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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Is it time for Phil Spencer to be demoted or retire from Microsoft?


Is it time for Phil Spencer to be demoted or retire from Microsoft?

Yes 29 47.54%
Maybe 13 21.31%
No 19 31.15%
smroadkill15 said:
Hardstuck-Platinum said:

The competition is exactly what is creating this tribalism though. If there is no competition, there is no tribalism, there is no war. So yes, absolutely I want their to be an end to the competition. I think the only question is now, when are you going to accept that there is no longer any competition between them? When avowed and Indiana Jones launch on PS day and date? Is that going to be enough for you to be silent and stop responding to all of my posts calling me a console warrior?

When has less competition ever turned out to be better for us? So you are against competition in other markets as well? Wells Fargo should be the only bank available? Apple should be the only phone maker? Toyota should be the only vehicle manufacturer? Should there only be 1 political party and candidate to choose from? You are failing to understand the benefits of competition and why having a choice benefits the consumer. Sony would have never offered Ps+ free games without trying to 1up Xbox Live. Ps3 to ps4 turnaround wouldn't have happened without competition from Xbox. You truly underestimate how cocky and anti-consumer Sony can be without competition. We see glimpse of it time and time again. I wouldn't trust MS being the only console maker because we know they would try to pull some shit like they have tried before. Sony, Nintendo, and MS really only care about 1 thing, and it's not about ending the console war. 

It's laughable you think Sony fanboys would stop being fanboys if Xbox left. We would still see deranged fanboys like Timdoggy or whomever migrate to Playstation and still act like idiots.

I'm not bothered by the idea of Xbox putting their games on more platforms. I think all games should be available on as many platforms as possible. I know this thought riles up the console fanboys but, in the end, it would benefit the consumer and make gaming more about the games.  

Your entire first paragraph, I don't really disagree with any of it. The difference with banks though is that there is no such thing as banking wars as there is with console wars. With banks, no-one cares if someone else has a bank account with a different company. There is no tribalism or aggression like we see in gaming. Same with cars. We just don't see anywhere near the level of aggression in car ownership differences. Your right, Sony's dominance in the console market is probably what allowed them to raise the price of the PS5 last holiday season, so there is already downsides showing to Sony winning. 

Even with all the disadvantages of one side dominating though, I'd rather have to suffer the consequences of a dominating console manufacturer than see the constant aggression and animosity of this console war. For me, it ruins the fun of gaming and being within the gaming culture

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Hardstuck-Platinum said:
smroadkill15 said:

When has less competition ever turned out to be better for us? So you are against competition in other markets as well? Wells Fargo should be the only bank available? Apple should be the only phone maker? Toyota should be the only vehicle manufacturer? Should there only be 1 political party and candidate to choose from? You are failing to understand the benefits of competition and why having a choice benefits the consumer. Sony would have never offered Ps+ free games without trying to 1up Xbox Live. Ps3 to ps4 turnaround wouldn't have happened without competition from Xbox. You truly underestimate how cocky and anti-consumer Sony can be without competition. We see glimpse of it time and time again. I wouldn't trust MS being the only console maker because we know they would try to pull some shit like they have tried before. Sony, Nintendo, and MS really only care about 1 thing, and it's not about ending the console war. 

It's laughable you think Sony fanboys would stop being fanboys if Xbox left. We would still see deranged fanboys like Timdoggy or whomever migrate to Playstation and still act like idiots.

I'm not bothered by the idea of Xbox putting their games on more platforms. I think all games should be available on as many platforms as possible. I know this thought riles up the console fanboys but, in the end, it would benefit the consumer and make gaming more about the games.  

Your entire first paragraph, I don't really disagree with any of it. The difference with banks though is that there is no such thing as banking wars as there is with console wars. With banks, no-one cares if someone else has a bank account with a different company. There is no tribalism or aggression like we see in gaming. Same with cars. We just don't see anywhere near the level of aggression in car ownership differences. Your right, Sony's dominance in the console market is probably what allowed them to raise the price of the PS5 last holiday season, so there is already downsides showing to Sony winning. 

Even with all the disadvantages of one side dominating though, I'd rather have to suffer the consequences of a dominating console manufacturer than see the constant aggression and animosity of this console war. For me, it ruins the fun of gaming and being within the gaming culture

I'm sorry but this is a lame excuse. No one is forcing you participate in the toxic parts of gaming. These are choices you've made and same with everyone else, including myself. That's not a good reason to want there to be less competition. 

Hardstuck-Platinum said:
smroadkill15 said:

When has less competition ever turned out to be better for us? So you are against competition in other markets as well? Wells Fargo should be the only bank available? Apple should be the only phone maker? Toyota should be the only vehicle manufacturer? Should there only be 1 political party and candidate to choose from? You are failing to understand the benefits of competition and why having a choice benefits the consumer. Sony would have never offered Ps+ free games without trying to 1up Xbox Live. Ps3 to ps4 turnaround wouldn't have happened without competition from Xbox. You truly underestimate how cocky and anti-consumer Sony can be without competition. We see glimpse of it time and time again. I wouldn't trust MS being the only console maker because we know they would try to pull some shit like they have tried before. Sony, Nintendo, and MS really only care about 1 thing, and it's not about ending the console war. 

It's laughable you think Sony fanboys would stop being fanboys if Xbox left. We would still see deranged fanboys like Timdoggy or whomever migrate to Playstation and still act like idiots.

I'm not bothered by the idea of Xbox putting their games on more platforms. I think all games should be available on as many platforms as possible. I know this thought riles up the console fanboys but, in the end, it would benefit the consumer and make gaming more about the games.  

Your entire first paragraph, I don't really disagree with any of it. The difference with banks though is that there is no such thing as banking wars as there is with console wars. With banks, no-one cares if someone else has a bank account with a different company. There is no tribalism or aggression like we see in gaming. Same with cars. We just don't see anywhere near the level of aggression in car ownership differences. Your right, Sony's dominance in the console market is probably what allowed them to raise the price of the PS5 last holiday season, so there is already downsides showing to Sony winning. 

Even with all the disadvantages of one side dominating though, I'd rather have to suffer the consequences of a dominating console manufacturer than see the constant aggression and animosity of this console war. For me, it ruins the fun of gaming and being within the gaming culture

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Sometimes I do wonder if Hardstuck was sent here by a higher power, I honestly wish more users would listen to his wisdom and follow his example more. He envisions a world without console warring and by following his guidance we can achieve that peaceful bliss where everyone just gets along. #Imabeliever

Ride The Chariot || Games Complete ‘24 Edition

smroadkill15 said:
Hardstuck-Platinum said:

Your entire first paragraph, I don't really disagree with any of it. The difference with banks though is that there is no such thing as banking wars as there is with console wars. With banks, no-one cares if someone else has a bank account with a different company. There is no tribalism or aggression like we see in gaming. Same with cars. We just don't see anywhere near the level of aggression in car ownership differences. Your right, Sony's dominance in the console market is probably what allowed them to raise the price of the PS5 last holiday season, so there is already downsides showing to Sony winning. 

Even with all the disadvantages of one side dominating though, I'd rather have to suffer the consequences of a dominating console manufacturer than see the constant aggression and animosity of this console war. For me, it ruins the fun of gaming and being within the gaming culture

I'm sorry but this is a lame excuse. No one is forcing you participate in the toxic parts of gaming. These are choices you've made and same with everyone else, including myself. That's not a good reason to want there to be less competition. 

You don't have to participate in it to be affected by it. when starfield came out, I was looking forward to seeing genuine reviews and peoples genuine feelings about it. Yet all that happened was, every reviewer with an "Xbox" in their name gave the game a perfect 10/10 score, and more established reviewers that gave it a more representative score, had a mob of people that were saying they were lying about the game being average just to get clicks. No-one could have a genuine discussion about the actual game and it's features or lack of features, and that effects us all regardless of whether your involved in console wars or not 

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I change my answer to a straight up YES! Dude can’t keep to his word for even a single year! 

Last edited by G2ThaUNiT - on 07 May 2024

Ayla said:

He should be promoted.

He has done more for Xbox than all his predecessors.

Fiscal, quality, or both?

Because fiscal, you're probably right based on the crazy high revenue. Quality-wise, it was probably Peter Moore. He was only head of Xbox from 2003-2007 I think, but his leadership churned out a lot of quality first and third-party software. However, there is a big flaw for him, The Red Ring of Death. He's hardly the only person to blame, but as US President Harry S. Truman said, "The buck stops here". 

Lifetime Sales Predictions 

Switch: 161 million (was 73 million, then 96 million, then 113 million, then 125 million, then 144 million, then 151 million, then 156 million)

PS5: 115 million (was 105 million) Xbox Series S/X: 48 million (was 60 million, then 67 million, then 57 million)

PS4: 120 mil (was 100 then 130 million, then 122 million) Xbox One: 51 mil (was 50 then 55 mil)

3DS: 75.5 mil (was 73, then 77 million)

"Let go your earthly tether, enter the void, empty and become wind." - Guru Laghima

He laid everyone off at Tango. Yeah fuck Phil spencer.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Hardstuck-Platinum said:
smroadkill15 said:

I'm sorry but this is a lame excuse. No one is forcing you participate in the toxic parts of gaming. These are choices you've made and same with everyone else, including myself. That's not a good reason to want there to be less competition. 

You don't have to participate in it to be affected by it. when starfield came out, I was looking forward to seeing genuine reviews and peoples genuine feelings about it. Yet all that happened was, every reviewer with an "Xbox" in their name gave the game a perfect 10/10 score, and more established reviewers that gave it a more representative score, had a mob of people that were saying they were lying about the game being average just to get clicks. No-one could have a genuine discussion about the actual game and it's features or lack of features, and that effects us all regardless of whether your involved in console wars or not 

You can say the same about any branded game publications out there. Nintendo publications tend to review higher Nintendo games and same with Playstation publications. It's not some unique problem with Xbox. Regardless, majority of critic reviews for the game were positive whether you agree with them or not. I see Sony fanboys and and Nintendo fanboys do the same thing if a game doesn't get a score they agree with.

There can be a civil discussion about Starfield, I've had them before.  In your own words, you haven't even played it, but gave it a 3/10. How is this in anyway productive to having a genuine discussion if you haven't even played the game yourself? Deflating scores is as much of a problem as inflating scores. 

I think we should wait until the acquired studios from 2018 actually release a AAA exclusive game (so starting this year). If they are received well and considered system sellers comparable to zelda, mario, god of war, the last of us etc then he should stay. If not then no because I would say Xbox would has not released a system seller since Halo 3. On a side note, I'm looking forward to hellblade 2 and avowed so hopefully they deliver!