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Forums - Website Topics - Sony bias is reflected in VGChartz news articles

i dont see it

it could be b/c the ps3 has a lot going on now as others said u can submit ur self go to n4g put the article in ur words and done

also wast wrong with news about bundles this is a sales site bundles and new skus should be top priority it will let the posters know wat to expect sales wise in those weeks maybe then u'll have more prophets like myself on here


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I have to disagree. You shouldn't be trying to make it 50:50. Maybe there's more playstation related news out there? If that were so, then the news stories should favour the ps. However if there was more xbox news out there, the xbox should dominate the news reel.

Don't make your beliefs could the facts - either way. If you believe the earth is flat, you are still wrong, no matter how many stories or fans you get.

my 2 cents..


NB: Quality or Hype - that makes for long term gaming enjoyment.

Euphoria14 said:
On the main page we have announcement of Heavy Rain demo along with a date.

We have Uncharted 2 DLC news.  <-- Japanese DLC news.

We have Uncharted + Uncharted 2 bundle pack announcement for Japan.  <--- not newsworthy

We have Upcoming PSP titles for 2010.

We have God of War 3 European PS3 bundle and Collectors edition pack shots. <---not newsowrthy

Which of these is bad and should be omitted?

The red ones.

Remember that for every new news article you push down a potentially more important news artciel from the front page,

The ones i marked in red I could see be spammed on the forum and get about 7-12 replies, and that would be fine. On VGC front-page, no. I doubt Gamespot, IGN etc has anywhere near such insignificant news, as they have the same design with only about 10 important news visible on their front page. Other sites like Kotaku are different because it's design is more like a blog, with a huge page you browse and scrolls down - on Kotaku it's obvious that you go to read a lot of 'off' stuff, and a lot of stuff.


That you pick out the Japanese ones, I can understand.
Why is the European news not newsworthy?

zexen_lowe said:
Slimebeast said:
I would always ask myself "is this news worthy? Does it contribute to anything significant? Do the readers need this? Are we giving a balanced picture here?"

I would not go for it and post everything I liked just because it gives the site hits. I really didn't knew about such a policy, that hits are so important. That's sad.

At the same time most of you people have the nerve to complain that game developers and publishers are repeating the same formula and only think about their sales in front of creativity, originality and artistic integrity.

The last question you'd ask yourself is irrelevant, imagine we were on the PS2 gen, would you complain there are more PS2 news? No. Put it simple, now there have been more PS3 news, the "balance" is irrelevant because no one stops posting anything because "it's unbalancing". As for the other questions, let's take an example with some HR screenshots

Is this news worthy? Yes, the game is quite anticipated in this site, and it hasn't been posted before

Does it contribute to anything significant? Yes, because people would want to see them

Do the readers need this? Considering they read them, evidently they care


There. And I just proved that that is something a news poster asks himself before posting a news. Don't you think I wonder if something is "news worthy" before posting, and discard an article if I think it's not?

Hahaha, Ill use this next time u complain about Activision, EA or Ubisoft games.

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strange? I can't see an OP??

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

Slimebeast said:
Euphoria14 said:
On the main page we have announcement of Heavy Rain demo along with a date.

We have Uncharted 2 DLC news.  <-- Japanese DLC news.

We have Uncharted + Uncharted 2 bundle pack announcement for Japan.  <--- not newsworthy

We have Upcoming PSP titles for 2010.

We have God of War 3 European PS3 bundle and Collectors edition pack shots. <---not newsowrthy

Which of these is bad and should be omitted?

The red ones.

Remember that for every new news article you push down a potentially more important news artciel from the front page,

The ones i marked in red I could see be spammed on the forum and get about 7-12 replies, and that would be fine. On VGC front-page, no. I doubt Gamespot, IGN etc has anywhere near such insignificant news, as they have the same design with only about 10 important news visible on their front page. Other sites like Kotaku are different because it's design is more like a blog, with a huge page you browse and scrolls down - on Kotaku it's obvious that you go to read a lot of 'off' stuff, and a lot of stuff.


I agree with some of the japnese ones that they are not news worthy, but there is alot of euro readers so i have to disagree there. I also would like you to comment on my post earlier about how contant is comming out for each platform. I am not 100% sure of my 360 accuracy but you have to admit there alot alot more comming out for ps3

Slimebeast said:
dirkd2323 said:
I knew the success of the PS3 was going to upset the 360 fans. Its simple at this time the PS3 has more going on news wise. You have the continued sales dominations between the HD consoles, exclusive game news, 3rd party game news, Japan Releases which PS3 has much more then 360, DLC news, Bundle news, I mean I could go on, being a suporter of both the PS3 and 360, its more that the PS3 is on Fire at this time, sales are up, and there staying up, lots of great exclusives comming soon, MAG, GOW3, Halo Reach is a ways away. The bottom line is there is much more to talk about PS3 wise. 360 fans don't get upset the 360 has had its share of greatness, now the light is shinning in PS3 thats life.

I guess your right lol.

Yeah I guess hes right lol.

Go on any gaming site (N4G, Neogaf, here...) there are always more Sony news than MS news. Sony has more studios, more exclusives, more fans, so no need to be Einstein to figure why actually.

I always knew this site would turn into something else when the tables would turn, but recent threads really go beyond my expectations.


Slimebeast said:
Euphoria14 said:
On the main page we have announcement of Heavy Rain demo along with a date.

We have Uncharted 2 DLC news.  <-- Japanese DLC news.

We have Uncharted + Uncharted 2 bundle pack announcement for Japan.  <--- not newsworthy

We have Upcoming PSP titles for 2010.

We have God of War 3 European PS3 bundle and Collectors edition pack shots. <---not newsowrthy

Which of these is bad and should be omitted?

The red ones.

Remember that for every new news article you push down a potentially more important news artciel from the front page,

The ones i marked in red I could see be spammed on the forum and get about 7-12 replies, and that would be fine. On VGC front-page, no. I doubt Gamespot, IGN etc has anywhere near such insignificant news, as they have the same design with only about 10 important news visible on their front page. Other sites like Kotaku are different because it's design is more like a blog, with a huge page you browse and scrolls down - on Kotaku it's obvious that you go to read a lot of 'off' stuff, and a lot of stuff.


IGN and GameSpot post pretty much no news, with their large team of contributors who earn wages to do apparently nothing. IGN, especially, ignores all sorts of large news which people would care about, and then posts some random crap.

Oh, and you know how the Japanese DLC (it's not Japanese DLC. It was just announced through SCEJ) is unworthy of being an article?


(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

papflesje said:
That you pick out the Japanese ones, I can understand.
Why is the European news not newsworthy?

Because not every bundle needs it's own news! I think it's ridiculous. And the Collectiors Ed. part of that news was only about the package design, the package contents itself has already been revealed in news before. Just make a thread about it in the Sony forum and all the interested people can drool as usual.

Only thanks to VGC I am aware of all these 250GB HDD Euro game bundles by Sony lol. Almost every Sony exclusive has his own lol. Apparently!