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Thank you for the contributions - you've done a lot especially with the Greatest Game Event - even though I didnt partake in a lot of the time, seeing such an event taking place was great because it was a unique experience (especially with the times I joined in) that I havent seen in any other forum I went to.

Leaving or lowering your activity time is normal, everyone goes through it and no one is expected to stay active their whole tenure. Its not like a job where you are expected to be active across scheduled times.

Anyways, congrats for 10 years and hopefully we see you from time to time.


Since we're talking about how many years....

For me its been 13+ years now - on my 14th year.

Aside from GameFaqs (which I've been a member for over 14 years now and I dont really post on there to begin with), this has been my longest forum experience.

Other forum/internet histories....

Anime forum - 2006 to 2009 - 4 years
Video game forum - 2004 to 2009 - 6 years
Aniilist - 2018 to current - 5+ years
Kitsu - 2018 to current - 5+ years
ResetERA - 2017 to current - 6+ years
Darkadia - 2013 to current - 11+ years
AnimePlanet - 2011 to current - 13+ years
MyAnimeList - 2011 to current - 13+ years
Backloggery - 2011 to current - 13+ years
VGChartz - 2011 to current - 13+ years
GameFaqs - 2010 to current - 14+ years

There's other forums and sites but I dont remember the years I joined (not as memorable lol).

mZuzek said:

The thing is, I'm a 29-year-old who's just going through his first break-up, has never had a job, is still living with his parents and brings in no income. I went to college for a few years, but I dropped out. My life has gone absolutely nowhere in all of my adulthood, and I just don't see how I can fix it. I don't have the confidence or the social aptitude or the willingness to try and get a job, I played all of my cards into dedicating myself to music-making and hopefully making a living through that, but I've barely made any music in years because my motivation's died out completely.

I was in your situation in my 20s as well.

I didnt have a job, had no education and was living with my parents and depending on them.

My life was not going anywhere, I was online arguing with people about stupid stuff, playing MMOs for hours and hours and staying up late like up to 3 to 4am (waking up like at 1pm or so).

I was not social at all (still not that much lol) and had no willpower or motivation either. No one believed in me, not even my parents.

A friend of my parents told me since I was so good with computers and technology , that I should go into IT or the Tech industry.

So in 2011 , I started going to college and slowly changed my habits. It was tough at first, it always is.

I was at the time - super overweight, had blood pressure issues, high cholesterol, high sugar, etc.

Slowly but surely I changed up my habits - I quit playing MMOs, lowered my time on forums (until eventually I cut it down to what a normal person should be at), started working out/changing my eating habits.

I ended up graduating, losing a ton of weight, getting a job, getting married, buying a house, buying my own car, and just recently about over a week ago - my daughter was born.

Change doesn't happen over one day, one week or a month.

It takes time and its different for every person.

Just don't give up, eventually you'll be at a better place. You'll go through good and bad times but life is a journey of ups and downs.

The most important thing is even if no one believes in you, you need to believe in yourself and not give up.

If I can do it, anyone can as well.