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Forums - Website Topics - Sony bias is reflected in VGChartz news articles

Why can't you Sony fans understand that we need a helping hand here? You Sony fans on staff too.

Is this how VGC should be? To just let the dominating faction take over the site while the others just are sitting there feeling uncomfortable.

The only thing you come with, the ONLY thing - even you in staff (who should kinda represent the site)- is to say 'hey do it yourself, we ain't gonna support you'.

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This comes off as a 10 year old complaining to his mom that his brother took more toys than he was supposed to....

I really hope the amount of PS3 news gets cut back because a 360 fan doesn't like seeing it. I would like to see more 360 news too, but going about it in this way just seems like whining that a certain side isn't "winning".

Owner of PS4 Pro, Xbox One, Switch, PS Vita, and 3DS

kowenicki said:
Carl2291 said:
Just wanted to point this out.

Total Microsoft related News articles - 3,521

Total Sony related news articles - 3,920

Total Nintendo related news articles - 4,010

Now, take into account that Sony have more consoles on the market than anyone else... The TOTAL numbers difference isn't really as bad as you are making it sound.

over what period?

can you do the last 6 months?

Since when the first news post was posted.

Doing the past 6 months i would have to go through and count every single news for each company. Not gonna happen

BTW, i got those numbers just by clicking whatever company i wanted to see. Example - Nintendo


Carl2291 said:
Just wanted to point this out.

Total Microsoft related News articles - 3,521

Total Sony related news articles - 3,920

Total Nintendo related news articles - 4,010

Now, take into account that Sony have more consoles on the market than anyone else... The TOTAL numbers difference isn't really as bad as you are making it sound.

No that's not correct. Even the orange ones are tagged with Sony and Microsoft (which gives you the result 3,920 when you search all Sony artciles). Theres several times more red ones than green ones..

On the main page we have announcement of Heavy Rain demo along with a date.

We have Uncharted 2 DLC news.

We have Uncharted + Uncharted 2 bundle pack announcement for Japan.

We have Upcoming PSP titles for 2010.

We have God of War 3 European PS3 bundle and Collectors edition pack shots.

Which of these is bad and should be omitted?

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I may as well drive this home. Behold, the recent Sony-related articles:

General News Nicolas Ravasi
Nude patches incoming?            This is multiplat news.
17,961 views, 69 comments
So basically, I see nothing wrong with any of those, except one of the multiplat ones.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Slimebeast said:
zexen_lowe said:
Slimebeast said:

Okay, but whatever the reason is for the lazyness of your X360 contributors you just need more of them then.

I dont mean that any specific X360 article was missed, not that I know of. I mean that the news are flooded with Sony/PS3 news. Whatever the reason is, it's awkward to read dozens each of GT5, Heavy Rain and God of War artciles in the past few months but only a fraction of that for the high profile X360 games.

It simply is irritating to read through the headlines and see so many articles basically just hyping and promoting Sony and Sony's exclusives, the news section doesn't feel like a news section of a gaming site, it feels like Sony advertisement.

So, you don't see any article we missed, but don't like seeing Sony news? According to you, we haven't avoided posting anything about MS, therefore our number of MS articles is OK, what you want is that we post less Sony news? Why would we stop posting because it irritates you? People read them, people like them, people comment on them, and I don't see it as an overload. What, when there's something new about Gran Turismo 5, I shouldn't post it because I have to think "oh, no, there are many GT news, people won't like reading about something new that wasn't posted", when the hits demonstrate the complete opposite?

Hyping and make us seem like we have an agenda. There were more Sony news worth posting, deal with it, if you don't want to read them, just enter the MS section

You do not get the point do you???

There's a difference between one news about a new batch of Mass Effect screenshots or bundle, and 6 or 7 for Heavy Rain.

And okay, if you only go by the hits, that's fine. But maybe you should listen to people who not only cares for hits, but cares about professionalism, fairness and balance?

I can only say that if I was a contributor, I would feel very cheap and dishonest for spamming every batch of new screens I found about my favorite game just because I could. That's very unprofessional in my opinion.

I have been going to this site for a long time also. Yes there does seem to be a small amout of ps3 than 360 in general. It has gotten to be a huge amount in the past couple months but that isnt without reason.

The 360 exclusives that i can think of is

Mass Effect 2, Alan Wake, Crackdown 2 Fable III, Halo: Reach Project, Splinter cell conviction, Natal Xbox LIVE Game Room

While Ps3 has

Agent, God of War III, Gran Turismo 5, Heavy Rain, The Last Guardian, MAG, PlayStation Motion Controller, 3D Dot Game Heroes, EyePet: Your Virtual Pet, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, ModNation Racers, White Knight Chronicles, and maybe twisted metal (release TBA)

If you want to argue that is awsome, but i would not say blame the staff. I read about xbox 360 and ps3. Both are good systems. PS3 has alot of stuff comming out this year and more info is being released.

I am sorry that 360 isnt making a mass effect bundle that is being released but take that up with them. Look at the exclusives and the amount of content AVAILABLE before you complain.

Slimebeast said:
I would always ask myself "is this news worthy? Does it contribute to anything significant? Do the readers need this? Are we giving a balanced picture here?"

I would not go for it and post everything I liked just because it gives the site hits. I really didn't knew about such a policy, that hits are so important. That's sad.

At the same time most of you people have the nerve to complain that game developers and publishers are repeating the same formula and only think about their sales in front of creativity, originality and artistic integrity.

The last question you'd ask yourself is irrelevant, imagine we were on the PS2 gen, would you complain there are more PS2 news? No. Put it simple, now there have been more PS3 news, the "balance" is irrelevant because no one stops posting anything because "it's unbalancing". As for the other questions, let's take an example with some HR screenshots

Is this news worthy? Yes, the game is quite anticipated in this site, and it hasn't been posted before

Does it contribute to anything significant? Yes, because people would want to see them

Do the readers need this? Considering they read them, evidently they care


There. And I just proved that that is something a news poster asks himself before posting a news. Don't you think I wonder if something is "news worthy" before posting, and discard an article if I think it's not?

dirkd2323 said:
I knew the success of the PS3 was going to upset the 360 fans. Its simple at this time the PS3 has more going on news wise. You have the continued sales dominations between the HD consoles, exclusive game news, 3rd party game news, Japan Releases which PS3 has much more then 360, DLC news, Bundle news, I mean I could go on, being a suporter of both the PS3 and 360, its more that the PS3 is on Fire at this time, sales are up, and there staying up, lots of great exclusives comming soon, MAG, GOW3, Halo Reach is a ways away. The bottom line is there is much more to talk about PS3 wise. 360 fans don't get upset the 360 has had its share of greatness, now the light is shinning in PS3 thats life.

I guess your right lol.

Squall_Leonhart said:
You are very upset because there aren't that many articles aimed at the 360 than there are that are aimed at the PS3... Isn't that a bit... well... sad?

We should be friends... Wait we R :D Love your humour... My thoughts exactly - but to the whole M$ Squad :P Sad :(

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