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The_Yoda said:

I hit 10 in August. Thanks for your contributions to date. I typically like reading what you have to say in "whatcha watchin".

Is there anyway to parley your incredible skills with the English language into a paying job?

Aside from all that we should play some Splatoon3 again at some point. I've been playing with the wife lately so I've gotten used to losing most games. She scores between 4 and 600 points per game with a roller and rarely gets any splats. Not trying to dog on her, at least she does something with me I enjoy. The 9 year old does a little better than she does and the 15 year old is pretty decent. For some reason they have all been wanting to splat lately so I bought a couple more copies of the game today so each switch will have one. I'm just saying if you play and are rusty it won't tank my stats.

Our splatoon discord server is still up. Drop in sometime when you see me on.

I hope things click soon and the wheels of change for the better start slowly rolling for you.

I have considered getting into writing, now I'm considering something else. But it won't happen without motivation and a more stable emotional state. Either way, thanks for the compliment.

I can't really play Splatoon online anymore, cause I stopped paying for the subscription. Would love to though.