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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Is it time for Phil Spencer to be demoted or retire from Microsoft?


Is it time for Phil Spencer to be demoted or retire from Microsoft?

Yes 29 47.54%
Maybe 13 21.31%
No 19 31.15%

I just play on whatever but I have not been a fan of Jim Ryan/Spencet to say the least.  I do like both PS5 and SX as hardware. SX is a really nice experience (except setting it up) as a console.  I just wish there was more to get for it on disc. At the very least Panzer Dragoon Orta in 4K looks fucking amazing.

Edit this was a response to the two previous posts.

Last edited by Leynos - on 04 May 2024

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Around the Network
Ryuu96 said:
Leynos said:

Who the fuck is Timdog?

Your typical Twitter console warrior, utterly irrelevant and not worth paying attention to but I'll sum him up for you.

He's a massive console warrior who made his entire personality a plastic box and when said plastic box was losing a few exclusives to another plastic box, Timdog lost his absolute shit and had a full on meltdown on Twitter, now he no longer cares for said plastic box and everything to do with it (despite previously pretending like he loved everything to do with it).

I saw his tweet (in a Discord, I don't follow and never have followed any of these console warriors) and I saw people mocking his tweet so I assume a reason for him trending was people mocking him as per usual, if you want to know what his really sad tweet was: "So I listened to many and I’m just gonna be positive about Sony which is now my preferred console and gaming company of choice. I will try to keep my tweeting about Xbox to minimum. Gonna try out the Sony experience now and give them a shot."

So basically he said he's going to intentionally limit posting about Xbox now (all those games he was excited about? Suddenly not excited for them and will artificially limit himself from talking about them) ultimately it proves that he never gave a fuck about anything, such as the games and that he only cared about using said games in his pathetic little console war to use as ammo against Sony fans.

God help this dude if one day in the future, PlayStation started porting stuff to Xbox consoles (before someone jumps in to scream at me that will never happen, that isn't the point of my comment), the point is, TimDog would probably spontaneously combust when he has no console anymore to be a console warrior in. He is the peak example of why it's a bad thing to make your entire personality a plastic box.

And from that tweet, Sony became his preferred console and company of choice before he even got a PlayStation, Lmfao...Because he listened to many and he's now going to be Sony's #1 cheerleader (it's so artificial and fake) and the limiting himself talking about Xbox, bro is acting like a person can't be a fan of multiple consoles or talk about multiple consoles, his entire Twitter personality will now be plastic box #2.

FWIW I've always mocked him as a console warrior and clown, I've never been much of a fan of him, I mean I'd say he is less harmful than some other console warriors but JFC the dude needs to grow up and I know a lot of other Xbox users who aren't a fan of him either, PlayStation users shouldn't entertain his nonsense because one day he could just as easily have yet another absolute meltdown over PlayStation.

Good thing Sony unlike Xbox won't create a relationship with him because Sony tends to not interact with their fans anywhere near as much as Xbox does which has led to some console warriors in the Xbox community being emboldened and making them think that Xbox is their personal friend and they're treating it like their girlfriend fucked their mortal enemy or as someone else put it on Reddit: "They're "influencers" who made their whole persona being Microsoft's strongest soldiers serving on the front lines of the console wars."

Why so disrespectful towards him? He has nearly 80K followers and was trending so he clearly is not "irrelevant". He USED to be a console warrior, but he changed. Enjoying PlayStation content doesn't make you a console warrior. He's enjoying his new purchase and sharing it with his large twitter following. 

If it was his idea to take Xbox exclusive games to other platforms, then yes, he needs to be demoted as soon as possible.

Well let’s see;

- Is partly responsible for the failure of X1

- Is fully responsible for turning Xbox into a low quality all eggs in one basket Game Pass releasing mess 

- Is fully responsible for the complete collapse of Xbox hardware and failure of the Xbox Series (barely outselling the original Xbox) 

- Is fully responsible for the complete collapse of their most important IP Halo by being hands of with 343

- Buys Zenimax and goes onto release the worst received Arkane and Bethesda games ever

- Buys AKB and goes onto release the worst received COD game ever

- Constant bullshit about constant game releases but has 30+ studios that aren’t releasing anything

- Will go down in Xbox history as the man who made Xbox a third party developer and at the same time. Completely. Irrelevant. 

So Nha, I say give the man more time I got front row seats in this train wreck and wanna see the cliff approaching. 

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Hardstuck-Platinum said:
Ryuu96 said:


Why so disrespectful towards him? He has nearly 80K followers and was trending so he clearly is not "irrelevant". He USED to be a console warrior, but he changed. Enjoying PlayStation content doesn't make you a console warrior. He's enjoying his new purchase and sharing it with his large twitter following. 

Maybe I was harsh but -Shrug- Lol.

I'll give you that he has 80k followers so he's not totally irrelevant but he's still a tool and part of the reason he trends is often because of people mocking him. He's just another Crapgamer who lost his shit when Xbox started porting to PC. He is STILL a console warrior and just because he changed to PlayStation doesn't make him no longer a console warrior, there are plenty of console warrior PlayStation fans on Twitter too like "JapanHatesXbox" likewise I could say that "Enjoying Xbox content doesn't make you a console warrior" but that doesn't apply to TimDog.

He literally swapped to PlayStation precisely because he is a console warrior who can't handle that Xbox is porting stuff to the company which was his sworn rival for his entire life, now he thinks he is sticking it to Xbox for betraying him. Read his tweet, he literally decided that PlayStation was his preferred platform and company before he even got a damn PlayStation, Lmao. He will now be PlayStation's biggest cheerleader and act exactly like he did when he was an Xbox fanboy but now for Sony, if how he acted when he was an Xbot made him a console warrior, then the same logic will apply to PlayStation.

And I'll say again, PlayStation users shouldn't entertain his nonsense, CrapGamer abandoning Xbox didn't make him suddenly no longer a console warrior, you're cheerleading him one day and then all of a sudden he's crying and dooming PlayStation. As I've said before, I was never a fan of him and I don't follow any console warriors on either side (Xbox/PS/Nintendo), I make sure to keep my timeline clear of that shit and I'm not the only Xbox fan who thought this way about TimDog because console warriors are morons on both sides and should all be called out equally as turning our hobbies that we love incredibly toxic.

Around the Network
chakkra said:

If it was his idea to take Xbox exclusive games to other platforms, then yes, he needs to be demoted as soon as possible.

Almost certain Phil is doing exactly what Microsoft wants him to do.

"If it was up to me, I would love to get rid of the entire sort of exclusives on consoles, but that's not up to me to define," Nadella said. "Especially as a low share player in the console market that the dominant player there has defined market competition using exclusives, and so that's that's the world we live in... I have no love for that world."

Also, CFO of MS Gaming (who reports to Amy Hood, CFO of Microsoft) is well known as being pro-multiplatform.

I'm fine with Phil staying, I would love to see Sarah Bond as Head of MS Gaming one day though.

Having said that, if people think Phil being removed will suddenly change their strategy, they're going to be sorely disappointed, if anything it may accelerate it if the new boss is someone who doesn't have a particular attachment or history to the days of Xbox 360. There's no doubt in my mind that Phil is doing exactly what Satya wants him to do and what the MS Board wants him to do, Microsoft as a company overall is very against "exclusive" stuff and all about trying to put their software and services everywhere.

And as for anything else, Phil has turned MS Gaming from an around $8bn a year business to around a $16bn a year business (pre-ABK) and now a $20bn+ a year business with ABK, one which is profitable in the "low-single-digit" billions. MS Gaming is now level with Windows and will on some years overtake Windows in revenue (not always), Phil also successfully negotiated the acquisition of Mojang, a very big money maker, Zenimax, a major publisher who is decently profitable and ABK who are the most profitable 3rd party publisher in the industry (or were) and pull in billions in profits. People will say "that was inorganic growth!" or whatever but Microsoft frankly doesn't care about that term. Phil and his team negotiated and won Microsoft's toughest regulatory battle in years for the biggest 3rd party publisher in the industry.

I've a feeling MS are happy with him, he makes them money, they want him to make them more money now, Lol.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 05 May 2024

Leynos said:

Who the fuck is Timdog?

A borderline crazy hyper fan, for xbox.
Every console war topic, he's there fighting for xbox. Hes on tons of podcast ect.
Him leaveing xbox, is odd to say the least.  I guess he just completely lost faith in the brand.

VersusEvil said:

Well let’s see;

- Is partly responsible for the failure of X1

- Is fully responsible for turning Xbox into a low quality all eggs in one basket Game Pass releasing mess 

- Is fully responsible for the complete collapse of Xbox hardware and failure of the Xbox Series (barely outselling the original Xbox) 

- Is fully responsible for the complete collapse of their most important IP Halo by being hands of with 343

- Buys Zenimax and goes onto release the worst received Arkane and Bethesda games ever

- Buys AKB and goes onto release the worst received COD game ever

- Constant bullshit about constant game releases but has 30+ studios that aren’t releasing anything

- Will go down in Xbox history as the man who made Xbox a third party developer and at the same time. Completely. Irrelevant. 

So Nha, I say give the man more time I got front row seats in this train wreck and wanna see the cliff approaching. 

That's perhaps the biggest problem right there.

When I started this thread, I was also asking if he should go for quality's sake. Several people are factually pointing out that Microsoft Gaming is making an ungodly amount of revenue. PlayStation is making a lot of revenue as well, and I was glad to see Jim Ryan go and hopefully some others like him change course.

Microsoft Gaming could make $30 billion a year in revenue, but if I think someone else can help steer the ship for better products that make less money, I will pick higher quality as a fan. 

Lifetime Sales Predictions 

Switch: 161 million (was 73 million, then 96 million, then 113 million, then 125 million, then 144 million, then 151 million, then 156 million)

PS5: 115 million (was 105 million) Xbox Series S/X: 48 million (was 60 million, then 67 million, then 57 million)

PS4: 120 mil (was 100 then 130 million, then 122 million) Xbox One: 51 mil (was 50 then 55 mil)

3DS: 75.5 mil (was 73, then 77 million)

"Let go your earthly tether, enter the void, empty and become wind." - Guru Laghima

VersusEvil said:

Well let’s see;

- Is partly responsible for the failure of X1

- Is fully responsible for turning Xbox into a low quality all eggs in one basket Game Pass releasing mess 

- Is fully responsible for the complete collapse of Xbox hardware and failure of the Xbox Series (barely outselling the original Xbox) 

- Is fully responsible for the complete collapse of their most important IP Halo by being hands of with 343

- Buys Zenimax and goes onto release the worst received Arkane and Bethesda games ever

- Buys AKB and goes onto release the worst received COD game ever

- Constant bullshit about constant game releases but has 30+ studios that aren’t releasing anything

- Will go down in Xbox history as the man who made Xbox a third party developer and at the same time. Completely. Irrelevant. 

So Nha, I say give the man more time I got front row seats in this train wreck and wanna see the cliff approaching. 

MWIII was released literally one month after the acquisition was completed so this should not be listed.

Norion said:
VersusEvil said:

Well let’s see;

- Is partly responsible for the failure of X1

- Is fully responsible for turning Xbox into a low quality all eggs in one basket Game Pass releasing mess 

- Is fully responsible for the complete collapse of Xbox hardware and failure of the Xbox Series (barely outselling the original Xbox) 

- Is fully responsible for the complete collapse of their most important IP Halo by being hands of with 343

- Buys Zenimax and goes onto release the worst received Arkane and Bethesda games ever

- Buys AKB and goes onto release the worst received COD game ever

- Constant bullshit about constant game releases but has 30+ studios that aren’t releasing anything

- Will go down in Xbox history as the man who made Xbox a third party developer and at the same time. Completely. Irrelevant. 

So Nha, I say give the man more time I got front row seats in this train wreck and wanna see the cliff approaching. 

MWIII was released literally one month after the acquisition was completed so this should not be listed.

It still released under MS control though. If it's quality wasn't good enough they had the power to delay the release of the game, so his point is still valid