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drkohler said:

XBox Fans: "Greatest show on earth, at least 9/10".
Neutral observer (like me): "Where are those billions MS pumped into studios? Seriously, where are they?". - 4/10.

Old 90s gamer (like me): *shrug* "Better than Sony at least." 7/10

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024

10 years greatest game event!

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drkohler said:

XBox Fans: "Greatest show on earth, at least 9/10".
Neutral observer (like me): "Where are those billions MS pumped into studios? Seriously, where are they?". - 4/10.

Just stop. Nobody is calling it the greatest. Most rate it in the range of 6-8/10, depending on taste. Your "neutral" take is not reflective of how most view it. 4/10 is extremely low for an objectively good show. 

the-pi-guy said:

Feels like a 6/10.  

There were quite a few games and good diversity. But the only game that really stood out to me was Starfield. 

There were a lot of good announcements for people that are already Xbox owners I think. Expansions for big games and some long awaited ports. 

But I don't think there was as much for someone who isn't already playing those games. 

Pretty much. Maybe bump that to a 6.5. Good pacing though games weren't that of an interest to me besides Starfield (which looks like it could do with a lot more polish) and Diablo IV - which looked fantastic.

The only big reveal was Forza Motorsport I feel.. And that Kojima announcement felt like a load of nothing-burger. Hate when companies feel the need to announce games several years in advance.

Looks like I am going to have to get PC gamepass for Wo Long.

The first worthwhile game announced for it.

Very boring and Starfield looks shit.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

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I think xbox had a lot of pressure this year cus people are just sick of waiting. So its natural to think it was worst than it actually was cus they obviously dint deliver.

I felt like this show was a 4. But in any other non controversy filled year this could have felt like a 6. So I compromised and rated it at 5.

The biggest pressure was on starfield and it honestly looked so bland. This really looked like if no mans sky had a bigger budget. The rest of the games dint even leave an impression to really want to talk about it.

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.

CaptainExplosion said:
smroadkill15 said:

Just stop. Nobody is calling it the greatest. Most rate it in the range of 6-8/10, depending on taste. Your "neutral" take is not reflective of how most view it. 4/10 is extremely low for an objectively good show. 

Then I was ready to objectively yawn for much of it.

Not all of get baited into rumors and get upset when those rumors don't pan out.  

Good gamepass content, a bit of a bloated show though.

I have mixed feelings about starfield. Ultimately dissapointing first look but the promise is there. The artstyle didn't excite me, combat didn't excite me, precedural generated content didn't excite me, no story elements excited me.. but the world looks highly detailed, the exploration ambitious and its Bethesda, so I shouldn't have expected a show stopping gameplay demo. Their games are the type that you have to sit down to experience. I remember not getting the hype for Oblivion until I properly dived into the world. Still I'd say my excitement for this game has now moved over to Mass Effect 4

Otherwise stand outs to me were Revenlok & Cacoon. Honestly with the nature of MS showing I think they should go the sony route and just have smaller dedicated shows throughout the year insteading of hyping a 90min show.

I'd give it a 6/10.

7 if it was more condensed and Starfield impressed more.

8 if there were any big surpises

9 if they had Everwild and HellBlade on show with a 2023 confirmed date.

Last edited by Otter - on 12 June 2022

I like how we still shit on NMS based on its launch window, good job id say.
No goldeneye so my day was ruined.

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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After seeing starfield, I think i'm looking forward to hellblad 2 instead. What were they thinking showing off an opener like that..some generic looking shooter , when they could have showcased something much more epic. Space ship flying looked good, but again, 1 on 1 ship, when they could have had something on a bigger scale. Not a big fan of procedural generated maps, I would prefer a narrow focus to work on and tighten up the story / world designand gameplay.I'm expecting another delay. Possibly end of next year at the earliest.