Oh, 1992 is so full of potential, a lot of which will be realized in 1993.
Ultima Underworld and Wolf3D both massive steps towards 3D gaming. Doom popularized this, but Wolf3D layed out already the engine basics and Underwolrd similarly did this for a completely different gameplay genre.
Mario Kart and Kirbys Dreamland both were starting points of incredibly great series. In case of Mario Kart one that had a lot of clones, so it can be seen as genre-defining (the genre of Mario Kart likes).
I heard Ur-Quan masters is a great strategy game, but never played it myself, maybe should remedy this.
Alone in the Dark was a revolution in setting a horror feel and very much inspired Resident Evil.
Dune 2 basically was the blueprint for the oncoming storm of real time strategy games that followed.
Also shoutout to Indiana Jones, I just love these LucasArts adventures.
So yeah, a lot of series starting points and even genre starting points. This is great. We will see how 1993 popularized a lot of these ideas presented here.
EDIT: I voted for Ultima: Underworld before seeing what else was in the year but not in the poll, and I think from impact and also fun factor Wolf3D should have my vote.
Last edited by Mnementh - on 02 October 2023
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