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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Discussion Thread - The 14th Annual Greatest Games Event

Let's see if I can get my last game guessed here.


-Count 108 years...

-...and when the moon that never sets glows red...

-...the moon child descends to the earth to fill the world with holy bliss.

-This Sony JRPG wasn't supposed to have any CGI-cutscenes in it initially, but with the success of titles like Final Fantasy VII, the final release featured around 30 minutes of them, requiring the game to be split into four discs.

Around the Network
drbunnig said:

- In this game, you’ll visit France, Mexico, and various different locations in the US.
- The bonus levels see you dropped in on a platform in the middle of the ocean, as well as having the opportunity to roam around Heaven itself.
- These locations are so appealing that even ol’ Spidey can get in on the action if you unlock him.
- He’ll only be slinging webs when he brings his board back as part of a special trick.

08 (incorrect guesses - Super Mario RPG)
- 11 96
- 11 is for the minimalists and speedrunners; 96 is for the completionists.
- This game introduced a beloved character to the series. The character’s main function was conceived as an idea for previous games, but the hardware at the time was not powerful enough for it to come to fruition.
- The name of the first world in the game has a reference to the character in the above clue, although you’ll first be able to encounter him in the second world.

- To 100% the game, you’ll have to interact with every living creature.You’ll have to interact with them in just the right way though, otherwise your collaborator will have difficulty doing his part.
- In the original version of this game, you could connect a handheld device to your console to use an item given to you by someone who you freed from jail.

- The first time in this series (that I know of) that you can get a power up that mimics that of an enemy.
- The first time in this series that you use a map screen to access levels.

- You may come across numerous dragons throughout the game, but you’ll only get to fight one in the penultimate level.
- To be exact, there’s 48 dragons you may come across, before you fight one in level 17.

Current list -

3) Super Mario Bros. 3?

Veknoid_Outcast said:

Top five time! Hallowed ground.

#5 - This RPG was included on the SNES Classic mini console, although its older brother missed the cut for some reason
#4 - Remade in 2023, this action-adventure game reinvented the staples of the franchise, for better or worse
#3 - The publisher of this seminal shooter wasn't happy with the title; the developer compromised by adding a subtitle
#2 - Speaking of subtitles, this 2000 action-RPG added one when it made the move to PS2
#1 - According to the director, this game's map was inspired in part by his hometown of Kyoto, which is conveniently where the game's publisher is headquartered

3) Halo: Combat Evolved?

1) Breath of the Wild?

Darashiva said:

Let's see if I can get my last game guessed here.


-Count 108 years...

-...and when the moon that never sets glows red...

-...the moon child descends to the earth to fill the world with holy bliss.

-This Sony JRPG wasn't supposed to have any CGI-cutscenes in it initially, but with the success of titles like Final Fantasy VII, the final release featured around 30 minutes of them, requiring the game to be split into four discs.

Legend of Dragoon, I think

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2025 OpenCritic Prediction Leagues

Guess I'll have to add extra hints to the 5 Ultimate Games of Games:

5) There are four campaigns, three corresponding to the races and a... "spooky" one

I've completed all of them on Brutal of course (feel free to applaud)

4) [SPACE] Speak


3) The game that turned a semi-obscure licensed IP into a massive phenomenon

Even though it isn't the first in the series

2) In my childhood this was the game to play at LANs. Few people actually owned it since everybody just got it off a USB drive

In more ways than one this game gave birth to others that sadly overshadowed it in success

1) Unlike many I prefer the instrumental english opening

Which in a way is also is more fitting given the title of the game

By the way here are the standings right before the finish line. I think the winner is fairly locked in at this point but second place isn't just yet...

  • Machina – 16
  • Veknoid_Outcast – 6
  • S. Peelman – 5
  • Mnementh – 5
  • Darashiva – 5
  • Farsala - 3
  • TruckOSaurus – 1
  • mZuzek – 1
  • haxxiy - 1

Try out my free game on Steam

2025 OpenCritic Prediction Leagues

drbunnig said:

- In this game, you’ll visit France, Mexico, and various different locations in the US.
- The bonus levels see you dropped in on a platform in the middle of the ocean, as well as having the opportunity to roam around Heaven itself.
- These locations are so appealing that even ol’ Spidey can get in on the action if you unlock him.
- He’ll only be slinging webs when he brings his board back as part of a special trick.

Board? This is a skateboard game. And there is only one Skateboard series. I think Spiderman is in Tony Hawk 2.

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

UnderwaterFunktown said:
drbunnig said:

- In this game, you’ll visit France, Mexico, and various different locations in the US.
- The bonus levels see you dropped in on a platform in the middle of the ocean, as well as having the opportunity to roam around Heaven itself.
- These locations are so appealing that even ol’ Spidey can get in on the action if you unlock him.
- He’ll only be slinging webs when he brings his board back as part of a special trick.

08 (incorrect guesses - Super Mario RPG)
- 11 96
- 11 is for the minimalists and speedrunners; 96 is for the completionists.
- This game introduced a beloved character to the series. The character’s main function was conceived as an idea for previous games, but the hardware at the time was not powerful enough for it to come to fruition.
- The name of the first world in the game has a reference to the character in the above clue, although you’ll first be able to encounter him in the second world.

- To 100% the game, you’ll have to interact with every living creature.You’ll have to interact with them in just the right way though, otherwise your collaborator will have difficulty doing his part.
- In the original version of this game, you could connect a handheld device to your console to use an item given to you by someone who you freed from jail.

- The first time in this series (that I know of) that you can get a power up that mimics that of an enemy.
- The first time in this series that you use a map screen to access levels.

- You may come across numerous dragons throughout the game, but you’ll only get to fight one in the penultimate level.
- To be exact, there’s 48 dragons you may come across, before you fight one in level 17.

Current list -

3) Super Mario Bros. 3?

Veknoid_Outcast said:

Top five time! Hallowed ground.

#5 - This RPG was included on the SNES Classic mini console, although its older brother missed the cut for some reason
#4 - Remade in 2023, this action-adventure game reinvented the staples of the franchise, for better or worse
#3 - The publisher of this seminal shooter wasn't happy with the title; the developer compromised by adding a subtitle
#2 - Speaking of subtitles, this 2000 action-RPG added one when it made the move to PS2
#1 - According to the director, this game's map was inspired in part by his hometown of Kyoto, which is conveniently where the game's publisher is headquartered

3) Halo: Combat Evolved?

1) Breath of the Wild?

Darashiva said:

Let's see if I can get my last game guessed here.


-Count 108 years...

-...and when the moon that never sets glows red...

-...the moon child descends to the earth to fill the world with holy bliss.

-This Sony JRPG wasn't supposed to have any CGI-cutscenes in it initially, but with the success of titles like Final Fantasy VII, the final release featured around 30 minutes of them, requiring the game to be split into four discs.

Legend of Dragoon, I think

Both correct!

Around the Network
Veknoid_Outcast said:

Top five time! Hallowed ground.

#5 - This RPG was included on the SNES Classic mini console, although its older brother missed the cut for some reason
#4 - Remade in 2023, this action-adventure game reinvented the staples of the franchise, for better or worse
#3 - The publisher of this seminal shooter wasn't happy with the title; the developer compromised by adding a subtitle
#2 - Speaking of subtitles, this 2000 action-RPG added one when it made the move to PS2
#1 - According to the director, this game's map was inspired in part by his hometown of Kyoto, which is conveniently where the game's publisher is headquartered

An extra clue for #2:

The subtitle is "The Conspiracy".

UnderwaterFunktown said:

Guess I'll have to add extra hints to the 5 Ultimate Games of Games:

5) There are four campaigns, three corresponding to the races and a... "spooky" one

I've completed all of them on Brutal of course (feel free to applaud)

4) [SPACE] Speak


3) The game that turned a semi-obscure licensed IP into a massive phenomenon

Even though it isn't the first in the series

2) In my childhood this was the game to play at LANs. Few people actually owned it since everybody just got it off a USB drive

In more ways than one this game gave birth to others that sadly overshadowed it in success

1) Unlike many I prefer the instrumental english opening

Which in a way is also is more fitting given the title of the game

By the way here are the standings right before the finish line. I think the winner is fairly locked in at this point but second place isn't just yet...

  • Machina – 16
  • Veknoid_Outcast – 6
  • S. Peelman – 5
  • Mnementh – 5
  • Darashiva – 5
  • Farsala - 3
  • TruckOSaurus – 1
  • mZuzek – 1
  • haxxiy - 1

#3: Maybe Baldur's Gate 3. It is D&D license, and D&D is semi-obscure.

#2: Huh. In my childhood Doom, Duke Nukem 3D and Starcraft were the LAN games. But the second hint points to a less successful earlier game. So maybe Warcraft?

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

drbunnig said:

08 (incorrect guesses - Super Mario RPG)
- 11 96
- 11 is for the minimalists and speedrunners; 96 is for the completionists.
- This game introduced a beloved character to the series. The character’s main function was conceived as an idea for previous games, but the hardware at the time was not powerful enough for it to come to fruition.
- The name of the first world in the game has a reference to the character in the above clue, although you’ll first be able to encounter him in the second world.

- To 100% the game, you’ll have to interact with every living creature.You’ll have to interact with them in just the right way though, otherwise your collaborator will have difficulty doing his part.
- In the original version of this game, you could connect a handheld device to your console to use an item given to you by someone who you freed from jail.

8: Super Mario World. Know it from the other hints, because the 11/96 didn't ring a bell.

5: Zelda The Wind Waker.

UnderwaterFunktown said:
Darashiva said:

Let's see if I can get my last game guessed here.


-Count 108 years...

-...and when the moon that never sets glows red...

-...the moon child descends to the earth to fill the world with holy bliss.

-This Sony JRPG wasn't supposed to have any CGI-cutscenes in it initially, but with the success of titles like Final Fantasy VII, the final release featured around 30 minutes of them, requiring the game to be split into four discs.

Legend of Dragoon, I think

Correct! And that's it for all my games this year.


The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Guessed by drbunnig

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is a monumental game. For the industry, but also for me. When this came out I was at a point where I didn't believe anything would ever be good enough to make it into my personal top 10. Now, the other games this high have a huge advantage, in that they all represent a certain point in my personal development as a person. Besides of course also just being extremely good.

This game though, can't really have that. And when it still made me drop everything else, and even took me away from my personal evergreens on PC that I had been playing for up to two decades, you can really only conclude that in actuality this is the greatest game ever made.


Mario Kart 64

Guessed by UnderwaterFunktown

Objectively, newer entries in this series would probably be better than Mario Kart 64. However this game did struck a certain balance that I haven't seen in those same newer entries. I loved all the tracks, it has all the Mario Kart staples, yet it is also still fairly skill based and it won't hold your hand, but you won't get blasted by Blue Shells all the time.

This game represents 'family' for me. When we all were younger, me, my cousins and our parents would play this together at my grandmother's house. This was the final game we played when everyone was together, before all kinds of family drama happened. Now, some of that family is not around anymore, and others have broken contact. A lot is gone, but the memory remains.


SimCity 4

Guessed by Jpcc86

One of the contenders for the title of 'S.Peelman's Most Played Video Game'. I probably played SimCity 4 thousands of hours in total. Today, I must admit I haven't played it in quite a while, but I was still playing this regularly well into this decade.

Obviously, when you played for such a long time, I had created many things. I created entire countries. Big capitals, coastal port cities, rural towns and mountain villages, those countries had everything. To get more unique stuff, I manipulated the files to create my own region shapes, and downloaded a lot of custom buildings. Sadly I never figured out how to make those of my own, that would've been the cherry on top.


RollerCoaster Tycoon 2

Guessed by UnderwaterFunktown

One of the contenders for the title of 'S.Peelman's Most Played Video Game'. I probably played RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 thousands of hours in total. Today, I must admit I haven't played it in quite a while, but I was still playing this regularly well into this decade.

All kidding aside though, this game has a lot of parallels with SimCity 4 (#8) and I was either playing that game, or this game. Likewise, in such a long time I created loads of theme parks, and eventually I got extremely good at it, and first with something called 'trainers' and other hacks I could make anything I wanted. Later an opensource fan port called 'OpenRCT2' came out, negating the need for the hacks, and at that  point all bets were off naturally.


Anno 1602

(Alternate name: 1602 A.D.) Unguessed

For Anno 1602 I could also make the same claim; this is one of my most played games ever. However, I would usually play this together with my best friend, and that probably adds up to a playtime a little under the previous two games on the list. Still, this is the trifecta of construction & management games. It's a bit of a bummer that these old games never kept time.

What's also a bummer is that these are old games by now, and in all this time, there has never been anything that comes close to these. In recent years, there was Cities Skylines, and Planet Coaster. Both valiant attempts, and better than others, but neither would capture both the simplicity yet refinement of these older games. I guess it is a fine line.

The list so far.

Penultimate update on the 'scoreboard', now before the final 5 are guessed. Technically drbunnig hasn't won yet, as UnderwaterFunktown can catch his 10 guesses, and Veknoid_Outcast can at least tie it should he guess all my five final games.

drbunnig     10
UnderwaterFunktown     7
Veknoid_Outcast     5
Mnementh     4
Machina     3
Darashiva     3
Jpcc86     3
Pajderman     2
TruckOSaurus     1
The_Liquid_Laser     1
haxxiy     1
Unguessed     5