#10 | Guessed by drbunnig The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is a monumental game. For the industry, but also for me. When this came out I was at a point where I didn't believe anything would ever be good enough to make it into my personal top 10. Now, the other games this high have a huge advantage, in that they all represent a certain point in my personal development as a person. Besides of course also just being extremely good. This game though, can't really have that. And when it still made me drop everything else, and even took me away from my personal evergreens on PC that I had been playing for up to two decades, you can really only conclude that in actuality this is the greatest game ever made. |
#9 | Guessed by UnderwaterFunktown Objectively, newer entries in this series would probably be better than Mario Kart 64. However this game did struck a certain balance that I haven't seen in those same newer entries. I loved all the tracks, it has all the Mario Kart staples, yet it is also still fairly skill based and it won't hold your hand, but you won't get blasted by Blue Shells all the time. This game represents 'family' for me. When we all were younger, me, my cousins and our parents would play this together at my grandmother's house. This was the final game we played when everyone was together, before all kinds of family drama happened. Now, some of that family is not around anymore, and others have broken contact. A lot is gone, but the memory remains. |
#8 | Guessed by Jpcc86 One of the contenders for the title of 'S.Peelman's Most Played Video Game'. I probably played SimCity 4 thousands of hours in total. Today, I must admit I haven't played it in quite a while, but I was still playing this regularly well into this decade. Obviously, when you played for such a long time, I had created many things. I created entire countries. Big capitals, coastal port cities, rural towns and mountain villages, those countries had everything. To get more unique stuff, I manipulated the files to create my own region shapes, and downloaded a lot of custom buildings. Sadly I never figured out how to make those of my own, that would've been the cherry on top. |
#7 | Guessed by UnderwaterFunktown One of the contenders for the title of 'S.Peelman's Most Played Video Game'. I probably played RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 thousands of hours in total. Today, I must admit I haven't played it in quite a while, but I was still playing this regularly well into this decade. All kidding aside though, this game has a lot of parallels with SimCity 4 (#8) and I was either playing that game, or this game. Likewise, in such a long time I created loads of theme parks, and eventually I got extremely good at it, and first with something called 'trainers' and other hacks I could make anything I wanted. Later an opensource fan port called 'OpenRCT2' came out, negating the need for the hacks, and at that point all bets were off naturally. |
#6 | (Alternate name: 1602 A.D.) Unguessed For Anno 1602 I could also make the same claim; this is one of my most played games ever. However, I would usually play this together with my best friend, and that probably adds up to a playtime a little under the previous two games on the list. Still, this is the trifecta of construction & management games. It's a bit of a bummer that these old games never kept time. What's also a bummer is that these are old games by now, and in all this time, there has never been anything that comes close to these. In recent years, there was Cities Skylines, and Planet Coaster. Both valiant attempts, and better than others, but neither would capture both the simplicity yet refinement of these older games. I guess it is a fine line. |
Penultimate update on the 'scoreboard', now before the final 5 are guessed. Technically drbunnig hasn't won yet, as UnderwaterFunktown can catch his 10 guesses, and Veknoid_Outcast can at least tie it should he guess all my five final games.
drbunnig 10
UnderwaterFunktown 7
Veknoid_Outcast 5
Mnementh 4
Machina 3
Darashiva 3
Jpcc86 3
Pajderman 2
TruckOSaurus 1
The_Liquid_Laser 1
haxxiy 1
Unguessed 5