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Forums - Website Topics - Sony bias is reflected in VGChartz news articles

Slimebeast said:
ZorrosRage said:
Slimebeast said:
zexen_lowe said:
Slimebeast said:

Okay, but whatever the reason is for the lazyness of your X360 contributors you just need more of them then.

I dont mean that any specific X360 article was missed, not that I know of. I mean that the news are flooded with Sony/PS3 news. Whatever the reason is, it's awkward to read dozens each of GT5, Heavy Rain and God of War artciles in the past few months but only a fraction of that for the high profile X360 games.

It simply is irritating to read through the headlines and see so many articles basically just hyping and promoting Sony and Sony's exclusives, the news section doesn't feel like a news section of a gaming site, it feels like Sony advertisement.

So, you don't see any article we missed, but don't like seeing Sony news? According to you, we haven't avoided posting anything about MS, therefore our number of MS articles is OK, what you want is that we post less Sony news? Why would we stop posting because it irritates you? People read them, people like them, people comment on them, and I don't see it as an overload. What, when there's something new about Gran Turismo 5, I shouldn't post it because I have to think "oh, no, there are many GT news, people won't like reading about something new that wasn't posted", when the hits demonstrate the complete opposite?

Hyping and make us seem like we have an agenda. There were more Sony news worth posting, deal with it, if you don't want to read them, just enter the MS section

You do not get the point do you???

There's a difference between one news about a new batch of Mass Effect screenshots or bundle, and 6 or 7 for Heavy Rain.

And okay, if you only go by the hits, that's fine. But maybe you should listen to people who not only cares for hits, but cares about professionalism, fairness and balance?

I can only say that if I was a contributor, I would feel very cheap and dishonest for spamming every batch of new screens I found about my favorite game just because I could. That's very unprofessional in my opinion.

I have been going to this site for a long time also. Yes there does seem to be a small amout of ps3 than 360 in general. It has gotten to be a huge amount in the past couple months but that isnt without reason.

The 360 exclusives that i can think of is

Mass Effect 2, Alan Wake, Crackdown 2 Fable III, Halo: Reach Project, Splinter cell conviction, Natal Xbox LIVE Game Room

While Ps3 has

Agent, God of War III, Gran Turismo 5, Heavy Rain, The Last Guardian, MAG, PlayStation Motion Controller, 3D Dot Game Heroes, EyePet: Your Virtual Pet, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, ModNation Racers, White Knight Chronicles, and maybe twisted metal (release TBA)

If you want to argue that is awsome, but i would not say blame the staff. I read about xbox 360 and ps3. Both are good systems. PS3 has alot of stuff comming out this year and more info is being released.

I am sorry that 360 isnt making a mass effect bundle that is being released but take that up with them. Look at the exclusives and the amount of content AVAILABLE before you complain.

Man, it's obvious u dont care about the X360 because u missed a lot of games.

Which games? I did this mostly off the top of my head

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@BHR-3: Those sales-stats won't keep people here all week, so news is the perfect way to keep the sales-lovers on the site ;) It needs to make money and hits (and therefore people) are needed for that.

Slimebeast said:
papflesje said:
That you pick out the Japanese ones, I can understand.
Why is the European news not newsworthy?

Because not every bundle needs it's own news! I think it's ridiculous. And the Collectiors Ed. part of that news was only about the package design, the package contents itself has already been revealed in news before. Just make a thread about it in the Sony forum and all the interested people can drool as usual.

Only thanks to VGC I am aware of all these 250GB HDD Euro game bundles by Sony lol. Almost every Sony exclusive has his own lol. Apparently!

If it is about a popular game, and it would be of some interest to people, then it is newsworthy.

And I hate to do this, I really do. But:

God of War III Retail Information. 2798 views. 2798 people (or thereabouts) interested enough to read the article.

Mass Effect II Trailer. 298 views. 298 people (or thereabouts) who wanted to see that trailer.

Clearly, people are more interested in the first article. So, if anything, isn't it the MEII trailer that is un-newsworthy?

To be honest, I would say that right there is more peculiar than anything to do with the contributors...package art related to GoWIII garners more interest than an ME2 trailer? Only on VGC

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

kowenicki said:
Gilgamesh said:

This could of been mentioned before, I don't feel like reading through the whole thread.

But first of all what do you expect us to do, make up stuff about the X360 so it has just as much news article then Sony? There's just more going on with the PS3 then X360 right now, huge games releasing shortly, awesome looking bundles, the PS  etc, deal with it.

Another thing VG Chartz has more Sony fans on the site so theres more a chance that a regular user will submit a Sony related article.

If you want more X360 articles then why don't you submit some?

you forgot to say:

Official news contributors who actively seek out PS3 news.

like I said earlier, I have not got a problem with that but its the MAIN reason

As said earlier by mods and admin, kwe had plenty of 360 contributors but they chose not to post 360 related news.

Why not blame them instead of blaming it on "biased" Sony contributors?

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papflesje said:
Slimebeast said:
papflesje said:
That you pick out the Japanese ones, I can understand.
Why is the European news not newsworthy?

Because not every bundle needs it's own news! I think it's ridiculous. And the Collectiors Ed. part of that news was only about the package design, the package contents itself has already been revealed in news before. Just make a thread about it in the Sony forum and all the interested people can drool as usual.

Only thanks to VGC I am aware of all these 250GB HDD Euro game bundles by Sony lol. Almost every Sony exclusive has his own lol. Apparently!

Well, basically, that would be the same thing as when for example Splinter Cell dropped information every day or three new screenshots every day for a while. That might interest you more, but might bore other people because it might seem a repetition.


Those bundles are mentioned because 1) people care about things like that since it might make things cheaper for them and so on.

It's a matter of opinion in that case.


That you don't want news here that doesn't affect anyone visiting this site (like Japanese DLC we can't get anyway), I completely understand. Not wanting news that is relevant to part of the audience here, just because you don't care, is another matter. You should make a distinction between the two.

I am aware of the many strategic releases of Splinter Cell screens lately, like twice a week, and Ive also noticed most of them haven't been posted as VGC news articles.

But no, I don't want more Splinter Cell pics to be released as news articles. It's not interesting anough, generally speaking. One batch of screens is enough regardless of game (within a reasonable time).

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Here's a bit of info for those of you who care. This is what I found after looking through the first 20 pages of news for both Sony and Microsoft. I could go further if I get time later, but I should be doing other stuff now. And these are the RED or GREEN ones; I ignored the orange.

Sony: 159

PS3: 120

PSP: 38

PS2: 0

Microsoft: 90

After 20 pages
PS3 includes PSOne classics
Excludes PS 15th anniversary

Slimebeast said:
ZorrosRage said:
Slimebeast said:
zexen_lowe said:
Slimebeast said:

Okay, but whatever the reason is for the lazyness of your X360 contributors you just need more of them then.

I dont mean that any specific X360 article was missed, not that I know of. I mean that the news are flooded with Sony/PS3 news. Whatever the reason is, it's awkward to read dozens each of GT5, Heavy Rain and God of War artciles in the past few months but only a fraction of that for the high profile X360 games.

It simply is irritating to read through the headlines and see so many articles basically just hyping and promoting Sony and Sony's exclusives, the news section doesn't feel like a news section of a gaming site, it feels like Sony advertisement.

So, you don't see any article we missed, but don't like seeing Sony news? According to you, we haven't avoided posting anything about MS, therefore our number of MS articles is OK, what you want is that we post less Sony news? Why would we stop posting because it irritates you? People read them, people like them, people comment on them, and I don't see it as an overload. What, when there's something new about Gran Turismo 5, I shouldn't post it because I have to think "oh, no, there are many GT news, people won't like reading about something new that wasn't posted", when the hits demonstrate the complete opposite?

Hyping and make us seem like we have an agenda. There were more Sony news worth posting, deal with it, if you don't want to read them, just enter the MS section

You do not get the point do you???

There's a difference between one news about a new batch of Mass Effect screenshots or bundle, and 6 or 7 for Heavy Rain.

And okay, if you only go by the hits, that's fine. But maybe you should listen to people who not only cares for hits, but cares about professionalism, fairness and balance?

I can only say that if I was a contributor, I would feel very cheap and dishonest for spamming every batch of new screens I found about my favorite game just because I could. That's very unprofessional in my opinion.

I have been going to this site for a long time also. Yes there does seem to be a small amout of ps3 than 360 in general. It has gotten to be a huge amount in the past couple months but that isnt without reason.

The 360 exclusives that i can think of is

Mass Effect 2, Alan Wake, Crackdown 2 Fable III, Halo: Reach Project, Splinter cell conviction, Natal Xbox LIVE Game Room

While Ps3 has

Agent, God of War III, Gran Turismo 5, Heavy Rain, The Last Guardian, MAG, PlayStation Motion Controller, 3D Dot Game Heroes, EyePet: Your Virtual Pet, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, ModNation Racers, White Knight Chronicles, and maybe twisted metal (release TBA)

If you want to argue that is awsome, but i would not say blame the staff. I read about xbox 360 and ps3. Both are good systems. PS3 has alot of stuff comming out this year and more info is being released.

I am sorry that 360 isnt making a mass effect bundle that is being released but take that up with them. Look at the exclusives and the amount of content AVAILABLE before you complain.

Man, it's obvious u dont care about the X360 because u missed a lot of games.

Can you please tell me which ones i missed since i dont care about the 360? It might be a game I want to play.

Slimebeast said:

For a while now I have noticed that the news headlines on the first page are very much more often in red color (Sony related) than green (Microsoft related). Now you might say it's because Sony has three consoles on the market (PS3, PS2 and PSP), while MS only has one (X360). But it's not. Because even if you exclude the PSP and PS2 news, the ratio in favor of Sony is massive - from January 1 to January 21 VGC has posted 48 Sony PS3 related news articles, compared to only 20 MS X360 related articles. I'm afraid that quite a bit of "fan enthusiasm" is at play here.

As a Xbox fan I am obviously very upset by this. Now you might say, "but hey, we don't have enough contributors for the Xbox, what can we do?". Well, that would be an unprofessional reply I think. Would it cut it to say that on Gamespot or IGN? "Yeah, we have twice as much PS3 material because all our staff love the trey". No, it wouldn't.

On all other gaming sites I've visited - unless it's clearly a fansite for a specific console or brand - the proportion between news articles and overall material is split fairly evenly between the PS3 and X360.

My suggestion is that if it doesn't come naturally from the grassroots, i.e. the pool of potential contributors simply doesn't contain enough Xbox fans (which is only logical for a site dominated by Sony fans) the site leaders should make sure that both consoles get equal coverage.

Also, lately there's been an awful lot of news about such and such bundle for the PS3 or such and such new batch of screenshots for the Xth time. Even if these type of articles were split even between the HD consoles, my personal opinion is that there's a bit of an amateurish feel to see so many news about bundles and screenshots.


From January 1- 21 we have 58 Nintendo News. So, are we Nintendo biased?


Why instead of complaining don't you contribute, its not the first time that you bash the news section, and again its getting old quick. If you have any question or complain about the state of the news section, direct it to me, don't create a thread.

Also only using PS3 and Xbox on your example makes you look like as if you're purposely ignoring the Wii, when it also has more articles than the 360. It seems to me that you don't care about the 360 at all, but only about the PS3 getting less exposure than it gets now simply because you don't like it.



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Kantor said:
Slimebeast said:
papflesje said:
That you pick out the Japanese ones, I can understand.
Why is the European news not newsworthy?

Because not every bundle needs it's own news! I think it's ridiculous. And the Collectiors Ed. part of that news was only about the package design, the package contents itself has already been revealed in news before. Just make a thread about it in the Sony forum and all the interested people can drool as usual.

Only thanks to VGC I am aware of all these 250GB HDD Euro game bundles by Sony lol. Almost every Sony exclusive has his own lol. Apparently!

If it is about a popular game, and it would be of some interest to people, then it is newsworthy.

And I hate to do this, I really do. But:

God of War III Retail Information. 2798 views. 2798 people (or thereabouts) interested enough to read the article.

Mass Effect II Trailer. 298 views. 298 people (or thereabouts) who wanted to see that trailer.

Clearly, people are more interested in the first article. So, if anything, isn't it the MEII trailer that is un-newsworthy?

To be honest, I would say that right there is more peculiar than anything to do with the contributors...package art related to GoWIII garners more interest than an ME2 trailer? Only on VGC

Do you believe that represents the popularity between the two games in gerenal though? Even on the internet?

No! It just shows the problem with this site, namely the split and bias in population between Sony and Xbox. On Gametrailers the split is a lot more even - 11 mill total views for God of War III, 6 mill for Mass Effect 2.

You have proved my point.

This isn't really productive at this point. If you think we're missing some 360 news there are multiple ways to submit it as already mentioned in this thread.