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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The 11th Annual Greatest Games Event - The Discussion Thread

Jpcc86 said:
The_Liquid_Laser said:

Here's some hints from a couple more of my games.

40.  Part of the gameplay of this game involves obtaining 3 keys to open up 3 different gates.  Kinda like the plot to Ready Player One.

39.  This gameplay on this SNES entry is closer the to the original arcade version of the series than it is to the NES entry.

39 - Super Punch Out??


Going to give another hint to 40.

40.  a) Part of the gameplay of this game involves obtaining 3 keys to open up 3 different gates.  Kinda like the plot to Ready Player One.
b) This is the first game to ever give credit to the game's maker(s).  Although in this case the credits were hidden.

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Darashiva said:


Mega Man 4

Change YOY: -4

Mega Man 4 served as my introduction to the series, and to this day it remains my second favourite NES game of all time. The gameplay was further polished from the previous games, with the addition of the Mega Buster bringing a great new element to the game, the music is among the best on the entire system, and the robot masters are still highly varied and a lot of fun to fight.

After this game the quality of the 8-bit Mega Man games took an unfortunate dive, but from Mega Man 2 until Mega Man 4 the series was on par of better than any other 2D platforming game around at the time, and they still hold up today wonderfully, with this one being the best of the bunch, in my opinion of course.


Rogue Galaxy

Change YOY: +1

I really need to get around to replaying Rogue Galaxy at some point in the near future. If only my backlog wasn't so stupidly long already. Anyway, Rogue Galaxy is the second Level-5 developed game on my list after Dragon Quest VIII appeared here a little earlier. It was a game I hadn't really heard anything about, one say I just happened to see it on one of online stores I used to order games from, and thought it looked interesting. So I gave it a try, and absolutely loved the game from the moment it started.

From the music to the gameplay and from the characters to the story, I enjoyed every part of Rogue Galaxy. In addition, the setting is wonderful, with a huge variety of different types of locations to explore over the course of this JRPG space opera.

Aww Jeez. I thought Megaman 3 was the last of the great NES megaman games. Guess I'll have to pickup Megaman 4 then. Added to my wishlist.

Also, I love PS2 era Level-5. Rogue Galaxy will get played eventually. My backlog is too big. :P

d21lewis said:
Haven't edited my post yet (I'll do it when we reach day 40) but my game #44 isCall of Duty 4: Modern WarfareI'd played the series a few times before (still have my copy of CoD2 that came with my Xbox 360) and a few games after. I've since lost interest in the series for the most part but CoD 4 was something special. It was THE online game in my home for a long time. The campaign was masterfully done, as well. That was a great time to be a gamer. I'd gladly play Modern Warfare over pretty much any fps released before or since.

Yeah, original CoD4 was so revolutionary for it's time. These days, that sort of gameplay is a dime a dozen, but throwing RPG elements into a multiplayer game was such a step up at the time.

S.Peelman said:
mZuzek said:

Guessed by @Mnementh

On a random evening in 2016, I was desperate to play something but had no controller on me, so I asked my friends to recommend a game that's good on keyboard/mouse. One guy recommended this. Looking back, honestly, I'm not sure about his recommendation, the game looks a lot better with a controller, but hey, I did get to play an awesome game! Hyper Light Drifter's got really great gameplay, but what hooked me was the extremely heavy atmosphere, with its cryptic story, dark soundtrack, and terminal disease infected protagonist. Several years on, I still have no idea what was going on with the story here, neither do I remember much (having never gone back to it is the main reason for the steep fall here). But what I do remember, is that it was a really great game.

Top 50 >>

I kind of regret not making these nice cards now. It does look cool. Maybe I'll still do something for the top 10/20.

mZuzek said:

Next one up!

#43 - This game features a lot of headshots, but they're not the usual kind of headshot.

Pokemon Snap?

@mZuzek What program are you using to make these cards? Anything that's more affordable than photoshop's $10 monthly fee?

The_Liquid_Laser said:

50. Astro Boy: Omega Factor (GBA)
guessed by supermario28

I started getting into retro gaming a few years ago and the first “new to me” game that really impressed me was Astroy Boy on the GBA.  This game was developed by Treasure and they just did everything right.  Great controls, beautiful graphics, catchy music and just a lot of pure fun in every stage.  This game needs to be played on a TV via Gameboy Player to get the full effect, and it looks even better on a CRT.  

I had no idea this existed. Adding it to my GBA Wishlist. Treasure games are a um... Treasure? Yes. :P

Mnementh said:
#43Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana
guessed byOTBWY
release year2016
developer/publisherNihon Falcom/NIS America
genreaction RPG
past years2019: #45, 2018: #47

Ys is a longrunning RPG-series with the hero Adol Christin as the main character. In this entry his ship wrecks on a mysterious island. As he explores the island he find other passengers of the ship, helps building a shelter, fend off monster attacks and so on. It is a very satisfying mix of actions.

The story is set in the universe of the Ys series, but brings the characters to an island which no one ever left. It is filled with monsters of all sorts, including Primordials which were believed to be extinct. Exploring the island and reaching the regions you saw before from afar is very satisfying.

The fighting system is diverse and each character brings on their own set of moves, which helps to keep fighting fresh. The game also offers decent challenges.

The real fun is to explore more and more of the island and on the way uncover more of a twisted plot. At some point we have even to solve a crime and play detective.

Another element are the recurring monster attacks which can be played for points as waves of monsters attack your base.

I played it on Switch, which probably doesn't offer the best graphical fidelity of all versions, but still it was a very nice looking game. If you like action JRPGs, you should give this game a try. In the meantime the Switch got Ys Origin and Ys IX is announced for the platform. So more Ys is coming.

Another game sitting in my backlog. The really good news for Switch owners is that since PS5 isn't doing too hot in Japan, and since PS4 didn't do all that well, a lot of Japanese RPG devs are going to prioritize Switch, and then release on PC a few months later. PS5 might not actually get a lot of these niche JRPGs anymore, since the PS4 sold poorly in Japan, and PS5 is looking to do even worse.

mZuzek said:

Guessed by @UnderwaterFunktown

So, the next newcomer in this year's list is the very first entry in the Persona series, Persona 3. I started playing through this game in December of last year, and couldn't get into it. Thought the beginning was too slow, the pacing was terrible, and overall just couldn't find anything to keep me going, but I kept forcing myself to play it until I eventually... gave up. But then, about a month after giving up, I decided to give it another chance, and then did manage to get into it - the story got significantly more interesting when that character shows up, and from then on it only gets better and better, building up to an incredible final act.

The thing is, I still don't think this is a great game. From a gameplay perspective, it can be quite boring, and it hasn't aged well. Some battle mechanics are particularly questionable, but everything outside of battle is only worse. The story, while very well written, has really poor pacing and makes the whole first third of the game feel like a slog - and even in later portions of the game, the massive chunks of nothing that take place in between major plot points is really jarring. There are many things that hold this game back from greatness, but still... Looking back at it now, I think this was a memorable and valuable experience. It didn't need to be the best game ever. It was iconic and unique, and sometimes that's all it takes.

Top 50 >>

I had the same problem with Persona 5. The story at times just holds your hand, and not much happens for an hour or so. But then once the major plot points kick in it gets really good.

#49 - Guardian Heroes - Xbox 360

An incredible beat em up from Treasure, besides its great, stylish sprite work, its memorable soundtrack, GH offers a cool, replayable adventure thanks to its branching paths and stories on top of its multiple characters and light level up system, story is wacky as a trademark of the studio, gameplay is satisfying and challenging enough, just a ton of fun.

#48 - Ys Origin - PC/NS

Best Ys game, as a prequel it manages to get a lot right in setting up the events of I & II, with a good enough story that doesn't drag too much in its exposition, at this point I have only done Yunica's route from the 3 playable characters, really like her, is like an Adol but with more personal drive and a personality. One of my favorite things about playing Ys games are the bosses, and Origin delivers well on creating very fun ones, they are the driving force of challenge in the series, between the zen grinding sessions in the levels, another of my favorite things from it is the music, I love the tower structure, every time I finish a boss I know I'll get to hear a new music track for the next main floor, this soundtrack in particular being my favorite of the series, and another thing I appreciate the most from the series up to this point, the simplicity and short lenght, is a nice, comfort ARPG.

Cerebralbore101 said:
Darashiva said:


Mega Man 4

Change YOY: -4

Mega Man 4 served as my introduction to the series, and to this day it remains my second favourite NES game of all time. The gameplay was further polished from the previous games, with the addition of the Mega Buster bringing a great new element to the game, the music is among the best on the entire system, and the robot masters are still highly varied and a lot of fun to fight.

After this game the quality of the 8-bit Mega Man games took an unfortunate dive, but from Mega Man 2 until Mega Man 4 the series was on par of better than any other 2D platforming game around at the time, and they still hold up today wonderfully, with this one being the best of the bunch, in my opinion of course.


Rogue Galaxy

Change YOY: +1

I really need to get around to replaying Rogue Galaxy at some point in the near future. If only my backlog wasn't so stupidly long already. Anyway, Rogue Galaxy is the second Level-5 developed game on my list after Dragon Quest VIII appeared here a little earlier. It was a game I hadn't really heard anything about, one say I just happened to see it on one of online stores I used to order games from, and thought it looked interesting. So I gave it a try, and absolutely loved the game from the moment it started.

From the music to the gameplay and from the characters to the story, I enjoyed every part of Rogue Galaxy. In addition, the setting is wonderful, with a huge variety of different types of locations to explore over the course of this JRPG space opera.

Aww Jeez. I thought Megaman 3 was the last of the great NES megaman games. Guess I'll have to pickup Megaman 4 then. Added to my wishlist.

Also, I love PS2 era Level-5. Rogue Galaxy will get played eventually. My backlog is too big. :P

Yeah, I've heard some people say that, but I always thought 4 was very much on par with 2 and 3, though I'm sure people's opinions differ greatly on that topic. Also, I actually just started replaying Rogue Galaxy a few days ago, and so far I'm really enjoying it. The PS4 digital release is a nice way to go back to it.

#48: One of the latest games for the Neo-Geo, but also one of the best - and certainly the best of it's series

Hint: In this remake of an early title of this series, you first fight through an army of soldiers, but end up fighting off an alien invasion halfway through the game.

#46: Summon Volcanoes or dig craters in this very innovative shooter/genre mix

Hint #1: Has an Arabian Nights setting.

Hint #2: You need to built a castle to collect the Mana of the world Magic Carpet 2, found out by Mnementh

#41: Greetings, Warlord! Let the war begin! 

Last edited by Bofferbrauer2 - on 21 November 2020

Around the Network
The_Liquid_Laser said:
Jpcc86 said:
The_Liquid_Laser said:

Here's some hints from a couple more of my games.

40.  Part of the gameplay of this game involves obtaining 3 keys to open up 3 different gates.  Kinda like the plot to Ready Player One.

39.  This gameplay on this SNES entry is closer the to the original arcade version of the series than it is to the NES entry.

39 - Super Punch Out??


Going to give another hint to 40.

40.  a) Part of the gameplay of this game involves obtaining 3 keys to open up 3 different gates.  Kinda like the plot to Ready Player One.
b) This is the first game to ever give credit to the game's maker(s).  Although in this case the credits were hidden.


Also, the idea for the 3 keys and 3 gates (shortened to just the 3 keys in the movie) is certainly coming from this game. It even shows up in the last challenge in the movie.

The_Liquid_Laser said:
Jpcc86 said:

39 - Super Punch Out??


Going to give another hint to 40.

40.  a) Part of the gameplay of this game involves obtaining 3 keys to open up 3 different gates.  Kinda like the plot to Ready Player One.
b) This is the first game to ever give credit to the game's maker(s).  Although in this case the credits were hidden.

I don't know anything about the game, but I heard about the credits. That was Atari don't credit their devs, so Robinett made an secret room with the credits in Adventure.

EDIT: I see @Bofferbrauer2 was faster.

Last edited by Mnementh - on 21 November 2020

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

Bofferbrauer2 said:

#48: One of the latest games for the Neo-Geo, but also one of the best - and certainly the best of it's series

Hint: In this remake of an early title of this series, you first fight through an army of soldiers, but end up fighting off an alien invasion halfway through the game.

#46: Summon Volcanoes or dig craters in this very innovative shooter/genre mix

Hint #1: Has an Arabian Nights setting.

Hint #2: You need to built a castle to collect the Mana of the world

#41: Greetings, Warlord! Let the war begin! 

Wait, is #46 Magic Carpet?

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

guessed byThe_Liquid_Laser again (4th year in a row)
release year1995
developer/publisherParallax Software/Interplay
genrefirst person shooter, space flight simulation
play in browser (
past years2019: #39, 2018: #49, 2017: #46

After Doom revolutionized the 3D games many games tried to push the envelope. Descent took a direction only few others took: a fully 3D-experience by setting it into space and allowing to move and turn in each direction. This was called six degrees of freedom.

This makes controlling a bit difficult, not because the controls are complicated, but because you have to get in a mindset of full movement freedom and the ability to keep track of your position. So the challenges aren't the enemy robots alone, finding the right path without getting lost is a challenge in itself. And extremely satisfying if you're able to pull it off.

This is demonstrated each level, as you have to find the exit after destroying the reactor which explodes after that. You have to reach the exit in time before the mine explodes and destroys you too. As navigating is a challenge, this meant I died quite a few times trying to find my way to the exit.

As you can go not only left and right, but also up and down, the level design can quite intricate. To support you, the game gives you a freely movable automap realized with wireframe models.

Other than the level-design and navigation challenge the game features more or less all that Doom had set as a precedent: destroy the enemies (in this case mining robot drones that were infected with a virus that made them rebel), finding keycards to open color-coded doors, collecting weapons, ammunition and items that float around. As an additional feature you can rescue the human staff, that is taken hostage by the robots, for extra points.

The story is simple. In the future (the year 2169) companies have started mining on different celestial objects in the solar system. For this many mining robots are used. A virus overtakes these robots, so that they rebel against their human owners. You are sent to end this danger.

To play it today, you can use Dosbox as usual to emulate DOS. That works well. If you don't own the game, you can as so often rely on GOG, where it already packaged into a Dosbox-emulation. Also you can play for free in the browser on, emulated in Javascript. As usual with this browser emulation, your performance may have issues, depending on your system and your browser. As I just saw, there is also a project called DXX-Rebirth, which provides a modern engine for the Descent game files. I haven't tried it yet, but seemingly it improves resolution and uses modern graphic card features.

As DXX Rebirth offers clearer visuals, I use a video from that project. The original game is the same, but with lower resolution.

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

Time for the next game to guess. And #37 is unguessed so far, so I add a hint.

#40: Resident Evil as guessed by UnderwaterFunktown

#39: Baldur's Gate III guessed by UnderwaterFunktown
After 20 years finally we get the third mainline entry, for the moment in early access.

#38: Pikmin guessed by cosmic_drift
Your spaceship crashed on this strange planet and you need to find it's missing parts.

Your first task: dig out a skull.
Said skull gives you pointers what to do next.

#36: Assassins Creed Odyssey guessed by Jpcc86
Climb enormous statues of gods to enjoy the view.

Last edited by Mnementh - on 22 November 2020

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]