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Forums - Sales Discussion - Nintendo's proft during the Switch era surpasses the combined profit from 1981 to 2016

Dude! How can a person live in so much denial as Soundwave? “N64 DNA”. Hahahahahaha. This is borderline insanity at this point.

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Darwinianevolution said:

How are the Switch profits compared to the Wii/DS era if we account for inflation?

If I look at the graph and account 2005 - 2011 for Wii/DS and 2017 - present for Switch, I get about 1'340 billions for Wii/DS and 2'690 billions for Switch.

So Switch already doubled the profits which Nintendo had during the Wii/DS era, including inflation.

Anyone who thinks Wii, DS, PS2, or PS4 were more profitable consoles is now eating their words. Even if Switch somehow falls short of DS or PS2 in hardware units sold, it's more profitable.

Lifetime Sales Predictions 

Switch: 161 million (was 73 million, then 96 million, then 113 million, then 125 million, then 144 million, then 151 million, then 156 million)

PS5: 115 million (was 105 million) Xbox Series S/X: 48 million (was 60 million, then 67 million, then 57 million)

PS4: 120 mil (was 100 then 130 million, then 122 million) Xbox One: 51 mil (was 50 then 55 mil)

3DS: 75.5 mil (was 73, then 77 million)

"Let go your earthly tether, enter the void, empty and become wind." - Guru Laghima

Valdney said:

Dude! How can a person live in so much denial as Soundwave? “N64 DNA”. Hahahahahaha. This is borderline insanity at this point.

Not sure what is controversial about that statement. What's the primary directional input on the Switch? Analog stick? Where do you think that comes from? The Joycons even have the return of the N64 style triangle buttons. Rumble is from the N64. 

What are the 5 top selling Switch games? 3D Mario Kart, Animal Crossing, Smash Brothers, 3D Mario, 3D Zelda ... all of those originate from the N64 platform. I miss 2D Mario Kart actually I wish Nintendo would make another in the vein of the SNES original, maybe they'll do something like Mario Kart 99 (ala F-Zero 99). 

The only reason the N64 didn't sell 65-100 million units IMO is because it was crippled by not being allowed to have a disc based format, if it had that it would have sold through the roof, the fact that it basically match SNES sales in North America and Europe as is with most of its 3rd party support gone was impressive. The NES and SNES would not have sold 33 million units (neither of them) if they basically had to sell mainly on Nintendo 1st/2nd party IP with long software droughts (because 3rd parties were cut out) like the N64 did. 

Soundwave said:
Valdney said:

Dude! How can a person live in so much denial as Soundwave? “N64 DNAâ€Â. Hahahahahaha. This is borderline insanity at this point.

Not sure what is controversial about that statement. What's the primary directional input on the Switch? Analog stick? Where do you think that comes from? The Joycons even have the return of the N64 style triangle buttons. Rumble is from the N64. 

What are the 5 top selling Switch games? 3D Mario Kart, Animal Crossing, Smash Brothers, 3D Mario, 3D Zelda ... all of those originate from the N64 platform. I miss 2D Mario Kart actually I wish Nintendo would make another in the vein of the SNES original, maybe they'll do something like Mario Kart 99 (ala F-Zero 99). 

The only reason the N64 didn't sell 65-100 million units IMO is because it was crippled by not being allowed to have a disc based format, if it had that it would have sold through the roof, the fact that it basically match SNES sales in North America and Europe as is with most of its 3rd party support gone was impressive. The NES and SNES would not have sold 33 million units (neither of them) if they basically had to sell mainly on Nintendo 1st/2nd party IP with long software droughts (because 3rd parties were cut out) like the N64 did. 

Mario Kart 99 would be absolutely bonkers with all those items flying around. I would love it

I like it when my mom goes out of town because I get to sleep on her side of the bed. -William Montgomery

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siebensus4 said:

Nintendo's proft during the Switch era surpasses the combined profit from 1981 to 2016, even including inflation.

I think this is even more important than selling a crazy amount of units, like during the DS/Wii era.

I wonder if this has anything to do with so many PC handheld's hitting the market fairly recently?

EricHiggin said:
siebensus4 said:

Nintendo's proft during the Switch era surpasses the combined profit from 1981 to 2016, even including inflation.

I think this is even more important than selling a crazy amount of units, like during the DS/Wii era.

I wonder if this has anything to do with so many PC handheld's hitting the market fairly recently?

The age of the portable console is upon us.

Soundwave said:

Why do you feel such a pressing need to label things a success or "failure" and even if at that, why do you assume then to tie quality in to sales. Those are not equivalent things. Is Taylor Swift (and I don't even have anything against Taylor Swift) the 2nd/3rd/4th greatest musician to ever live? Well based on sales numbers you could make the case, but does anyone actually believe that? 

Ideas/concepts have a time and place too. There's nothing Nintendo could have done in 2002, no controller, no marketing campaign, nothing that would've made Animal Crossing and Pikmin sell even a quarter of what they have sold today. The world wasn't keen on those ideas in 2002, it wasn't that the idea was some how wrong or without merit, it just wasn't the right time. Some ideas have their time and that's all there is to it, you can't force it or manufacture it, it just happens. 

It's fine to look at sales numbers but I think you go way overboard by coflating sales = quality. That's not true of any kind of art form, not movies, not music, and not games either. You'd get laughed at if you walked into a room of film enthusiasts and said Avatar is the greatest movie ever made because Box Office told you so based on numbers. 

If you go back to the post you first made in this thread, it's clearly you who had an issue with Switch being labeled as a blue ocean product, which is something that connects Switch to the Wii and the DS. You've made bad arguments for why that isn't the case, hence why you get laughed at. Since it was you who has initiated this discussion, you can't play the victim card.

Pikmin was a million seller on the GC while Pikmin 4 is on pace to sell 4m-something lifetime (current LTD: 3.48m). One million is a quarter of four million, so it's clear that you make arguments without even bothering to look up sales data.

Animal Crossing on the GC was an upgraded port of the Japan-exclusive Nintendo 64 game. This is how it looked:

It looked really rough in comparison to GC games that were built for the GC. Is this the best that Nintendo could do for this IP? Obviously not, because in 2005 the sequel Wild World released on the DS, didn't have graphics that looked out of place on the DS and received a significant marketing push by Nintendo. Lifetime sales: 11.75m.

I must say that I am surprised that you bring up Animal Crossing. Isn't this a girl's game and therefore belongs to the pile of dreadful casual games? Or is it exempt because it originated on the Nintendo 64, a real gamer's console?

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.

Switch is honestly closer to Wii/DS in terms of its DNA than it is to Wii U, N64, or Gamecube.

N64 and Gamecube are red ocean consoles, designed to directly fight competing consoles on equal footing for control of the existing pool of players. As for Wii U, that system was a fundamental misunderstanding of why Wii and DS succeeded, driven by the assumption that a novel gimmick was all that was needed, rather than seeing that Wii and DS won their generation by removing barriers to entry for new gamers.

The design philosophy behind the Switch is honestly probably closest to the NES and Gameboy; a rethink of what it means to be a console/handheld that provides a lean, no-frills launchpad for accessible gameplay experiences.

Also, the logic that Ring Fit and Switch Sports succeeded due to the pandemic doesn't water, because their sales continued to hold strong long after the lockdowns ended.

curl-6 said:

Also, the logic that Ring Fit and Switch Sports succeeded due to the pandemic doesn't water, because their sales continued to hold strong long after the lockdowns ended.

It is crazy how well Nintendo games with peripherals sell. I still can't get over that Link's Crossbow training (5,7 million) is an upper half franchise seller, selling more then:

Zelda2 Adventure of Link
Link's Awakening
Link's Awakening DX
Oracle of Ages
Oracle of Seasons
Majora's Mask
Majora's Mask 3DS
Minish Cap
Four Swords Adventures
Wind Waker
Wind Waker HD
Phantom Hourglass
Spirit Tracks
Skyward Sword
Skyward Sword HD
Twillight Princess HD
A Link Between Worlds
Triforce Heroes
Hyrule Warriors
Hyrule Warriors, Age of Calamity

(Not sure about Zelda1 & A Link to the Past)