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Forums - General Discussion - Moderator staff change

Actually, I agree with man-bear on one point, Tor. Beef up the mod team a user or two to compensate for Machina, but not just anyone. Seek older moderators that know the ropes.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

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Any of the current mod would be a good choice!

I think we currently have the best mod team this site has ever had.

I agree with some of the above. A couple more mods would do nicely. Assuming its an un-payed position, it shouldnt be too much trouble to find a couple of members willing.


pezus said:
Soriku said:
pezus said:

Really...all the old users here constantly complaining about the current state of the site is not helping. How about you do something about it by posting in threads instead?

Eh...the quality of the site has "decreased" because many good posters in the past (2007-2008) have left the site. There were a lot of awesome threads back then, awesome posts, funny threads, etc. There was a lot of console war garbage around, but it was still a good time, and honestly some of the console war stuff did bring around some good threads. Not that there aren't good threads now, but there's been some real unique users in the past and they aren't replaceable. But here's the thing: you can't really expect things to go back to that, it's impossible. So older posts might complain, but doesn't really change anything. I liked the site better a few years ago for obvious reasons. For new users, it's not really a problem. Users now don't really have that flare that older posters had but that's not their fault. But, there's lots of cool people out there. As long as the site keeps improving to bring in new users, it'll be fine.

That Source/Seece thread is pretty terrible. For shame.

Btw, not talking to anyone in particular but I never understood the "make me a mod!" stuff (if you're serious and not joking). Unless you think you have something to contribute to the site, then you shouldn't be asking that. Sure, getting recognition because having a position is cool and all, but that's not what it's supposed to be about.

Exactly, so instead of complaining they should post more as they used to...including you! Darth left but is now back, now you need to spam post like you used to and then there's not much more we need. Many new members make up for the old ones. Nostalgia's a hell of a drug, I'll say.

You see, I'm in that difficult situation where I joined in-between where the site was 'awesome' and where all the 'new-users' are, so I'm sorta in the middle. And yes, the site HAS changed, and it's definitely changed for the worse when it comes to sales data and analysis (tracking MHTri in Japan every week, seeing it go from 14 to 11 to 13 units each week etc. :D), which is a shame (it's why I joined the site).

HOWEVER, the community is certainly bigger, and many new users have taken up the slack, like you, Spurg, NinPie etc.., so I wouldn't say the community is 'worse', as it were. Just...different.

But it is annoying with all the 'Top X of all time elimination threads!', as it were. It seems to be much less about gaming and sales, far more about TV and sport. 


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

I've looked at a lot of threads from 2007-2008 and honestly I don't think there much of a difference in quality. Besides, quality is subjective anyway.

It probably was more interesting then because the generation was fresh compared to now, but don't blame the users.

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spurgeonryan said:
Well I think the site rules are 1250 posts per elimination thread, and there can be only two at a time, and they must be mod approved, and they must be in reason. But the two at a time was never a concrete deal.

What I don't like about these threads though is that they don't favor discussion at all which is what a forum is all about. It's just people voting up their favorite and voting down the one they see as their biggest competition making the results of those thread laughable at best.

A thread about the best developpers of all-time would be very interesting with people debating on what grounds they are evaluating quality, what makes them respect certain developpers more than others, instead you get a fanboy war where devs like Naughty Dog and Nintendo are taken out first.

Signature goes here!

Exactly. And those rules are NOT concrete, I hope...

They don't encourage discussion. It's more spam than anything really, it would seem nowadays. I hope it's more of a fad than anything...time will tell.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

makingmusic476 said:
man-bear-pig said:
You know what you should do Tor? Bring back 'the Stof' or 'Stof' or whatever he's called, the moderation team needs an adrenaline injection of humour.

I'd be all about stof, bodhesatva, sqrl, and rocketpig coming back.  Four of the best users and mods we ever had. 

Unfortunately, we can't snap our fingers and bring them back. All except rocketpig have been away from the site for years now, and rocketpig is far less active than before.

We've already had one minor miracle in the return of Montana, but I don't think we can expect that again. I wonder if there are any other ex-mods around and still active on the site

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Kantor said:
makingmusic476 said:
man-bear-pig said:
You know what you should do Tor? Bring back 'the Stof' or 'Stof' or whatever he's called, the moderation team needs an adrenaline injection of humour.

I'd be all about stof, bodhesatva, sqrl, and rocketpig coming back.  Four of the best users and mods we ever had. 

Unfortunately, we can't snap our fingers and bring them back. All except rocketpig have been away from the site for years now, and rocketpig is far less active than before.

We've already had one minor miracle in the return of Montana, but I don't think we can expect that again. I wonder if there are any other ex-mods around and still active on the site

mm and Maxwell silly.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

hatmoza said:
Kantor said:
makingmusic476 said:
man-bear-pig said:
You know what you should do Tor? Bring back 'the Stof' or 'Stof' or whatever he's called, the moderation team needs an adrenaline injection of humour.

I'd be all about stof, bodhesatva, sqrl, and rocketpig coming back.  Four of the best users and mods we ever had. 

Unfortunately, we can't snap our fingers and bring them back. All except rocketpig have been away from the site for years now, and rocketpig is far less active than before.

We've already had one minor miracle in the return of Montana, but I don't think we can expect that again. I wonder if there are any other ex-mods around and still active on the site

mm and Maxwell silly.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective