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Sorry that life isn't good to you. I hope things will light up in the future.

I am not the best in relationship advice, but the thing about heartbreak that helped me: I started to look at the time we had and be thankful for it instead of lamenting the loss of a possible future. Don't know if it helps you or not, it was right for me. In either case it takes some time to get over heartbreak, so don't push yourself.

For general life things: if you are at a point in life that feels not good, maybe you need to change something. Can't say what is the right place for you, but some shakeup in your life might help. Probably best to wait until the heartbreak is reduced, because that makes us do stupid stuff sometimes.

And a big thanks to you for hosting the Greatest Game Event these past years. This is the thing I look most forward to in this forum and it helps me remember why I game: because of the joy some games bring me. And the event is a way to express this joy and share it with others. So a big thank you to you, this did a lot for me!

Sorry that I feel inadequate to take over. I am kinda liking numbers and statistics, but hosting the event involves much more and I do not feel up to the task. Also in my job customers need to do stuff till the end of the year, so usually the workload is increasing at the end, and that is the time for the event as well. If I am overwhelmed I have the tendency to fall off the face of the world to get off my problems, and it would be bad for the event if the hoster goes MIA in the middle of it. So I am sorry not taking that, I hope someone else will do it.

Anyways, I wish you the best in whatever life decisions you chose to make. I hope you find happiness, stability and security. I think we all deserve that.

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

Around the Network

Hey, thanks for the kind messages/support/advice everyone. I admit I wasn't expecting so much support with this, I always had a feeling that most people around the site were pretty "normal" productive people, I didn't think many would relate to or even try to understand my position. I have had ideas for how to get a move on in life, just haven't chased them with enough intent. Right now, it's hard to find intent for obvious reasons, but hopefully I just need some time to figure things out. Which sucks to say, because I've basically spent the past decade saying "I just need some time", but anyhow...

As for the Greatest Games Event, I was hoping that if anyone was to take over, it'd be someone with more "techy" knowledge. Like, there's definitely ways that a lot of the process could be automated, and that'd make it easier for anyone to host it, but I've no idea how to do that kind of thing. Maybe if someone knows something or has an idea, we could work together to make a system that makes the whole thing easier, I don't know. Either way I don't want the event to end.

And yeah I'm not really leaving. I'm not even sure this thread is a goodbye as much as it is an acknowledgment that I haven't been active in a long time and will likely stay inactive. But it helps that y'all were so supportive, I really didn't expect all of this, thank you.

Thank you for the contributions - you've done a lot especially with the Greatest Game Event - even though I didnt partake in a lot of the time, seeing such an event taking place was great because it was a unique experience (especially with the times I joined in) that I havent seen in any other forum I went to.

Leaving or lowering your activity time is normal, everyone goes through it and no one is expected to stay active their whole tenure. Its not like a job where you are expected to be active across scheduled times.

Anyways, congrats for 10 years and hopefully we see you from time to time.


Since we're talking about how many years....

For me its been 13+ years now - on my 14th year.

Aside from GameFaqs (which I've been a member for over 14 years now and I dont really post on there to begin with), this has been my longest forum experience.

Other forum/internet histories....

Anime forum - 2006 to 2009 - 4 years
Video game forum - 2004 to 2009 - 6 years
Aniilist - 2018 to current - 5+ years
Kitsu - 2018 to current - 5+ years
ResetERA - 2017 to current - 6+ years
Darkadia - 2013 to current - 11+ years
AnimePlanet - 2011 to current - 13+ years
MyAnimeList - 2011 to current - 13+ years
Backloggery - 2011 to current - 13+ years
VGChartz - 2011 to current - 13+ years
GameFaqs - 2010 to current - 14+ years

There's other forums and sites but I dont remember the years I joined (not as memorable lol).

mZuzek said:

The thing is, I'm a 29-year-old who's just going through his first break-up, has never had a job, is still living with his parents and brings in no income. I went to college for a few years, but I dropped out. My life has gone absolutely nowhere in all of my adulthood, and I just don't see how I can fix it. I don't have the confidence or the social aptitude or the willingness to try and get a job, I played all of my cards into dedicating myself to music-making and hopefully making a living through that, but I've barely made any music in years because my motivation's died out completely.

I was in your situation in my 20s as well.

I didnt have a job, had no education and was living with my parents and depending on them.

My life was not going anywhere, I was online arguing with people about stupid stuff, playing MMOs for hours and hours and staying up late like up to 3 to 4am (waking up like at 1pm or so).

I was not social at all (still not that much lol) and had no willpower or motivation either. No one believed in me, not even my parents.

A friend of my parents told me since I was so good with computers and technology , that I should go into IT or the Tech industry.

So in 2011 , I started going to college and slowly changed my habits. It was tough at first, it always is.

I was at the time - super overweight, had blood pressure issues, high cholesterol, high sugar, etc.

Slowly but surely I changed up my habits - I quit playing MMOs, lowered my time on forums (until eventually I cut it down to what a normal person should be at), started working out/changing my eating habits.

I ended up graduating, losing a ton of weight, getting a job, getting married, buying a house, buying my own car, and just recently about over a week ago - my daughter was born.

Change doesn't happen over one day, one week or a month.

It takes time and its different for every person.

Just don't give up, eventually you'll be at a better place. You'll go through good and bad times but life is a journey of ups and downs.

The most important thing is even if no one believes in you, you need to believe in yourself and not give up.

If I can do it, anyone can as well.

fucking newb

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

Join the Prediction League

Instead of seeking to convince others, we can be open to changing our own minds, and seek out information that contradicts our own steadfast point of view. Maybe it’ll turn out that those who disagree with you actually have a solid grasp of the facts. There’s a slight possibility that, after all, you’re the one who’s wrong.

Whatever happens, I hope its for good. Wish you the best.

Around the Network

I hit 10 in August. Thanks for your contributions to date. I typically like reading what you have to say in "whatcha watchin".

Is there anyway to parley your incredible skills with the English language into a paying job?

Aside from all that we should play some Splatoon3 again at some point. I've been playing with the wife lately so I've gotten used to losing most games. She scores between 4 and 600 points per game with a roller and rarely gets any splats. Not trying to dog on her, at least she does something with me I enjoy. The 9 year old does a little better than she does and the 15 year old is pretty decent. For some reason they have all been wanting to splat lately so I bought a couple more copies of the game today so each switch will have one. I'm just saying if you play and are rusty it won't tank my stats.

Our splatoon discord server is still up. Drop in sometime when you see me on.

I hope things click soon and the wheels of change for the better start slowly rolling for you.

The_Yoda said:

I hit 10 in August. Thanks for your contributions to date. I typically like reading what you have to say in "whatcha watchin".

Is there anyway to parley your incredible skills with the English language into a paying job?

Aside from all that we should play some Splatoon3 again at some point. I've been playing with the wife lately so I've gotten used to losing most games. She scores between 4 and 600 points per game with a roller and rarely gets any splats. Not trying to dog on her, at least she does something with me I enjoy. The 9 year old does a little better than she does and the 15 year old is pretty decent. For some reason they have all been wanting to splat lately so I bought a couple more copies of the game today so each switch will have one. I'm just saying if you play and are rusty it won't tank my stats.

Our splatoon discord server is still up. Drop in sometime when you see me on.

I hope things click soon and the wheels of change for the better start slowly rolling for you.

I have considered getting into writing, now I'm considering something else. But it won't happen without motivation and a more stable emotional state. Either way, thanks for the compliment.

I can't really play Splatoon online anymore, cause I stopped paying for the subscription. Would love to though.

I share your lifestyle. & Congrats on your 10th year anniversary on VGChartz :D

I live with my parents too and I'm 34. I didn't have a job until I was 25. I'm also gay. I went to Uni and studied Computer Animation & play the piano. But about 15 years ago I've lost motivation with my hobbies too. I haven't made any animations, 3D modelling, game projects in Gamemaker/Unity or music in the last few years. I really need to get back on track with it.
Anyway, in the early 2010s I didn't have a job. Games were being released and I didn't have the money to buy them.
In the mid 2010s (8th gen) I got a job but I started to loose the feeling of playing games (which was a temporary feeling at the time as I wasn't used to having a job). I would still buy games but I only played a few. The Wii U was my go-to console at the time. But I felt bad as it was flopping in sales. Then Satotu Iwata died. The PS4 & Xbox One just felt like a hollow mimic of the PS3/Xbox360 that game before it (with a few exceptions of certain games). More gamers turned their backs from consoles and went to PC. It felt like the whole console industry was stagnant. I would sit down to play a game, then wonder which game I should play as I had accumulated around 20 PS4 games that I hadn't started playing yet. Then I would then stop and do nothing. Whenever I did try to play a game I would get bored after 5 minutes. Game genres felt formulaic (on PS4). It felt like games I already played before but with a different skin. I lost my appetite in my interests.
In 2016 I lost my job (and didn't get a new job till 2019). I couldn't afford games again and I lost my appetite in games. I tried really hard to get back my appetite.
In 2018 I got a PSVR for Christmas and got Resi 7. It was amazing and extremely immersive. It felt like a fresh start and made games feel new again. This made me start playing games again, whether in VR or not.
I got a new job as a Dominos delivery driver in 2019 and I went through a VR (particularly VR Horror) faze. I'm now playing PS4, PS5 & Switch. I've played through all the Resi remakes that I had before but in' get round to completing. I'm trophy hunting. I got 100% on Resi 0, 1 (2002 remake), 2 remake, 3 remake & original 4. Now I'm trying to 100% Resi 4 remake.
I'm a long time Resident Evil fan so I'm surprised I didn't try to do this before. Now I still work for Dominos as a delivery driver. Other staff there are gamers too. This social circle makes me talk about games I play and that naturally motivates me to play games more too. The thought of others' perceptions of me can motivate me. When before I was on my own with no money. Now I play on games again and will hopefully continue making animations, music and game projects too. I recently bought a Cintiq for drawing & 3D sculpting in Blender :)

My point is, time heals these things. A small part time job can also help too. Before, I felt like I couldn't afford games. Then when I would get a job I would feel (for a while) like I couldn't play them. But this feeling eventually normalises back into wherever your hobbies and interests where before.
I hope you feel better soon. I imagine most people on this site are in a similar situation too.
I wish you the best, and don't worry about it too much, as I say time will heal these things, eventually :)

I have (or have/had in the household): ZX Spectrum, Commodore 64, Amiga, NES, Sega Master System, Super Nintendo, Sega Megadrive, Gameboy, Playstation, Nintendo 64, Windows 95, Gameboy Colour, Windows 98, Sega Dreamcast, Gameboy Advance, PS2, Gamecube, Xbox, Windows XP, Nintendo DS, Xbox 360, Wii, PS3, Windows Vista, iPhone, Windows 7, 3DS, Wii U, PS4, Windows 10, PSVR, Switch, PS5 & PSVR2. :D

and I Don't have: Magnovox Odyssey, Any Atari's, Any Macintosh computers, Sega Gamegear, Virtual Boy, Sega Saturn, N-gage, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PSP, PSVita & Andoid Phone. Plus any non-main-stream consoles/platforms I haven't mentioned.

Wishing you all the best man. You're always welcome here.

I just passed 14 years as a member here myself, though I lurked for a while before that. VGChartz may not be as active as it once was, but there's still something special about this place for me, and I always take some time out of my day to check in and post.

I guess after so long, this forum is my comfy space for when I just wanna chill out and chat about my favourite hobby, as a lot of other places are less civil and more negative.

Thanks for all your contributions to making this place so special mzuzek, and in fact, thanks to you all, because it's the community as a whole that makes this one of my favourite little corners of the internet.

I still feel like a Newbie, even though my account is now 11 years old. Been lurking for years before I registered also. Then again, I don't post very often. Like most forums, this place feels kinda dead compared to the old days. But I guess that's because of social media and all that. I never got into that stuff.

Anyway, congrats and whatever you'll be doing in the future, I wish you only the best.

Official member of VGC's Nintendo family, approved by the one and only RolStoppable. I feel honored.