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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Do You Plan on Buying a Switch 2?


Do You Plan on Buying a Switch 2?

Definitely, day one 266 43.89%
Yes, but not right away 166 27.39%
Maybe, I'm currently undecided 55 9.08%
Probably not, but there's a chance 52 8.58%
Definitely not 67 11.06%

Not until a new Pokemon mainline game demands it.

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I'll buy it with gen 10 pokemon, so i may have to wait till 2026 as 2025 will be legends ZA.

The_Yoda said:
Mr.GameCrazy said:

Not on day 1, but I will definitely get the Switch 2!

You better have one by the time Splatoon 4 releases.

I'll probably day 1 it on the off chance Metroid Prime 4 has even slight enhancements on Switch 2. Metroid is no Zelda but the best possible experience for BotW was what hooked me into a day 1 purchase of the Switch.  I swore I was going to wait on that purchase after the WiiU but I crumbled as soon as I saw the BotW footage and hit a pre-order on Amazon.  This time I even have $500 sitting back in my savings account earmarked for the Switch 2.  The only thing that would give me pause would be if they pulled a PS3 and tried charging $600 bucks for it.

I really hope the C button is "community" and we have a MiiVerse like app.  I always loved seeing the art made my other players.

I hope its "Challenges" and is used to track your Achievement/Trophy accomplishments. I dont really care about them on Playstation or Xbox mostly, but I think I would care more about it with Nintendo games.

Just received an e-mail from Nintendo about the online getting a price bump right before this fiscal year ends. Yay, thank you Switch 2...

Is it global or only happening in Brazil?

I'll pick one up as soon as I run into it at MSRP without having to do a ton of work to find it. I don't intend to ever pay a scalper for a console in the future, but I also don't have the time to dedicate to scrolling websites and visiting 10 stores a day in hopes of running into one on the shelf.

Around the Network

Probably, but not before I know which games I am playing.

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

I'll buy one this year, though probably not at launch.

My Switch meanwhile will go to my little nephew and niece, they'll be very happy to play with them

I know I do not need one. But history will probably repeat itself.

firebush03 said:

yeah this question doesn’t even take a second thought for me. I’ll be waiting outside my Target at 12am for the 8am opening.

You're not the only one! I will be waiting in front of the storr as well! Oh god for the Wii I even came as early as 05:00 in the morning!! I guess i will easily spend 1000-1500€ day one for the system, games accesoirs. I think 2000€ will be the absolite maximum for all but i think i won't touch that mark. 

BraLoD said:

Not until a new Pokemon mainline game demands it.

Based on Pokemon Scarlet/Violet, I'm pretty that is going to be exhibited in year one with Pokemon ZA with a terribly optimised Swich version and then a Switch 2 versions which plays as you would actually want.

Edit: Although I guess that's not mainline.