Honorable mentions and games #50 to #45: https://gamrconnect.vgchartz.com/post.php?id=9345764
Games #44 to #40: https://gamrconnect.vgchartz.com/post.php?id=9345857
Games #39 to #36: https://gamrconnect.vgchartz.com/post.php?id=9345971
Games #35 to #31: https://gamrconnect.vgchartz.com/post.php?id=9346168
Games #30 to #26: https://gamrconnect.vgchartz.com/post.php?id=9346322
Games #25 to #21: https://gamrconnect.vgchartz.com/post.php?id=9346754
Games #20 to #16: https://gamrconnect.vgchartz.com/post.php?id=9346987
Now, the games #15 to #11:
#15 - Super Mario Odyssey
This game is such an epic adventure, I love the great variety of levels and locations that you visit during your travels, as well as the way you can explore said levels at your leisure and discover lots and lots of secrets, the exploration aspect in this game is just so satisfying. The level design is overall pretty good (it has open-ended areas mixed with some more tight linear sections), and I love the unconventional thematics that the levels have. Controlling Mario in Odyssey feels so good, his mobility is at its best in this game, and the range of moves he can use to clear obstacles is super wide, as his usual repertoire is expanded with all the moves he acquires by "posessing" different enemies with Cappy.

#14 - Kingdom Hearts II + Final Mix
While I loved the vanilla version of this game and I have really fond memories of it, playing the Final Mix version made me see how truly great the game's battle system is, as it gives you so many options to defeat enemies, all of which, thanks to the Critical Mode (a higher difficulty mode) of the Final Mix version, are actually useful and can be critical to obtain the victory. Of course, the amazing combat system is complemented with well designed regular enemy encounters and boss battles, in particular the bosses exclusive to the Final Mix version. The story has many moments that I found memorable (poor Roxas ;_;), and I love the interactions between Sora/Donald/Goofy and the Disney characters.

#13 - The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
This game features some of the best and tightest level designs in the series, both inside the dungeons and in the areas outside of them, places like the Ancient Cistern and the Lanayru Desert completely blowed me away when I first played the game. The puzzles in SS are pretty brilliant, with the ones involving the Time Stones being my favorites, and the items are just super satisfying to use. The motion-controlled swordfighting is my favorite combat system in the series. SS has my favorite story of all Zelda games, as well as some of the most memorable characters such as Zelda and Groose. An underrated aspect of this game are all the NPC-related side quests that it has, which feature some nice mini-stories that flesh out the inhabitants of Skyloft.

#12 - Final Fantasy VI
This game's cast of characters is probably my favorite in J-RPGs, as they all have very well written and developed backgrounds, and are highly likeable. The game's main villain, Kefka, is my favorite in video games. The story is relatively simple, but it's very well paced and features some of the most memorable and moving moments in the franchise (a franchise which is filled with them), and in J-RPGs overall. Another aspect that I really like about this game are all the sidequests that you can do in the second half of the game, which feature events that help to flesh out the characters even more. Of course, it must be mentioned that the OST is glorious and the sprites are just so expressive.

#11 - Tales of Vesperia
This game features one of my favorite casts of characters in J-RPGs, I love the chemistry that they have and I enjoy a lot to see their interactions, not only during the main story, but also through the optional conversations named Skits. I must mention that Yuri Lowell is probably my favorite protagonist in J-RPGs (or at least he's up there). Another thing that I love about Vesperia is the huge amount of side content that it has, and how said side quests give you even more insight into the backgrounds and personalities of the different characters. The game's world features a great variety of locations and it really gives you an amazing sense of adventure, which is something that I love to see in JRPGs. Also, I love the art-style.

Last edited by Link_Nines.XBC - on 30 December 2021