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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Is it time for Phil Spencer to be demoted or retire from Microsoft?


Is it time for Phil Spencer to be demoted or retire from Microsoft?

Yes 29 47.54%
Maybe 13 21.31%
No 19 31.15%

CoD can't be put on Phil. For all his failures and bad/mediocre games released under him. That one isn't something he could have done anything about.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

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Leynos said:

CoD can't be put on Phil. For all his failures and bad/mediocre games released under him. That one isn't something he could have done anything about.

OK well imagine it like this. Lets say the console sales of Xbox and PS were dead even, and MS buys Activation and Sony has no agreement in place to guarantee COD must launch on PS. The Activision deal closes just before it's due to release on PS. Phil spencer quickly pulls the PS version at last minute. 

Sounds like something that could happen right? Point is, if there is enough of a motive to make a big change at the last minute, anything is possible

Maybe. To me while I've picked up many of the Xbox One exclusives not all are my thing either.

To me Xbox has this issue of trying to keep up, is or isn't doing well with Gamepass in some areas with some games Palworld drop off has happened of course by now.

Even besides the launch to me the games just weren't exciting. Sure Sunset Overdrive, sure Forza Motorsport who am I kidding I hated 5 at launch and thought it was a Gran Turismo 1 formula game. I have changed my opinion since but even still the remixing of the progression in 5 to 7 is just weird and 6 to me made itself more boring. Yet Gran Tursimo 7 is Gran Turismo 5 level gating on a worse scale with Forza Motorsport 6 roulette system to a further extent. That's fun. Sigh.

To me Motorsport series has just appealed to me less and less. 8/Series X entry the marketing was so much hiding everything about it I got frustrated. Once they revealed things not surprised they hide the details. Wasn't happy about it.

Halo has been, eh. 5 I played years later I was that disappointed. It was ok. Gears Tactics (not played but think was a fair idea, I mean I bought up many Square titles that were tactics or hack n slash when I usually not buy Square games)/4 & 5 didn't bother me. I know how Halo 4 & 5 like they have for the series but they didn't bother me.

State of Decay I think has more appeal but just barely gets talked about. Crackdown 3 I see why it didn't succeed but I have enjoy it a bit so far as a newcomer to the series. But I like Driver Renegade on 3DS so my opinion is not valid. XD I separate how Renegade and San Francisco are I know how different of quality they are.

Lucky's tale was brief but improved on other platforms especially the camera.

I loved Sunset Overdrive and ReCore, Rare Replay is great.

The thing is is while Age of Empires, Hi Fi Rush and more showcase the great of Xbox you get other titles that don't appeal to people or change the views people have.

Even then the only physical Xbox game I have because of Smart Delivery (sure I own Project Cars 3 as well physical as my other SD title) is Demon Turf why because it's ONLY physical on Xbox. To me that's strange as because all their other titles are digital focused or Limited Run but an Indie platformer is physical on Xbox yet I'd expect it to be on PS/Nintendo physical. Just weird but I'm glad I own it on Xbox physical.

Xbox has the variety but not in the same way Nintendo has a 'synergy' for lack of a better word among their titles maybe for their audience to be ok trying different games.

That and the marketing for some titles or services just don't appeal (aim at a different audience I think for one and how they go about doing it) or just time of release periods or what they are trying to sell. You can't always sell Gamepass.

I do see the 'get these biscuits, do such and such and have a chance to win an Xbox Series X' just like I heard about the Gamepass pop tarts access to the service so that's a thing.

To me the genre variety matters but to me the presentation and quality in Xbox titles variety while fair just doesn't appeal the same way and I don't know why.

Sony's PS1-3/PSP/Vita I was totally fine with the variety no matter how completely varied they are in every way. Xbox has similar I think but I just don't feel it and I don't know why.

I've had an Xbox as long as a PlayStation so I have no competitive loyalty. I mean I've had Nintendo consoles less and come around to them later (had a Wii/DS but only got more into them with Wii U, 3DS and Switch besides retro picks up Wii/DS). I enjoy my 360 from time to time, don't own an OG Xbox anymore but want to.

But their first party games while they work a fair bit. Yeah I think audiences are clear with their titles/appeal of platform when on other platforms. The marketing to me is hit and miss. They have variety but not all of them appeal to certain audiences.

That and the push for RPGs and cinematic games like Sony, but also a mix of other types. It feels kind of confusing. They feel like they want to offer a good mix of games for many audiences but also play catch up. It feels kind of aimless.

Aimless can work but I mean you get a lot of different types of games but they don't really appeal to many. But then again other than maybe the variety/loyalty maybe people did that for PlayStation in the past? I don't know. I never have issues with the OG Xbox/360 variety either. But for Xbox One onwards I just haven't felt that and it could be just how modern games gameplay wise are of mechanics or present themselves. But I am just modern game picky due to how particular design is for many titles. It's a very much me problem. XD

I think it's the same problem as just casuals into particular games, they get their 1 game or 1 IP or handful and are satisfied.

Or it's just a certain way they present them of worlds/gameplay/story/whatever the case. Besides the physical issue of discoverability if not for news/digital store browsing.

That and I think the titles while they vary have an issue. Physical aside. I didn't even know which were on Xbox One still during the Smart Delivery 2-3 year period anyway (they were digital so that's one thing) but that aside even besides my lacking Xbox presence in some stores for PC gear instead of PS5/Switch titles on shelves besides EB/Gamestop or retro stores that get games sent to them.

I won't deny I wasn't a fan of the Xbox One era titles really anyway. Some I own because some family members were interested, others I picked up for collecting purposes and that is it. Very few I actually enjoyed, wanted or would keep the console for if it wasn't for good media features for blu-rays/DVD viewing (can't say for movies/tv shows or streaming apps I don't use them) and backwards compatibility being so useful. Also I enjoy using Soundcloud or a CD app/media player if I feel like it. Can't use a CD on an PlayStation 4 or 5. That's the benefits of the Microsoft/Windows store it isn't good but when you have a few apps that benefit and cross over to the Xbox it's worth it.

While Gamepass advertising makes sense some of it boggles my mind. But while I fit a certain generation of people I don't think that way I prefer my OG Xbox/360 titles more even the exclusive third party offerings. I think many of us do.

The sales may be what they are and while Japanese selective titles do appear on the Xbox that appeal to Xbox gamers (obviously those more than the stereotypes I mean as clearly many do care and do like the platform and a number of types of games) it didn't have the same value as those exclusive and us going oh I remember that or discovering them in my case and going wow these are amazing games I missed out on. Like the Kingdom Under Fire series for example.

Then again besides Brute Force, Raze's Hell or a few racing games like Apex/Racing Evoluzione or Group S Challenge I mostly just want Dr Muto, Blinx 1 & 2, Voodoo Vince (I know the remaster exists digitally on Xbox One) and Forza Motorsport 1. But found many other titles through research and gone yeah why not wen it comes to many 360 titles I'd never considered western, or eastern.

I think Phil Spencer did an excellent job turning the Xbox One around and his focus on Game Pass has made Xbox more profitable.

But the biggest mark against him is the lack of compelling Xbox exclusives. 2024 looks promising, so I'm still holding my breath to see if he can turn Xbox around.

Hardstuck-Platinum said:
Leynos said:

CoD can't be put on Phil. For all his failures and bad/mediocre games released under him. That one isn't something he could have done anything about.

OK well imagine it like this. Lets say the console sales of Xbox and PS were dead even, and MS buys Activation and Sony has no agreement in place to guarantee COD must launch on PS. The Activision deal closes just before it's due to release on PS. Phil spencer quickly pulls the PS version at last minute. 

Sounds like something that could happen right? Point is, if there is enough of a motive to make a big change at the last minute, anything is possible

But he didn't do that, so this hypothetical means nothing. If anything, it reinforces the point MS was in no position at the time to be making this kind of decision with such a short turn around. 

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Hardstuck-Platinum said:
smroadkill15 said:

Here you go again. I don't care what game reviews give as a score because at the end of the day, it's an opinion even if I don't agree. Right now, what you are doing is acting like only one side act this way when it's like this across the board. All fanboys do the same shit. One side isn't better than the other. If you were really wanting the console war to end, you would stop promoting it. 

I didn't ask you to tell me what you play. The problem is you have never mentioned anything about playing a game. It's always a console wars with you. And when you say, talking about [playing games] is not something to be proud of, it's makes me believe you have alternative motives being on here. 

Xbox isn't going to have any say if a game should be delayed or not before the acquisition went through no matter what you think because anything can happen.

"It's not like they would've just gone from 0% influence and control to 100% overnight." That's exactly my point.

Funniest part about this is VersusEvil is very likely trolling with this point he made because he knew people would make something out of it. 

I'm sorry you feel the way you do but clearly we both feel the other person is the one being the console warrior and I'm not getting the feeling there will be any progress in resolving it between us. I don't care which side wins the console war, I just want to see an end to the war and the vile way people treat each other over it. As of now it looks like Sony is on track to completely dominate MS and push MS out of the console market, which is why I'm a fan of Sony. Their success will end the console war once and for all

You didn't address anything I said so I'll just take it as you not being able to rebuttal. 
The only thing I've done is call you out for your behavior. Only one of us is cheering for the demise of another console to leave the market and create less competition. You're obviously lying about your intentions, or you are so unaware of the thing you say. I guess this is what happens when someone spends too much time on twitter surrounded by this kind of fanboy tribalism. 

No it is not. Why would it? He did a great job turning it to something way bigger (and with way more potential than before).
And all those studios are starting to produce (end of 2024 shows that) and we know that there are a LOT of other games in the pipeline.

He could not have done better facing where Play Station was at the beg. of the generation. People were already in the Play Station ecosystem and moving them back to Xbox, is almost impossible unless you come up with WAY more content than the other side. 

He should be promoted.

He has done more for Xbox than all his predecessors.

smroadkill15 said:
Hardstuck-Platinum said:

I'm sorry you feel the way you do but clearly we both feel the other person is the one being the console warrior and I'm not getting the feeling there will be any progress in resolving it between us. I don't care which side wins the console war, I just want to see an end to the war and the vile way people treat each other over it. As of now it looks like Sony is on track to completely dominate MS and push MS out of the console market, which is why I'm a fan of Sony. Their success will end the console war once and for all

You didn't address anything I said so I'll just take it as you not being able to rebuttal. 
The only thing I've done is call you out for your behavior. Only one of us is cheering for the demise of another console to leave the market and create less competition. You're obviously lying about your intentions, or you are so unaware of the thing you say. I guess this is what happens when someone spends too much time on twitter surrounded by this kind of fanboy tribalism. 

The competition is exactly what is creating this tribalism though. If there is no competition, there is no tribalism, there is no war. So yes, absolutely I want their to be an end to the competition. I think the only question is now, when are you going to accept that there is no longer any competition between them? When avowed and Indiana Jones launch on PS day and date? Is that going to be enough for you to be silent and stop responding to all of my posts calling me a console warrior?

Hardstuck-Platinum said:
smroadkill15 said:

You didn't address anything I said so I'll just take it as you not being able to rebuttal. 
The only thing I've done is call you out for your behavior. Only one of us is cheering for the demise of another console to leave the market and create less competition. You're obviously lying about your intentions, or you are so unaware of the thing you say. I guess this is what happens when someone spends too much time on twitter surrounded by this kind of fanboy tribalism. 

The competition is exactly what is creating this tribalism though. If there is no competition, there is no tribalism, there is no war. So yes, absolutely I want their to be an end to the competition. I think the only question is now, when are you going to accept that there is no longer any competition between them? When avowed and Indiana Jones launch on PS day and date? Is that going to be enough for you to be silent and stop responding to all of my posts calling me a console warrior?

When has less competition ever turned out to be better for us? So you are against competition in other markets as well? Wells Fargo should be the only bank available? Apple should be the only phone maker? Toyota should be the only vehicle manufacturer? Should there only be 1 political party and candidate to choose from? You are failing to understand the benefits of competition and why having a choice benefits the consumer. Sony would have never offered Ps+ free games without trying to 1up Xbox Live. Ps3 to ps4 turnaround wouldn't have happened without competition from Xbox. You truly underestimate how cocky and anti-consumer Sony can be without competition. We see glimpse of it time and time again. I wouldn't trust MS being the only console maker because we know they would try to pull some shit like they have tried before. Sony, Nintendo, and MS really only care about 1 thing, and it's not about ending the console war. 

It's laughable you think Sony fanboys would stop being fanboys if Xbox left. We would still see deranged fanboys like Timdoggy or whomever migrate to Playstation and still act like idiots.

I'm not bothered by the idea of Xbox putting their games on more platforms. I think all games should be available on as many platforms as possible. I know this thought riles up the console fanboys but, in the end, it would benefit the consumer and make gaming more about the games.  

Last edited by smroadkill15 - on 06 May 2024