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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Quantity of games per year and per system with exclusives as well (according to Wikipedia)


Which was your favorite time period for gaming ?

5th generation (1993 - 2000) 9 25.71%
6th generation (2000 - 2006) 9 25.71%
7th generation (2006 - 2013) 7 20.00%
8th generation (2013 - 2020) 5 14.29%
9th generation (2020 - now) 5 14.29%

Good graphs.

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While metacritic makes for a cool graphic and gives us a general idea it's far from accurate, it remains acrurate up until a certain point from what I can find around the PS3/360 there must be digital games that aren't being counted.

Over 10,000 games were released for ps4. 171,000 people from 8,000 developers. 6,000 more than PS2 seemingly accurate figure

Nintendo Switch has near 11,500 games.

2,700 so far on ps5.

While Xbox SXS figures are difficult to find.

Cool charts, digital-only games don't seem to be taken into account here, or at least ones without Wikipedia articles.

Lifetime Sales Predictions 

Switch: 161 million (was 73 million, then 96 million, then 113 million, then 125 million, then 144 million, then 151 million, then 156 million)

PS5: 115 million (was 105 million) Xbox Series S/X: 48 million (was 60 million, then 67 million, then 57 million)

PS4: 120 mil (was 100 then 130 million, then 122 million) Xbox One: 51 mil (was 50 then 55 mil)

3DS: 75.5 mil (was 73, then 77 million)

"Let go your earthly tether, enter the void, empty and become wind." - Guru Laghima

Hm...according to:

PS Store - there are 3681 "full" PS5 games
Switch Store - 15K+ Switch games (plus 6K+ DLCs)
XBOX Store - doesn't show when XSX is checked, just total number (XSX, XOne, PC...) of ~12K

Yeah, we're definitively in digital store future

LegitHyperbole said:

While metacritic makes for a cool graphic and gives us a general idea it's far from accurate, it remains acrurate up until a certain point from what I can find around the PS3/360 there must be digital games that aren't being counted.

Over 10,000 games were released for ps4. 171,000 people from 8,000 developers. 6,000 more than PS2 seemingly accurate figure

Nintendo Switch has near 11,500 games.

2,700 so far on ps5.

While Xbox SXS figures are difficult to find.

I don't know if this website is to be trusted, and over 3000 more titles for XB1 than PS3 ? hmm I am skeptical here.

My sales comparison threads:

Ultimate Showdowns: JP 2023 / JP 2024 / 2024 / 2023 / 20222021

Lifetime Showdown / Historical Showdown / YOY Charts / 140M+ Club Chart / Quantity of Games

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Possibly Indy Games are not counted by Wiki, when these are self published which is not uncommon in the digital age. Or perhaps it's only what Circana (NPD) calls 'Premium Games'.

I have no proof of this, but my gutfeel would expect an explosion of all kind of indies from 2014 onwards.

XtremeBG said:
LegitHyperbole said:

While metacritic makes for a cool graphic and gives us a general idea it's far from accurate, it remains acrurate up until a certain point from what I can find around the PS3/360 there must be digital games that aren't being counted.

Over 10,000 games were released for ps4. 171,000 people from 8,000 developers. 6,000 more than PS2 seemingly accurate figure

Nintendo Switch has near 11,500 games.

2,700 so far on ps5.

While Xbox SXS figures are difficult to find.

I don't know if this website is to be trusted, and over 3000 more titles for XB1 than PS3 ? hmm I am skeptical here.

I'll keep digging and see if I can get any other sources to back it up. Like Tober said, the indie games have to be taken out cause they did indeed explode on these systems there is still dozens added to Switch every week, even ps4 is just a sea of them and they still aren't stopping. Alas, I'll dig some more and post when I turn something up, have to get to the bottom of this now. 

It was right at the scource lol. PLaystation lists 9,991 games.

So, perhaps those extra few hundred are delisted games or games only available in certain regions. 

It still blows my mind how few games the N64 had in its lifetime. Has so many classic games. Some always in the talk of greatest games of all time, but man did Nintendo lose out on so much support that generation.

I still love the 5th generation overall the most. The PS1 was my first ever console and everything from the iconic boot up that just hits different even to this day, to so many classic games. And of course so many endless multiplayer weekends with my cousins/classmates playing the N64. But I also believe this was a golden era for PC gaming. Where you also got a PC for the abundance of exclusive games the same way you bought a console for exclusive games.

HoloDust said:

Hm...according to:

PS Store - there are 3681 "full" PS5 games
Switch Store - 15K+ Switch games (plus 6K+ DLCs)
XBOX Store - doesn't show when XSX is checked, just total number (XSX, XOne, PC...) of ~12K

Yeah, we're definitively in digital store future

Never even considered going straight to the scource. Lmao. Yeah, that graph need to be readjusted from the ps4/xone onwards. Ps3 likely won't be the most iffy numbers but everything prior to that looks legit.