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Forums - General Discussion - Moderator staff change

MaxwellGT2000 said:
chocoloco said:
@Maxwell as cCarl said you were a good poster, but I say not a good mod. You would ban people for the slightest bad remarks on Nintendo. Also even the Nintendo fans recognize you did this. Sharing negative ideas about things is not always trolling sometimes it is truly just sharing opinions.

Man Bear Pig for Mod

bet you didn't know he's pro PS lol. in fact PS1 was his first console. seriously , he is pro PS.

@Montana, the site does need strong leadership, and you have taken a strong stance for more game related topic's which is key to a site like this, but i hope the overall change of the site, doesn't limit its original purpose, or the reason many came.

i know there's a pro version of the site, but i'm not to sure what the changes mean for what i'm sure is the majority that don't use pro. i just hope it doesn't limit basic user's to much to where there's no clear option.

Part is this is truth, part of this is false

I'm pro Sony, always been a fan, as a fan I do keep them to a higher standard however and they aren't the company they once were.  That aside PS1 is my favorite console from them with PS3 being the runner up simply because of how much work they put into 2008-2010 years.  However their PR hasn't improved at all and they are still trying to figure out why they fell from grace, when what made them popular with people like me were their openess of their platforms, open for mods and such, then they made new ideas with high quality, when you bought Sony back in the 90s you knew you were getting the best.

My first consoles were the Atari 2600 and an NES, then SNES, then Genesis (plus Sega CD), then a GameBoy, then Atari Jaguar, then Nintendo 64, then GameBoy color, then a PS1... so PS1 was my 9th console, but still had some of my favorite games of the era like FFVII, all the Spyros, and Ape Escape (still play it on my PSP)

Again I'm not that worried about what people think of me, I try to spread the truth out there, but I'm not going to force it down your throat. The mods that were here when I joined (outside of the couple that were purposely put into place because they were fans of select camps) did an amazing job modding, they used common sense, and wouldn't take the BS of people going into threads to repeatedly give a negative opinion or derail threads from their original discussion (no "I'm just giving my opinion man" cause there really is no reason to repeat it over and over), I followed that model, and got the same reaction from the same type of posters that they did, the difference being back then they were pretty much free to permaban anyone that didn't change quickly, very big "wars" on select notorious members back then that would make so many alts just to troll, but guess what the community flourished during this period, even while small the forums were far more active than they are today with more members, those are massive issues, and all I gotta say they had to be doing something right back then there were kinks and they needed to iron them out for sure, but I guess the issues back then didn't interfere with the discussion of the community, while I fear the issues today do, if that makes any sense.

Anyway, that's my rant, I'm done

WOW!! i just got ranted on by a legend. that's awesome i think?

well i don't know you much as a mod, and my (rainbowyoshi) post was in the wrong thread, but for some strange reason i found you pretty reasonable, just by your post history.

i guess the last paragraph is why i got permabannd back in 2008, along side giving that particular mod a peace of my mind. in short, i agree with your thoughts on Sonys marketing. it's broken, and in need of change.

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Isnt this a thread about the future of moderation, not the past?


Can I be a mod?


WOW!! i just got ranted on by a legend. that's awesome i think?

well i don't know you much as a mod, and my (rainbowyoshi) post was in the wrong thread, but for some strange reason i found you pretty reasonable, just by your post history.

i guess the last paragraph is why i got permabannd back in 2008, along side giving that particular mod a peace of my mind. in short, i agree with your thoughts on Sonys marketing. it's broken, and in need of change.

Barozi said:

WOW!! i just got ranted on by a legend. that's awesome i think?

well i don't know you much as a mod, and my (rainbowyoshi) post was in the wrong thread, but for some strange reason i found you pretty reasonable, just by your post history.

i guess the last paragraph is why i got permabannd back in 2008, along side giving that particular mod a peace of my mind. in short, i agree with your thoughts on Sonys marketing. it's broken, and in need of change.

i only made 3 post, and they didn't have anything fanboy.troll related in them, and i didn't have time to take sides.

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pezus said:
trunkswd said:
Rath said:
I hope this isn't over that Source/Seece bollocks that's been going on. Saw Machina's name being thrown about during that.

I must have missed this. Does anyone have a link to the thread(s) where this happened? It does explais why its been just me doing the sales and new articles on VGChartz.


OT: Sucks that Machina is going away :/  He was always one of my favorites.

You know what you should do Tor? Bring back 'the Stof' or 'Stof' or whatever he's called, the moderation team needs an adrenaline injection of humour.

man-bear-pig said:
You know what you should do Tor? Bring back 'the Stof' or 'Stof' or whatever he's called, the moderation team needs an adrenaline injection of humour.

I'd be all about stof, bodhesatva, sqrl, and rocketpig coming back.  Four of the best users and mods we ever had. 

makingmusic476 said:
man-bear-pig said:
You know what you should do Tor? Bring back 'the Stof' or 'Stof' or whatever he's called, the moderation team needs an adrenaline injection of humour.

I'd be all about stof, bodhesatva, sqrl, and rocketpig coming back.  Four of the best users and mods we ever had. 

Agreed, stof was my favorite mod and an amazing head mod, though Bod is now a mod at NeoGAF :P so I don't know he could juggle both.

They inspired my passion for this site so I'd love to see them back and I might actually come back for real if that happened  


That's simply not true, the forums used to be so active it could bring down the entire site at times, sure the same amount of activity wouldn't bring down the server now but the current amount of activity would never bring down the old servers... so there's your sign

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

spurgeonryan said:
Just so that everyone knows. This site can never go back. Nothing in this world is ever the same as the original.

Also with thread after thread after thread slamming past 100 posts and quite a few others shooting past 300 or more I am not too sure that the site is as slow as you all think. You are just getting older, jaded, bored.

Why don't you all call up nordlead? I hated him, so he would be perfect for the job! He just left out of the blue, but you know he lurks. You do not put that much into a site and just leave it totally.

Yeah, I think the forums are still active. Discussion may have shifted a bit to different topics, but it's still very active.