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Forums - General Discussion - Marijuana legality?


Should marijuana/weed/reefer be legal?

Yes, it should be complet... 48 76.19%
Yes, but only medically 5 7.94%
No, it's a gateway/harmful drug 10 15.87%
atomicfear said:

It should be legal, but don't kid yourself that there aren't negative consequences.

I've been smoking cannabis for over 25 years now - well, I'm old now, so edibles and sprays). Could you enlighten me on what these negative consequences are?

On the other hand, there are a lot of positives. Like making days feel like Christmas, bringing music listening and composition (if you write music) to an entirely new level, and making scenes from classic films we (may have) watched as children awesome again... like this one:

and DIE!!!! :D

Love that line.

Get high on cannabis, watch Sleeping Beauty, Fantasia, and Alice in Wonderland... while Alice in Wonderland has more drug references in it and is more iconically a "watch while high" film, I think the other two films are actually enhanced more.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

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Jumpin said:
atomicfear said:

It should be legal, but don't kid yourself that there aren't negative consequences.

I've been smoking cannabis for over 25 years now - well, I'm old now, so edibles and sprays). Could you enlighten me on what these negative consequences are?

On the other hand, there are a lot of positives. Like making days feel like Christmas, bringing music listening and composition (if you write music) to an entirely new level, and making scenes from classic films we (may have) watched as children awesome again... like this one:

and DIE!!!! :D

Love that line.

Get high on cannabis, watch Sleeping Beauty, Fantasia, and Alice in Wonderland... while Alice in Wonderland has more drug references in it and is more iconically a "watch while high" film, I think the other two films are actually enhanced more.

Disruption to mitochondrial metabolism in the hippocampus that impacts memory and neuron health.  


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

All I will say is that I don’t believe the the argument for the legality of anything should be ‘well this is legal so this should be’

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[Xbox Live: JissuWolfe]

[PSN: Jissu]

Jumpin said:

I've been smoking cannabis for over 25 years now - well, I'm old now, so edibles and sprays). Could you enlighten me on what these negative consequences are?

On the other hand, there are a lot of positives. Like making days feel like Christmas, bringing music listening and composition (if you write music) to an entirely new level, and making scenes from classic films we (may have) watched as children awesome again... like this one:

and DIE!!!! :D

Love that line.

Get high on cannabis, watch Sleeping Beauty, Fantasia, and Alice in Wonderland... while Alice in Wonderland has more drug references in it and is more iconically a "watch while high" film, I think the other two films are actually enhanced more.

I smoked Cannabis from about age 16 to 28 then stopped cold turkey as I moved to Canada in 2002. Picked it up again with edibles since it became legal here in 2018.

It relieves stress, helps me sleep and makes tv and VR more interesting. Also helps against chronic pain (thus easier to fall asleep).

The downsides, makes me thirsty thus while more easily falling asleep, I do wake up thirsty in the middle of the night but it's always easy to fall back asleep again after some water. I'm old, need to get up to pee anyway lol. And there's the negative neurosis it can trigger, yet that's just a mental sate which I know will be gone in the morning so I just ignore it. Actually the 'fear' it can induce is good to put use playing Resident Evil in VR :)

We watched the last episode of Murders in the building (season 1) while high. Never laughed so hard lol, Steve Martin is a genius. As for cartoons, Who framed Roger Rabbit is very good while high and looney tunes in general. Short stuff is better since I usually don't make it to the end of the movie. I watched Spaceman last night while high, now need to figure out where I fell asleep to see how it ends.

As for negative consequences, I don't see any. My vitals are 'exceptional' as the hospital check told me last week. I do have negative consequences from sports and working out. Hit by a car 4 times now while road biking, dislocated a rib from lifting weights which took me out for over a month, right hand middle and ring finger are permanently stuck after a nasty fall while jogging. They won't straighten nor fully close anymore, tendon injury from bending them all the way backwards in the middle. I have many scars that won't heal further and my back and neck give me chronic pain from working behind a desk for decades, as well as RSI in my right wrist.

So I'll take my chances with what gives me actual pain relief and helps me sleep. It's not physically addictive anyway at least not to me. But I had no trouble stopping drinking coffee either. Got Covid, got very sick, switched to drinking tea. I guess Covid masked the caffeine withdrawal. And cannabis helped a lot with the nausea while going through Covid, as well as the full body pain and the pounding headaches.

And a couple times a year I'll go out jogging through the woods while high, to experience to true beauty of nature. Start of fall is the best time and I'm lucky the river valley is only a 10-15 minute run from our house. (Never drive while high, ever, just don't) Then take a dip in the river, feels amazing.

Some favorites to listen to while high, Koyaanisqatsi (also great to watch), any techno/trance, The Orb little fluffy clouds, War of the worlds (musical)

Some don'ts, skill games, they will drive you crazy lol. Casual mode to the rescue.

Chrkeller said:

Disruption to mitochondrial metabolism in the hippocampus that impacts memory and neuron health.  

More studies are needed as all there is now is a suggestion of causative links and studies with CBD on mice.

Anyway we all play video games here that improve memory and cognition to compensate :)

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SvennoJ said:
Chrkeller said:

Disruption to mitochondrial metabolism in the hippocampus that impacts memory and neuron health.  

More studies are needed as all there is now is a suggestion of causative links and studies with CBD on mice.

Anyway we all play video games here that improve memory and cognition to compensate :)

I think one of the big arguments is that not enough long term studies that are generalizable have been done.

unfortunately, memory doesn’t work like that. You can’t just even something out.

its like saying the antioxidants from red wine balances out the alcohol. Doesn’t work like that. 

[Switch Friend code: 3909-3991-4970]

[Xbox Live: JissuWolfe]

[PSN: Jissu]

Paatar said:
SvennoJ said:

More studies are needed as all there is now is a suggestion of causative links and studies with CBD on mice.

Anyway we all play video games here that improve memory and cognition to compensate :)

I think one of the big arguments is that not enough long term studies that are generalizable have been done.

unfortunately, memory doesn’t work like that. You can’t just even something out.

its like saying the antioxidants from red wine balances out the alcohol. Doesn’t work like that. 

I know, that was tongue in cheek.

From studies when I learned about the effects of Cannabis during psychology classes in university, they were mostly about memory association. Meaning that things you experience / learn while high, are easier to remember while high. As in, if you study while high, you need to be high while taking the exam lol. (Not recommending that!)

Anything is bad for you when over indulging. A bit of red wine is good for you, get tanked every night, obviously not. I'm guessing it's similar with Cannabis. Get so high every night you can't move anymore, not good for you. But studies need to be done what a 'safe' level is for people with chronic pain that live with Cannabis.

Mind altering substances aren't bad for altering your mind. Studies with Psilocybin and LSD have shown that under controlled conditions and supervision they can heal the mind, in as little as one treatment. Rewiring your mind for the better. Cannabis is less mind altering but does give you different perspectives on many things. Avoids getting stuck in dogmatic thinking!

SvennoJ said:
Jumpin said:

I've been smoking cannabis for over 25 years now - well, I'm old now, so edibles and sprays). Could you enlighten me on what these negative consequences are?

On the other hand, there are a lot of positives. Like making days feel like Christmas, bringing music listening and composition (if you write music) to an entirely new level, and making scenes from classic films we (may have) watched as children awesome again... like this one:

and DIE!!!! :D

Love that line.

Get high on cannabis, watch Sleeping Beauty, Fantasia, and Alice in Wonderland... while Alice in Wonderland has more drug references in it and is more iconically a "watch while high" film, I think the other two films are actually enhanced more.

I smoked Cannabis from about age 16 to 28 then stopped cold turkey as I moved to Canada in 2002. Picked it up again with edibles since it became legal here in 2018.

It relieves stress, helps me sleep and makes tv and VR more interesting. Also helps against chronic pain (thus easier to fall asleep).

The downsides, makes me thirsty thus while more easily falling asleep, I do wake up thirsty in the middle of the night but it's always easy to fall back asleep again after some water. I'm old, need to get up to pee anyway lol. And there's the negative neurosis it can trigger, yet that's just a mental sate which I know will be gone in the morning so I just ignore it. Actually the 'fear' it can induce is good to put use playing Resident Evil in VR :)

We watched the last episode of Murders in the building (season 1) while high. Never laughed so hard lol, Steve Martin is a genius. As for cartoons, Who framed Roger Rabbit is very good while high and looney tunes in general. Short stuff is better since I usually don't make it to the end of the movie. I watched Spaceman last night while high, now need to figure out where I fell asleep to see how it ends.

As for negative consequences, I don't see any. My vitals are 'exceptional' as the hospital check told me last week. I do have negative consequences from sports and working out. Hit by a car 4 times now while road biking, dislocated a rib from lifting weights which took me out for over a month, right hand middle and ring finger are permanently stuck after a nasty fall while jogging. They won't straighten nor fully close anymore, tendon injury from bending them all the way backwards in the middle. I have many scars that won't heal further and my back and neck give me chronic pain from working behind a desk for decades, as well as RSI in my right wrist.

So I'll take my chances with what gives me actual pain relief and helps me sleep. It's not physically addictive anyway at least not to me. But I had no trouble stopping drinking coffee either. Got Covid, got very sick, switched to drinking tea. I guess Covid masked the caffeine withdrawal. And cannabis helped a lot with the nausea while going through Covid, as well as the full body pain and the pounding headaches.

And a couple times a year I'll go out jogging through the woods while high, to experience to true beauty of nature. Start of fall is the best time and I'm lucky the river valley is only a 10-15 minute run from our house. (Never drive while high, ever, just don't) Then take a dip in the river, feels amazing.

Some favorites to listen to while high, Koyaanisqatsi (also great to watch), any techno/trance, The Orb little fluffy clouds, War of the worlds (musical)

Some don'ts, skill games, they will drive you crazy lol. Casual mode to the rescue.

I'm all for legalization.  I have no issues with pot.  It just isnt risk free.  Very few things are.

Last edited by Chrkeller - on 19 March 2024


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

Paatar said:

All I will say is that I don’t believe the the argument for the legality of anything should be ‘well this is legal so this should be’

A plant that has never killed anyone and actually has medical benefits should of course be legal.

And it’s a FACT that it’s no worse than cigarettes and booze. You don’t really hear about people getting in fights, liver failure, COPD or sidesmoke deaths after smoking a joint/bong, do you?

Last edited by KManX89 - on 14 April 2024

Hell yea it should I vape flower daily lol