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Well let’s see;

- Is partly responsible for the failure of X1

- Is fully responsible for turning Xbox into a low quality all eggs in one basket Game Pass releasing mess 

- Is fully responsible for the complete collapse of Xbox hardware and failure of the Xbox Series (barely outselling the original Xbox) 

- Is fully responsible for the complete collapse of their most important IP Halo by being hands of with 343

- Buys Zenimax and goes onto release the worst received Arkane and Bethesda games ever

- Buys AKB and goes onto release the worst received COD game ever

- Constant bullshit about constant game releases but has 30+ studios that aren’t releasing anything

- Will go down in Xbox history as the man who made Xbox a third party developer and at the same time. Completely. Irrelevant. 

So Nha, I say give the man more time I got front row seats in this train wreck and wanna see the cliff approaching. 

Ride The Chariot || Games Complete ‘24 Edition