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Forums - Sony Discussion - What makes a Platinum trophy special in your view?



Love Platinum triphies 6 46.15%
Hate Platinum trophies 1 7.69%
Have no opinion on Platinum trophies 6 46.15%
Leynos said:
LegitHyperbole said:

Idk why devs would hate implementing them when there is a whole side of the PS store that makes their money off of easyil popped platinums trophies for the whores. Sony has even seen the benifets of a good teophy list and pushed their devs do implement more obtainable platinums over the harsh lists like back in the day with TLOU and what not where it was possible to not pop a trophy at all the entire game. Idk what devs you're talking about but they can't be thinking with their games in mind, stats show a good trophy list will help sell games. 

My name is Mayo and those games are not real games and don't count. Do you like extra work at your job? It's more time and work and then the decision where to put them while needing to follow Sony/MS polices on them.

This is how it was explained to me by a programmer who used to work at R*.

it's what you'd call "Rote code" basically anything that does what it does without deviation just functions better.
Think of it like this:
Whats easier to remember to do?

You stamp every envelope or Stamp every envelope and when you hit 100 envelopes, scream, but never do it ever again, unless a different person comes and asks you to do it again, and you need to count between shifts and make sure you know where you left off even when you go to sleep. Sony is worse.

It's built the opposite way achievements are built into everything else
so if you make em, and get them implemented for xbox and Steam and apple store and Google Play, you have to basically start over on the backend stuff for playstation.
Now I have never been a programmer but I have worked in a canning factory many moons ago putting lids on Apple Sauce jars on a conveyer belt. I lost count within 10 seconds lol.
HIs reponse to that was this "
whats funny is thats accurate, you switch scenes and clear that value, it's gone
I've seen super dumb bugs where starting a new game, exiting without saving and then loading into a game could reset some counting stats
That said it depends on the complexity of the achievement too. it's not so much hard as just annoying, especially when you layer in what I said before about PlayStation"

My name is Mayo is old news, the market place has evolved since then to meet demand and now games are created that are solid games but centered around the platinum and there is a wide range of difficulties and lengths. A 90 minute Platinum here, a better crafted four hour Platinum there for a few more chips but they are all made for the whore and with the whore in mind. Honestly, if you look at a whores trophy list you'll find hundreds of games like this and that's only the popular ones. These games count and people are making money off it and the costumers are enjoying boosting their accounts or getting whatever dopamine high they get. You'll see platinums rates as high as 80% on some of these games and remember 30% is the average credit roll completion rate for normal games with platinums at sub in the low single digits. The devs you are talking about obviously don't like their jobs and don't want to serve the costumer what they want, why would anyone go into work as a creative and NOT want to do the work. That's ludicrous. 

But there is the casual Sony gamer now, or more core Sony gamers who have got hooked on first party platinums and want more. This is a steadily growing area in the Sony ecosystem and the smart devs who want to do the work are making money. I personally think it should be regulated by Sony or games should get a stamp of Sony approval on platinums but hey, everyone in the equation seems to be happy so why change it. 

Last edited by LegitHyperbole - 12 hours ago

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I used to hunt for platinum trophies but what used to make one special for me is when a game uses it to promote 100% competition (or show off everything the game offers), very hard challenges or making you play the game in an unconventional way. When I was able to platinum a game on my first play through on a easy/normal difficulty I usually didn't find it fulfilling.

Now that I'm older my mindset is totally different since I have less time to play games so I'm not actively looking for trophies. But I sort of welcome those easy platinum's if I find them doable lol. I always respect when games have very hard challenges and when players are able to beat them to be apart of the 0.2% who achieved that plat.

The best platinums are those that let you see all or almost all of the quests and such in a game. Platinums that require a playthrough on hard mode or harder or a lot of online trophies are very frustrating.

Lifetime Sales Predictions 

Switch: 161 million (was 73 million, then 96 million, then 113 million, then 125 million, then 144 million, then 151 million, then 156 million)

PS5: 115 million (was 105 million) Xbox Series S/X: 40 million (was 60 million, then 67 million, then 57 million. then 48 million)

PS4: 120 mil (was 100 then 130 million, then 122 million) Xbox One: 51 mil (was 50 then 55 mil)

3DS: 75.5 mil (was 73, then 77 million)

"Let go your earthly tether, enter the void, empty and become wind." - Guru Laghima

I stopped hunting for trophies around the time the PS4 arrived. Which is a long time ago now that I think about it! I don't miss it though. I became a little addicted, lol. My best remembered Platinums are Final Fantasy XIII and Killzone 2. Generally I liked platinums that are just really hard to get.

I don't even know which trophies I get these days. I completely turned off any notifications about it.

Official member of VGC's Nintendo family, approved by the one and only RolStoppable. I feel honored.

I have no idea. If I have any Platinum trophies then I don't know about it. I usually ignore them or turn off notifications because I dislike how immersion breaking they are. The last thing in the world I want is to beat a really intense, story-driven quest only to immediately see a little blurb with a cringe-inducing name pop up. Collectable trophies are fine but getting them for completing a quest feels meaningless and intrusive to me.

Probably the only time I've ever hunted for any kind of achievement in a game was with Borderlands 2, since it rewarded you with stat increases, but eventually I asked myself why I was doing something that wasn't fun or interesting so I stopped.

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It's weird how you get a nice little feeling when a trophy pops. It doesn't really do anything or benefit you in any tangible way.