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Forums - Gaming Discussion - 1992, Game of the Year (Runoff)


1992, Game of the Year (Runoff)

Mortal Kombat 5 12.50%
Sonic 2 13 32.50%
Super Mario Kart 8 20.00%
Wolfenstein 3D 9 22.50%
RC Pro-Am II 1 2.50%
Alone in the Dark 0 0%
Contra 3 1 2.50%
Super Mario Land 2 1 2.50%
Streets of Rage 2 1 2.50%
Looney Tunes 1 2.50%

Dragon Quest V - was my first DQ game and I just loved it completely.

Follow up after that would be Super Mario Kart, Shining Force, Sonic the Hedgehog 2, and Kirby's Dream Land for me.

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I have to go with Streets of Rage 2 it's the one I played the most.

Dreamcaster999 said:

Is the Sonic 2 comeback on?!! I sure hope so!

Yeah, I was just looking at the poll.  It's pretty close between Mario Kart, Sonic 2 and "Other".  There are still a couple of days before the poll closes (and potentially a runoff begins), so anything could happen between now and then.

I love Mario Kart but like…anyone who was in school during this era was talking about Mortal Kombat.

It also came out on my 8th birthday so I’ll give it my vote

I voted Other because my game of the year in 1992 was "Looney Tunes' on the Gameboy.
Underrated gem of a side scroller.
I absolutely loved it as a kid even though I could never beat it until I came back years later as a adult.

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Sonic 2

Shaping up to be a very good Sonic 2sday ;) with Sonic 2 now tying Mario Kart for 1st! But it's a 3 way tie with "Other" also on 14 votes.

To be clear, in order for there to be a run-off , "Other" would need to finish in 1st or 2nd with 1st place (if it is not "other") having less than 50% of the votes?

Also, if Sonic 2 or Mario Kart were to slip into 3rd would they still be included in the run-off?

I thought it was 1993, but it launched in 1992, another gem inspired by Another World / Out of this world

Great cinematic platformer, I love this genre.

It's Mario Kart for me, but I have to say Streets of Rage 2 comes close. Still one of the best brawlers of all time, the game looks/runs almost like a next-gen game compared to the first one.

SvennoJ said:

I thought it was 1993, but it launched in 1992, another gem inspired by Another World / Out of this world

Great cinematic platformer, I love this genre.

Maan it wasn’t even included in the runners up list. Yeah this is my vote.