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Forums - PC Discussion - My love for PC gaming is growing everyday

i mainly play my xbox 360 then ps3 or wii,rarely on 3ds,but when it comes to pc i have not touched pc gaming in a while but now im thinking i should consider giving it a try,just for exclusives otherwise i prefer to stay with 360
360 for exclusive,console exclusive and multiplatform
ps3 blueray and just exclusives
wii for exclusives and rarely i buy the multiplaforms on it

want game walkthroughs/news/cutscenes/girl gamers/xbox 360 ps3 wii kinect and more/over 3100 videos/music/and um girls that play the games come to y2jarmyofficial in youtube best gaming channel around=)

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kain_kusanagi said:

It's the PC-Console cycle. It happens every generations.

This is how it goes:

PC gaming is popular, but fades as new consoles are released with exciting new features and exclusive 1st party games. Then as the consoles start to age and exclusives start to slow down PC gaming starts getting more attention because it didn't age, in fact while nobody was watching PC gaming got better. PC goes back to being popular, the games looks and play great, but the popularity fades as new consoles are released with exciting new features and 1st party games. And so on and so on...

Yes, I too have noticed that this cycle does occur. Some of us have a definitive favourite (PC gaming for me), but go on the forums at the start of a console generation, middle and end then you'll see a definite trend of discussions towards PC gaming. Then the cycle repeats and a bunch of console players get vocal again.

OT: Fact is, PC gaming is great fun, has never been more accessible than it is now and caters to a far wider range of genres and niche titles than consoles can achieve within their limited shelf-life.

Steam sales! And watch their midweek maddness sales - they had Dead Space 1 & 2 for peanuts recently as an example and both look much better on PC, particularly 2. Also shop online carefully and you'll almost always find bargins for PC games.

I'm massively back into PC gaming myself (not that I ever left as such).

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

Mr Puggsly said:
I don't think anyone is denying PCs are great for gaming. But price and many great games being exclusive to consoles make consoles more appealing for most.

My computer isn't capable of playing high end games, however it plays OnLive perfectly which I use regularly. I think services like OnLive can really help PC gaming grow if more publishers would support it.

price isn't a point for me anymore. i thought like this in the past as well but then i thought "hmm gaming or not, i need a pc" and if i buy a pc and put in the extra money i would need for a console i have a good gaming pc. since 2005 i paid like 250€ just for xbox-live...console games cost more here which increases the costs as well. you say your computer isn't capable of playing high end games, but you didn't put some hundred bucks in it just for gaming. but this wouldn't be something different to a console purchase.

so i believe i didn't pay more for pc gaming than i did for my 360 or ps3.and if you only have money for one system you have to look which exclusives or other stuff you like most. but only gaming on pc isn't expensive if you need a pc.

No Trophy, no buy.

I used to be a PC gamer first and foremost but I like to have all my games in the same place. On PC it's a pain to reinstall all your games when you upgrade to a new harddrive, and it's a pain to patch old games and upgrade to proper video drivers.

Being a PC gamer since 1995 I am very tired of the hassle and constant crash to desktop.

On PS3 it's just plug and play and everything always works and never crashes. And no annoying boot up time, if I want to play Im inside the game within 15 seconds.

Plus you have Trophies. I love the universal experience thanks to Trophies. All my games tie into each other thanks to the Trophy system which gives extra meaning and context to play even mediocre games.
(Steam achievements do nothing for me because not all games are supported by it, plus no one gives me respect for Steam achievements).

I do want to be able to experience the PC gaming experience too though. For some games PC is superior (RTS and FPS) and for Elder Scrolls a PC is essential due to mods. So I will replace my PC from 2008 one day, with all these new GPUs coming out it's just hard to know exactly when to do it.

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Snesboy said:
pariz said:
I've been a console gamer all my life but after 2 years of great experiences I'm pretty sure a ATI 7850 and a new processor come first than a Wii U.

Finally! An ATI fan!

What?! I've always gone with ATi cards!

OP: Good for you, the PC truly is superior in nearly every way, shape and form as a platform. The money I save from buying multiplats and other things on consoles, I can spend on better hardware every other year or so. My current rig still kicks ass and will do so for some time yet, there's plenty of fun to be had! And sites like GOG and the endless number of ROM's and emulators make the games library absolutely incredible.

On a side not; PC gaming is cheaper than it ever was, I paid less than half for my rig last fall than the one I bought four years prior, they were both equally powerful compared to top-end hardware at their respective times.

pezus said:
Slimebeast said:

No Trophy, no buy.

I used to be a PC gamer first and foremost but I like to have all my games in the same place. On PC it's a pain to reinstall all your games when you upgrade to a new harddrive, and it's a pain to patch old games and upgrade to proper video drivers.

Being a PC gamer since 1995 I am very tired of the hassle and constant crash to desktop.

On PS3 it's just plug and play and everything always works and never crashes. And no annoying boot up time, if I want to play Im inside the game within 15 seconds.

Plus you have Trophies. I love the universal experience thanks to Trophies. All my games tie into each other thanks to the Trophy system which gives extra meaning and context to play even mediocre games.
(Steam achievements do nothing for me because not all games are supported by it, plus no one gives me respect for Steam achievements).

I do want to be able to experience the PC gaming experience too though. For some games PC is superior (RTS and FPS) and for Elder Scrolls a PC is essential due to mods. So I will replace my PC from 2008 one day, with all these new GPUs coming out it's just hard to know exactly when to do it.

I don't know where you got the plug-and-play idea about PS3 but my PS3 doesn't work like that. If you upgrade the hard drive you need to install most games all over again as well as patch them. How is it a hassle to install games now with Steam? It's easier than ever.

I am betting to not ever replace my PS3 HDD. I have a 120 GB PS3 filled to about 70% with around 30 games installed. If I start to run out of HDD space I guess I will delete some game installs.

pezus said:

I'm with you brotha! Except, I haven't got AC: Rev yet. Getting the PC version might be a good idea.

Don't get it, just watch the ending its yet another cliffhanger.

I'm playing most pc games with my Dualshock 3 controller, so I can sit back and relax.

I like playing FPS, RTS and RPG's like Dragon Age on PC. The rest I like consoles for. Actually I think Dragon Age 2 played better on consoles than one.