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Forums - Website Topics - Sony bias is reflected in VGChartz news articles

This could of been mentioned before, I don't feel like reading through the whole thread.

But first of all what do you expect us to do, make up stuff about the X360 so it has just as much news article then Sony? There's just more going on with the PS3 then X360 right now, huge games releasing shortly, awesome looking bundles, the PS  etc, deal with it.

Another thing VG Chartz has more Sony fans on the site so theres more a chance that a regular user will submit a Sony related article.

If you want more X360 articles then why don't you submit some?

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You should go to IGN, you would feel very comfortable there. No matter what page you are on everything links to the 360 area. Everytime you click on a multiplat title it is always the 360 version it sends you to, etc.

This site is really no different. a few months ago All I could here was 360 this, 360 that(on this site no doubt) and if you saw a PS3 article it was to defame it in some manner.




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Please dont stop posting bundle news. I'm thinking about getting a 2nd PS3 and I will if it comes bundled with a game I want. I spent about 10 minutes searching through amazon, best buy, etc., seeing if there were any bundles out now or coming soon that I wanted...

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Gilgamesh said:

This could of been mentioned before, I don't feel like reading through the whole thread.

But first of all what do you expect us to do, make up stuff about the X360 so it has just as much news article then Sony? There's just more going on with the PS3 then X360 right now, huge games releasing shortly, awesome looking bundles, the PS  etc, deal with it.

Another thing VG Chartz has more Sony fans on the site so theres more a chance that a regular user will submit a Sony related article.

If you want more X360 articles then why don't you submit some?

That was his main complaint. That there isnt any 360 news compared to ps3 and he shouldnt have to post thats why he uses sites like this to look them up. but look at the content.


The 360 exclusives that i can think of is

Mass Effect 2, Alan Wake, Crackdown 2 Fable III, Halo: Reach Project, Splinter cell conviction, Natal Xbox LIVE Game Room

While Ps3 has

Agent, God of War III, Gran Turismo 5, Heavy Rain, The Last Guardian, MAG, PlayStation Motion Controller, 3D Dot Game Heroes, EyePet: Your Virtual Pet, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, ModNation Racers, White Knight Chronicles, and maybe twisted metal (release TBA)


What do you expect.


I guess we can start posting IGNs top 10 halo kills stuff?

Slimebeast said:
papflesje said:
That you pick out the Japanese ones, I can understand.
Why is the European news not newsworthy?

Because not every bundle needs it's own news! I think it's ridiculous. And the Collectiors Ed. part of that news was only about the package design, the package contents itself has already been revealed in news before. Just make a thread about it in the Sony forum and all the interested people can drool as usual.

Only thanks to VGC I am aware of all these 250GB HDD Euro game bundles by Sony lol. Almost every Sony exclusive has his own lol. Apparently!

Well, basically, that would be the same thing as when for example Splinter Cell dropped information every day or three new screenshots every day for a while. That might interest you more, but might bore other people because it might seem a repetition.


Those bundles are mentioned because 1) people care about things like that since it might make things cheaper for them and so on.

It's a matter of opinion in that case.


That you don't want news here that doesn't affect anyone visiting this site (like Japanese DLC we can't get anyway), I completely understand. Not wanting news that is relevant to part of the audience here, just because you don't care, is another matter. You should make a distinction between the two.

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Without bundle news people won't have the extra info needed possibly when it comes to the prediction league.

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papflesje said:
Slimebeast said:
papflesje said:
That you pick out the Japanese ones, I can understand.
Why is the European news not newsworthy?

Because not every bundle needs it's own news! I think it's ridiculous. And the Collectiors Ed. part of that news was only about the package design, the package contents itself has already been revealed in news before. Just make a thread about it in the Sony forum and all the interested people can drool as usual.

Only thanks to VGC I am aware of all these 250GB HDD Euro game bundles by Sony lol. Almost every Sony exclusive has his own lol. Apparently!

Well, basically, that would be the same thing as when for example Splinter Cell dropped information every day or three new screenshots every day for a while. That might interest you more, but might bore other people because it might seem a repetition.


Those bundles are mentioned because 1) people care about things like that since it might make things cheaper for them and so on.

It's a matter of opinion in that case.


That you don't want news here that doesn't affect anyone visiting this site (like Japanese DLC we can't get anyway), I completely understand. Not wanting news that is relevant to part of the audience here, just because you don't care, is another matter. You should make a distinction between the two.

That DLC isn't just coming to Japan.  It was legit news.

Owner of PS4 Pro, Xbox One, Switch, PS Vita, and 3DS

ZorrosRage said:
Slimebeast said:
zexen_lowe said:
Slimebeast said:

Okay, but whatever the reason is for the lazyness of your X360 contributors you just need more of them then.

I dont mean that any specific X360 article was missed, not that I know of. I mean that the news are flooded with Sony/PS3 news. Whatever the reason is, it's awkward to read dozens each of GT5, Heavy Rain and God of War artciles in the past few months but only a fraction of that for the high profile X360 games.

It simply is irritating to read through the headlines and see so many articles basically just hyping and promoting Sony and Sony's exclusives, the news section doesn't feel like a news section of a gaming site, it feels like Sony advertisement.

So, you don't see any article we missed, but don't like seeing Sony news? According to you, we haven't avoided posting anything about MS, therefore our number of MS articles is OK, what you want is that we post less Sony news? Why would we stop posting because it irritates you? People read them, people like them, people comment on them, and I don't see it as an overload. What, when there's something new about Gran Turismo 5, I shouldn't post it because I have to think "oh, no, there are many GT news, people won't like reading about something new that wasn't posted", when the hits demonstrate the complete opposite?

Hyping and make us seem like we have an agenda. There were more Sony news worth posting, deal with it, if you don't want to read them, just enter the MS section

You do not get the point do you???

There's a difference between one news about a new batch of Mass Effect screenshots or bundle, and 6 or 7 for Heavy Rain.

And okay, if you only go by the hits, that's fine. But maybe you should listen to people who not only cares for hits, but cares about professionalism, fairness and balance?

I can only say that if I was a contributor, I would feel very cheap and dishonest for spamming every batch of new screens I found about my favorite game just because I could. That's very unprofessional in my opinion.

I have been going to this site for a long time also. Yes there does seem to be a small amout of ps3 than 360 in general. It has gotten to be a huge amount in the past couple months but that isnt without reason.

The 360 exclusives that i can think of is

Mass Effect 2, Alan Wake, Crackdown 2 Fable III, Halo: Reach Project, Splinter cell conviction, Natal Xbox LIVE Game Room

While Ps3 has

Agent, God of War III, Gran Turismo 5, Heavy Rain, The Last Guardian, MAG, PlayStation Motion Controller, 3D Dot Game Heroes, EyePet: Your Virtual Pet, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, ModNation Racers, White Knight Chronicles, and maybe twisted metal (release TBA)

If you want to argue that is awsome, but i would not say blame the staff. I read about xbox 360 and ps3. Both are good systems. PS3 has alot of stuff comming out this year and more info is being released.

I am sorry that 360 isnt making a mass effect bundle that is being released but take that up with them. Look at the exclusives and the amount of content AVAILABLE before you complain.

Man, it's obvious u dont care about the X360 because u missed a lot of games.

Slimebeast said:
zexen_lowe said:
Slimebeast said:
I would always ask myself "is this news worthy? Does it contribute to anything significant? Do the readers need this? Are we giving a balanced picture here?"

I would not go for it and post everything I liked just because it gives the site hits. I really didn't knew about such a policy, that hits are so important. That's sad.

At the same time most of you people have the nerve to complain that game developers and publishers are repeating the same formula and only think about their sales in front of creativity, originality and artistic integrity.

The last question you'd ask yourself is irrelevant, imagine we were on the PS2 gen, would you complain there are more PS2 news? No. Put it simple, now there have been more PS3 news, the "balance" is irrelevant because no one stops posting anything because "it's unbalancing". As for the other questions, let's take an example with some HR screenshots

Is this news worthy? Yes, the game is quite anticipated in this site, and it hasn't been posted before

Does it contribute to anything significant? Yes, because people would want to see them

Do the readers need this? Considering they read them, evidently they care


There. And I just proved that that is something a news poster asks himself before posting a news. Don't you think I wonder if something is "news worthy" before posting, and discard an article if I think it's not?

Hahaha, Ill use this next time u complain about Activision, EA or Ubisoft games.

Compain about what? What does have me complaining have to do with what's relevant? I hate shooters, it's a well known thing, and yet I posted lots of MW2 news because it's a popular game that people wanted to read about. Who says I only post about games I care about?

Slimebeast said:
Euphoria14 said:
On the main page we have announcement of Heavy Rain demo along with a date.

We have Uncharted 2 DLC news.  <-- Japanese DLC news.

We have Uncharted + Uncharted 2 bundle pack announcement for Japan.  <--- not newsworthy wat! how is that not news worthy
We have Upcoming PSP titles for 2010.

We have God of War 3 European PS3 bundle and Collectors edition pack shots. <---not newsowrthy   again wat!

Which of these is bad and should be omitted?

The red ones.

Remember that for every new news article you push down a potentially more important news artciel from the front page,

The ones i marked in red I could see be spammed on the forum and get about 7-12 replies, and that would be fine. On VGC front-page, no. I doubt Gamespot, IGN etc has anywhere near such insignificant news, as they have the same design with only about 10 important news visible on their front page. Other sites like Kotaku are different because it's design is more like a blog, with a huge page you browse and scrolls down - on Kotaku it's obvious that you go to read a lot of 'off' stuff, and a lot of stuff.


as u said slime other sites like GS IGN have only the important game related news if some1 want to know bout psp games or U2 DLC chances r they already read it on those sites

wen i 1st found vgc it was very bare bones it had sales data and sales news related articles, thats all i wanted from it its a sales site or at least it was wen it 1st came out in 06-07 i come here for sales related things only i go to other sites for gaming news it will always be like that for me forever

u wanna know y it will be like that b/c those other sites main purpose is gaming related articles they are the best at it and will have the articles up b4 any other site does so y not use them for there main porpuse?


i would perfer that vgc only includes sales related news articles in there news setion

i always see the gaming news in teh forums here b4 its in the news section anyway


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