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Guessed by drbunnig

This quite obscure game, is actually one of the best games on a PlayStation console. It is also the best puzzle game. Maybe that's nostalgia talking, I don't know, but it felt like it was at some point and I never really got a reason to think otherwise so 'Kula World' still is. In the game you control a beach ball across a set of floating beams trying to grab keys and reach the exits. You can move back and forth, and at the end of a beam you can wrap around or change to the side. You can also jump from beam to beam or over hazards. All-in-all it gives you an amazing cerebral 3D experience in an age where the 3rd dimension was still mostly used for the graphical novelty and the awe. If there's one game I'd try in Virtual Reality it would be this.

The game was huge though. I mean, the levels are small and you really only see one big skybox beside the beams but, there's like a billion levels. So I never actually beat the game. I don't even know if I got far! Sadly I never had this game legally. At this time, pirated versions of games were the standard for PlayStation, and later also for SEGA Dreamcast. Decades later, I was browsing the digital store on PlayStation 4. There, you could download, as a "PS1 Classic", Kula World. I figured, why wouldn't I. These developers could finally get some of my money.

Last edited by S.Peelman - on 19 December 2021