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Forums - Sales Discussion - November 2023 VGChartz Estimates Thread - Worldwide Estimates Out Now

curl-6 said:

Well I am not going to change what and how I post to suit you, so frankly, you'd better just get used to it.

Don't. I won't too. It seemed earlier you have more problem me answering, than I have you posting. So ..

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curl-6 said:

Switch being down just 16% YOY in it's 7th year is a phenomenal performance. Almost unprecedented legs for a Nintendo platform; only the Gameboy had that kind of staying power, and only due to the lightning in a bottle that was the rise of Pokemon. And Switch has already passed the Gameboy's total sales.

Xbox though... over 20% down at the three year mark is terrible; that's when a platform should be in its prime, not declining more steeply than it's 7-year-old rival.

I really hope Xbox situation changes with some exclusives. That new Blade game and Hellblade II could help it.

But then, I had the same thought with Starfield...

XtremeBG said:
curl-6 said:

Well I am not going to change what and how I post to suit you, so frankly, you'd better just get used to it.

Don't. I won't too. It seemed earlier you have more problem me answering, than I have you posting. So ..

You're the one claiming to be annoyed, not me. I just observed that it doesn't seem healthy to get annoyed over a random stranger's opinion on a video game forum.

A post online only has as much power over you as you allow it to have. If you choose to disregard it, then it cannot annoy you.

Alex_The_Hedgehog said:

I really hope Xbox situation changes with some exclusives. That new Blade game and Hellblade II could help it.

But then, I had the same thought with Starfield...

If they only could return back to their 360 perfomance as a manufacturer .. They bought all these studios and they are weaker then when they had only gears, halo and forza ..

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curl-6 said:

You're the one claiming to be annoyed, not me. I just observed that it doesn't seem healthy to get annoyed over a random stranger's opinion on a video game forum.

A post online only has as much power over you as you allow it to have. If you choose to disregard it, then it cannot annoy you.

It's annoying like a spam. Not personally. Just everytime I see new post from you it's always to get out only the positive things about the Switch, not the neutral or the negative if there are. It's always sun and roses for you going by your posts about the system. And I don't want you to stop posting, I will just always be there to answer

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Alex_The_Hedgehog said:
curl-6 said:

Switch being down just 16% YOY in it's 7th year is a phenomenal performance. Almost unprecedented legs for a Nintendo platform; only the Gameboy had that kind of staying power, and only due to the lightning in a bottle that was the rise of Pokemon. And Switch has already passed the Gameboy's total sales.

Xbox though... over 20% down at the three year mark is terrible; that's when a platform should be in its prime, not declining more steeply than it's 7-year-old rival.

I really hope Xbox situation changes with some exclusives. That new Blade game and Hellblade II could help it.

But then, I had the same thought with Starfield...

Yeah a strong competitor to Playstation would make for a healthier industry so I hope so as well, though it is looking increasingly unlikely. Hellblade II looks like it will be excellent, but I'm not sure if it will be mainstream or universally acclaimed enough to be a killer app; the first game was an acquired taste; I for one adored it as do many others, but its appeal wasn't as broad as Nintendo or Sony's first party blockbusters.

They definitely bet big on Starfield and it didn't pay off; if the game had managed to be great I think it definitely would've given them a much needed boost, but as it was, it apparently turned out to be merely decent, which isn't enough when you're trying to convince people to buy a new console.

XtremeBG said:
curl-6 said:

You're the one claiming to be annoyed, not me. I just observed that it doesn't seem healthy to get annoyed over a random stranger's opinion on a video game forum.

A post online only has as much power over you as you allow it to have. If you choose to disregard it, then it cannot annoy you.

It's annoying like a spam. Not personally. Just everytime I see new post from you it's always to get out only the positive things about the Switch, not the neutral or the negative if there are. It's always sun and roses for you going by your posts about the system. And I don't want you to stop posting, I will just always be there to answer

People are allowed to have a positive opinion on one of the best selling systems of all time.

curl-6 said:

People are allowed to have a positive opinion on one of the best selling systems of all time.

Everyone is allowed to everything. I just don't like when there are fake things .. Like when the situation is not good and someone is ignoring discussing the bad and only trying to find something to hang on so that looks all positive. No problem, Say that it's one of the best selling, say it's doing very good in it's 7th year. But to just straight out ignoring the obvious or get mad when someone tells it to you in a quote of your post is ridiculous.

Last edited by XtremeBG - on 18 December 2023

My sales comparison threads:

Ultimate Showdowns: JP 2023 / JP 2024 / 2024 / 2023 / 20222021

Lifetime Showdown / Historical Showdown / YOY Charts / 140M+ Club Chart

curl-6 said:
Alex_The_Hedgehog said:

I really hope Xbox situation changes with some exclusives. That new Blade game and Hellblade II could help it.

But then, I had the same thought with Starfield...

Yeah a strong competitor to Playstation would make for a healthier industry so I hope so as well, though it is looking increasingly unlikely. Hellblade II looks like it will be excellent, but I'm not sure if it will be mainstream or universally acclaimed enough to be a killer app; the first game was an acquired taste; I for one adored it as do many others, but its appeal wasn't as broad as Nintendo or Sony's first party blockbusters.

They definitely bet big on Starfield and it didn't pay off; if the game had managed to be great I think it definitely would've given them a much needed boost, but as it was, it apparently turned out to be merely decent, which isn't enough when you're trying to convince people to buy a new console.

I am a PC gamer, and I can't believe I'm going to say that, but maybe it's a mistake to release their games on PC day one. People who enjoys their titles won't have a reason to buy an Xbox if everything is on PC at launch.

Sometimes it almost feels like they care about game sales, not console sales.

XtremeBG said:
curl-6 said:

People are allowed to have a positive opinion on one of the best selling systems of all time.

Everyone is allowed to everything. I just don't like when there are fake things .. Like when the situation is not good and someone is ignoring discussing the bad and only trying to find something to hang on so that looks all positive. No problem, Say that it's one of the best selling, say it's doing very good in it's 7th year. But to just straight out ignoring the obvious or get mad when someone tells it to you in a quote of your post is ridiculous.

The situation is good though. Context is key. If Switch were declining its in 3rd year as Xbox is, that would be bad. But to be declining in its 7th year? That's not bad, it's just natural. Every system no matter how successful slows down and stops selling. That's no more a failure than ageing is a disease. It's a natural, normal, and inevitable process.