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Forums - General Discussion - Marijuana legality?


Should marijuana/weed/reefer be legal?

Yes, it should be complet... 48 76.19%
Yes, but only medically 5 7.94%
No, it's a gateway/harmful drug 10 15.87%
KManX89 said:
Paatar said:

All I will say is that I don’t believe the the argument for the legality of anything should be ‘well this is legal so this should be’

A plant that has never killed anyone and actually has medical benefits should of course be legal.

And it’s a FACT that it’s no worse than cigarettes and booze. You don’t really hear about people getting in fights, liver failure, COPD or sidesmoke deaths after smoking a joint/bong, do you?

I will repeat again, I don’t think the argument for the legality of anything should be ‘this is legal so this should be’

Im not claiming against any of the stuff you’re projecting. So stop please. 

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What should be the argument for legality? The reason behind making Cannabis illegal was oppression and racism...

I made another batch of cookies last weekend with cannabutter and used to rest to make magic rice. It actually tastes pretty good with rice. The downside of marijuana is, I never see the end of the show I started. As in, it does its job, helps me sleep :) It makes Netflix tolerable as well. TV is much better with a bit of weed, Survivor is so colorful and so intense haha.

Should be legal, because who cares? Let people make their own choices.


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Paatar said:

I will repeat again, I don’t think the argument for the legality of anything should be ‘this is legal so this should be’

Im not claiming against any of the stuff you’re projecting. So stop please. 

I think the argument more have to do with having things legal unless there is a reason for them not to be. 

Since I view legality as the baseline I look for arguments for making it a crime and there are very few arguments against marijuana that does not also include other drugs like alcohol. 

Paatar said:
KManX89 said:

A plant that has never killed anyone and actually has medical benefits should of course be legal.

And it’s a FACT that it’s no worse than cigarettes and booze. You don’t really hear about people getting in fights, liver failure, COPD or sidesmoke deaths after smoking a joint/bong, do you?

I will repeat again, I don’t think the argument for the legality of anything should be ‘this is legal so this should be’

Im not claiming against any of the stuff you’re projecting. So stop please. 

Why is "this is legal so that should be too" a bad argument? In general and in this case specifically, if you don't mind explaining a bit. Because I honestly don't get it.

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JuliusHackebeil said:
Paatar said:

I will repeat again, I don’t think the argument for the legality of anything should be ‘this is legal so this should be’

Im not claiming against any of the stuff you’re projecting. So stop please. 

Why is "this is legal so that should be too" a bad argument? In general and in this case specifically, if you don't mind explaining a bit. Because I honestly don't get it.

It’s a perfectly valid argument. We already set the standard for what we’re deeming acceptable drug use and marijuana is objectively beneath those standards since it’s safer than alcohol and tobacco, not to mention it makes a complete mockery of the legal system and our drug laws when we lock people up for a plant while allowing said much more lethal shit, thereby saying the exact opposite of what science and research says (again, see those 2 links at the bottom of the OP) in enforcing pot bans, and the government is saying (against all evidence) pot is worse than them by making it illegal when it’s clearly not (again, you never hear of anyone dying or starting fights from weed or any of the plethora of health problems cigarette smokers face, which I happen to know some personally).

And sadly, some people actually believe this shit, too. “If the government says this plant is worse than far more addictive drugs that actually kill people, it must be true”. Yeah, no, it’s actually safer than those drugs (I can get at the gas station), and so it stands to reason we ought to treat it that way.

Last edited by KManX89 - on 16 April 2024

Paatar said:
KManX89 said:

A plant that has never killed anyone and actually has medical benefits should of course be legal.

And it’s a FACT that it’s no worse than cigarettes and booze. You don’t really hear about people getting in fights, liver failure, COPD or sidesmoke deaths after smoking a joint/bong, do you?

I will repeat again, I don’t think the argument for the legality of anything should be ‘this is legal so this should be’

Im not claiming against any of the stuff you’re projecting. So stop please. 

"This is legal so this should be" is actually one of the major differences between common law systems and civil law systems. Since most societies have accepted alcohol, which has a demonstrably more negative impact on society, arguments against legal marijuana come off as arbitrary (at best). 

Last edited by SanAndreasX - on 17 April 2024

Wait why is still an issue. I have seen first hand how marijuana can help people!!


SanAndreasX said:
Paatar said:

I will repeat again, I don’t think the argument for the legality of anything should be ‘this is legal so this should be’

Im not claiming against any of the stuff you’re projecting. So stop please. 

"This is legal so this should be" is actually one of the major differences between common law systems and civil law systems. Since most societies have accepted alcohol, which has a demonstrably more negative impact on society, arguments against legal marijuana come off as arbitrary (at best). 

Yep, and don’t forget cigarettes, which kill 440k people per year in the US alone (they fucking kill people who don’t even smoke) while marijuana is still going strong at 0 yet I can legally buy those in all 50 states. By not similarly legalizing marijuana nationwide, they’re basically saying with a straight face marijuana is worse when it’s objectively not.

It should be worth noting that I know some relatives of friends who have COPD from smoking cigarettes (my best friend’s mom has an oxygen level of 85% and is on borrowed time from them), none from pot, so I can tell you from first hand experience which one is worse.

Last edited by KManX89 - on 19 April 2024

Ima a marijuana user prefer to dry herb vape after 20 years smoking it had helped my anxiety and ocd