posts) i even doubt 160,6 million.

killer7 said:

Tomorrow we will know more, because Nintendo's report comes then. Anyway ultimatley we have to wait till may when the FY numbers and their FY2025/26 FC are out. PS.: As i mentioned numerous times, i exclude 161- 162 million 100% and for said reasons (Fight-The-Streets posts) i even doubt 160,6 million.

I would want very much Sony to come out officially and report the final shipment numbers of the PS2. It's so simple and easy.

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