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Runa216 said:
Darashiva said:

FFX is correct, and yes it is. The game's cutscenes had been programmed around the Japanese voice lines, so the English voice lines had to fit within the same number of frames because if the lines went longer the game would just stop working. That's also why the English lines are sometimes a bit awkward and stilted, as they had to fit an entirely different language into the constraints set by the rules of another language. 

The game's localization lead Alexander O. Smith said in an interview a few years ago that "Because the way that the game engine was triggering sound files was tied into the same system that it was using to trigger action on the screen, so if you had a sound file that went overboard by even half a second, it could throw off the entire scene and you could get a crash." 

is #9 Dark Souls III (Specifically the Ashes of Ariandel DLC?)

It's Dark Souls III, the whole game, DLC included.

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Runa216 said:
Kakadu18 said:

In my post I explained that I almost never had issues with the motion controls. I played the game for the first time when I was 10 years old and thoroughly enjoyed it. I played it 6 or 7 times on the Wii and I don't remember Fi ever being anywhere near as annoying as you're describing. I tend to remember the good things, not the bad or whatever. 

You seem to have gotten yourself a bit to much worked up about me not hating something you hate. You're weird.

You know people say that Navi from OoT is annoying, but I also disagree with that. I am able to enjoy a game without getting pissed by every minor inconvenience.

Edit: Also, I said "mostly".

I'm not actually THAT worked up about it. I just said that I was baffled how anyone could be surprised or taken aback by the game's negative feedback when the critique is pretty up-front and clear. 

The controls worked for you and Fi didn't bother you. MANY people found the controls either didn't work or were inconsistent and found both Navi and Fi to be some of the most annoying video game characters of all time. I'm genuinely glad you love it, and it's nice to hear that the controls worked for you. I wish I could have had that same experience because I do love Zelda and I was super duper excited to play Skyward SWord when it came out (Even forced myself to play 20 ish hours before finally giving up). My comment was to go 'waah, stop liking what I don't like' it was to say that it's a little weird that you managed to insulate yourself from the very real and very reasonable criticisms of the game. 

I bet if I was able to play the game without those two primary concerns at hand, I'd also like it. I love the idea of a linear, story-driven Zelda. I love the idea of 1:1 combat and unique gameplay mechanics. I just felt - and i'm not the only one who feels this way, clearly - that it failed at those endeavours due to the motion controls being inconsistent.

I say inconsistent instead of bad becuase clearly for some people it works; for me, it never worked properly. it took me 45 minutes just to do the 'make the eyes dizzy' puzzle in I think the first dungeon because it just wasn't working. I figured out the solution, but it didn't work. I googled the solution to make sure I was on the right path, and it was in fact the right thing to do. I youtubed a solution and yep, dude on the screen was doing the exact same thing I was, but for him it was working and for me, it was not. I tried going quicker, going slower, more obtuse circles, more acute circles, and any variation I could think. It didn't work. I just kept circling until, after 45 minutes, it just randomly worked. 20 hours and I barely made it past the fire temple because of garbage like this. 

So yeah, I'm super happy you like it and I am not and never was saying that you're not valid in your admiration, I'm just kinda taken by surprise that anyone can find the criticisms levied against the game to be unjust or confusing. they make perfect sense and are, in fact, quite reasonable critiques. 

Back then I didn't use the internet. I didn't know what anyone else thought about it except for a friend who saw the box and said he also really wanted to get that game. Similar to Sunshine prior to that I couldn't even fathom someone hating it. When I first saw hatred against Skyward Sword on the internet years later I was genuinly shocked. I do not know how and why the motion controls didn't work for you. I wished they worked for everyone fine.

#14Kid Icarus: Uprising
guessed byno one
release year2012
past years2020: #17, 2019: #18, 2018: #20, 2017: #16

And another reason why the 3DS is one of the best systems of all times is Kid Icarus: Uprising. Created by Masahiro Sakurai (Kirby, Smash Bros) this game was the sequel for the nearly two decades dormant Kid Icarus IP. Sakurai modernized the gameplay and added some stuff, and some more stuff and even more stuff. This game is filled with endless possibilities.

The single player mode sees you playing through missions, which each consists of a flying part in which you are restricted in your movements to the screen and the main flight path controlled by Palutena, while you shoot enemies. Then a ground part, were you move more freely. And finally a boss fight. Sakurai throws in enough stuff to keep things fresh though.

The story is long-winded and includes an enourmous cast of mythical characters. This includes a whole bunch of gods and their champions. And all of them are constantly talking in some banter, mostly at the expense of Pit, the playable character.

The difficulty of the missions can be adjusted, but you risk more hearts on higher difficulties, but may get bigger rewards too. The game also has an enourmous amount of weapons and other stuff. A multiplayer mode is also included. This game blew me away and kept me glued to the 3DS for a long time. I think this game would be a great candidate for a remake or even a sequel on Switch, so Nintendo take the hint!

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

Here's how people have done so far in guessing my #11-50 games.

Correct GuessesPerson
4Kakadu18, TruckOSaurus
3Darashiva, Eric2048
1drbunnig, Farsala, Runa216, UnderwaterFunktown

So, it's time for hints for my top 10.

10.  This arcade game is based on the most popular RPG of all time.  First in the series.

9.  This is the first time an entry of this handheld console game was released in North America.  However the series started in Japan over a decade earlier.

8.  You can get a certain type of invulnerability either from getting stoned or living in a shoe.

7.  "If he fails you can always hit the reset button."

The_Liquid_Laser said:

So, it's time for hints for my top 10.

10.  This arcade game is based on the most popular RPG of all time.  First in the series.

9.  This is the first time an entry of this handheld console game was released in North America.  However the series started in Japan over a decade earlier.

8.  You can get a certain type of invulnerability either from getting stoned or living in a shoe.

7.  "If he fails you can always hit the reset button."

10: I'm not sure if my reading of the hint is correct, but Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom? 

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The_Liquid_Laser said:

8.  You can get a certain type of invulnerability either from getting stoned or living in a shoe.

Super Mario Bros 3?


The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II (PS3, PS4)

YoY: +18

By far the biggest jump any game made on my list compared to last year. I've mentioned it before when I talked about the other Cold Steel games on my list that I played through all seven Trails games earlier this year, and while doing so I realized that Trails of Cold Steel II is even better than I had remembered. It effectively ends the first half of the story arc that had been set up in the first game, bringing that part of the story to a close and doing so brilliantly. I still have difficulties putting these games in a specific order, and when the 4th game is added to my list next year I'm sure I'll have to think about this all over again.

I've already talked about these games aplenty, so figuring out more things to say is getting really difficult. Somehow these games just managed to hit the exact right tone for me, and while the first two Trails in the Sky games are still better overall, these aren't far behind. The story is really well told, the writing is clever, each character feels unique and interesting, the multiple layers of the story are handled brilliantly, the music is great, and the gameplay is a lot of fun. I really don't have much negative to say here.

Darashiva said:
The_Liquid_Laser said:

So, it's time for hints for my top 10.

10.  This arcade game is based on the most popular RPG of all time.  First in the series.

9.  This is the first time an entry of this handheld console game was released in North America.  However the series started in Japan over a decade earlier.

8.  You can get a certain type of invulnerability either from getting stoned or living in a shoe.

7.  "If he fails you can always hit the reset button."

10: I'm not sure if my reading of the hint is correct, but Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom? 


drbunnig said:
The_Liquid_Laser said:

8.  You can get a certain type of invulnerability either from getting stoned or living in a shoe.

Super Mario Bros 3?


coolbeans said:
The_Liquid_Laser said:

Here's how people have done so far in guessing my #11-50 games.

Correct GuessesPerson
4Kakadu18, TruckOSaurus
3Darashiva, Eric2048
1drbunnig, Farsala, Runa216, UnderwaterFunktown

So, it's time for hints for my top 10.

10.  This arcade game is based on the most popular RPG of all time.  First in the series.

9.  This is the first time an entry of this handheld console game was released in North America.  However the series started in Japan over a decade earlier.

8.  You can get a certain type of invulnerability either from getting stoned or living in a shoe.

7.  "If he fails you can always hit the reset button."

I'm #2! I'm #2!

Onto the guesses...

7. Final Fantasy VII


Wow, I thought I gave difficult clues, but you guys got 3 out of 4 of my games pretty quickly.

Another set of hints.


  • Greater understanding of the world allows for the truth to be revealed.
  • Dream, or a nightmare. Maybe both.
  • At the end, will you accept the offer to wake up, refuse and take up the mantle, or defy even the nightmare itself?


  • The English script for this game is longer than the entire Lord of the Rings-trilogy (455,125 words) by over 260,000 words.
  • Picks up immediately after the first game, after a surprise reveal at the end of the first game leading one of the two main characters to leave and disappear.
  • A proper Bracer now.


  • To revive, you must kill.
  • An abandoned, forbidden land.
  • 16

Guessed by drbunnig

This quite obscure game, is actually one of the best games on a PlayStation console. It is also the best puzzle game. Maybe that's nostalgia talking, I don't know, but it felt like it was at some point and I never really got a reason to think otherwise so 'Kula World' still is. In the game you control a beach ball across a set of floating beams trying to grab keys and reach the exits. You can move back and forth, and at the end of a beam you can wrap around or change to the side. You can also jump from beam to beam or over hazards. All-in-all it gives you an amazing cerebral 3D experience in an age where the 3rd dimension was still mostly used for the graphical novelty and the awe. If there's one game I'd try in Virtual Reality it would be this.

The game was huge though. I mean, the levels are small and you really only see one big skybox beside the beams but, there's like a billion levels. So I never actually beat the game. I don't even know if I got far! Sadly I never had this game legally. At this time, pirated versions of games were the standard for PlayStation, and later also for SEGA Dreamcast. Decades later, I was browsing the digital store on PlayStation 4. There, you could download, as a "PS1 Classic", Kula World. I figured, why wouldn't I. These developers could finally get some of my money.

Last edited by S.Peelman - on 19 December 2021