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Snesboy said:
pariz said:
I've been a console gamer all my life but after 2 years of great experiences I'm pretty sure a ATI 7850 and a new processor come first than a Wii U.

Finally! An ATI fan!

What?! I've always gone with ATi cards!

OP: Good for you, the PC truly is superior in nearly every way, shape and form as a platform. The money I save from buying multiplats and other things on consoles, I can spend on better hardware every other year or so. My current rig still kicks ass and will do so for some time yet, there's plenty of fun to be had! And sites like GOG and the endless number of ROM's and emulators make the games library absolutely incredible.

On a side not; PC gaming is cheaper than it ever was, I paid less than half for my rig last fall than the one I bought four years prior, they were both equally powerful compared to top-end hardware at their respective times.