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The_Liquid_Laser said:

... Microsoft recognizes the importance of exclusive games....

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Very good presentation, I gave it a 9. If I was a Xbox consumer I would be totally pleased watching this

Starfield looks incredible, glad to see Bethesda keep releasing many of the generation-defining games, it's the only thing I'll be missing though, as the other games I'm interested all seems to be all cross-platform. I plan to get a Steam Deck but Starfield is likely not able to run well on that

I'm conflicted, I'm not planning to get a PC, because I want a PS5 to play the Sony-exclusives plus a bunch of JP AAA games, plus instead a PC I want a Steam Deck because I want to play my current library portable. Is there any Xbox plan to release a streaming service to play their exclusives? Internet connection is a drag in Brazil but it can improve in some years.

Another possibility is to a get a 2nd gen Series S late in the generation (2026-2027) only to play those exclusives, but I don't know how well the late-gen games will possibly run on Series S, guess I'll need to wait

Edit: Also, sometimes I feel like everyone here have every console released on earth plus a bunch of PCs and a Steamdeck, because damn I never see so much obsession with EXCLUSIVES, EXCLUSIVES, ONLY EXCLUSIVES MATTER. Like... what matter is the game is going to be released in a pretty good state and as soon as possible, it's literally the only thing that matters for a owner of a console. Do you realize most of people don't have option and needs to play whatever comes to their console? It's literally how Nintendo fans have been surviving for like 25 years now. It's like I was watching two extreme opposites, absolutely any half-assed 15 years late PS3 irrelevant port get celebrated for Switch owners like it was such a miracle, a divine gift from studios for supporting the system, while for Microsoft is the total opposite, isn't it a day one 300-million budget AAA 95+ Metacritic-scored exclusive that won't ever be released anywhere else? Then it doesn't matter, MS line up sucks. 

Last edited by IcaroRibeiro - on 14 June 2022

IcaroRibeiro said:

Is there any Xbox plan to release a streaming service to play their exclusives? Internet connection is a drag in Brazil but it can improve in some years.

They already have: XCloud.

I see in the list that Brazil is already listed among the supported countries. As far as I can see most games they have on Gamepass are also on Xcloud, but not all. As far as I know it is tied to Gamepass Ultimate. I haven't tried it yet, so I can't say how well it performs (which also would only applyto my location and my internet).

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024

10 years greatest game event!

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The presentation in itself was good, in terms of the type and flow of the show. The games shown, and the clarity as to exclusivity or not, not so much.

I agree more so with Solidrev here, though not entirely. They're a little more down on the show than I was, but it wasn't the show itself, it was the content.

There were a few games that looked ok and may have promise, though they clearly left Starfield until last for good reason, as it was what saved the show from being quite mediocre in my view. What was shown of Starfield wasn't enough to get me hyped, but by that point I was expecting a Halo Infinite early reveal, yet instead it was actually reasonable.

VersusEvil said:

So we at that point already huh? where random nobody youtuber thinks Xbox event is worst ever lol. If you watched this event and thought it was the worst ever then ..... Yikes.

Elon Musk used to be a random nobody. Then he was a con man who wouldn't be able to deliver. Then he was the savior of humanity. Now he's just bad.

The father is pretty balanced when it comes to all systems. He does seem to prefer PC gaming though. 

His kid is the XB fan, and isn't a Sony fan other than for a few of their biggest exclusives.

In the video the father mentions how he's surprised the kid was less happy with the show than he was.

I'm also not sure why only YouTubers with massive audiences have worthy opinion's, or maybe YouTubers don't matter at all?

I didn't think the show was terrible, and worst ever seems real bad, but I also don't think it was a fantastic show. 

Around the Network
The_Liquid_Laser said:

[...]  (Also, I am curious if HK: Silksong and the Persona games are coming to Switch.  If they are not in the next Nintendo presentation, then I'll have my answer.)  [...]

Hollow Knight: Silksong is coming to Switch.  It's listed on Nintendo's store already:

And I wouldn't worry about Persona skipping the Switch until the Nintendo Direct has come and gone.  Although it's only a rumor as of now, Zippo (who has a fairly good track record) did share this on his blog, regarding Persona 3 & 4 anyway:

Anybody catch that second show case? I could not get throw half of it withoud dosing off. Dint finish it. Was there anything of sunstance on it?

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.

ConservagameR said:

The presentation in itself was good, in terms of the type and flow of the show. The games shown, and the clarity as to exclusivity or not, not so much.

I agree more so with Solidrev here, though not entirely. They're a little more down on the show than I was, but it wasn't the show itself, it was the content.

There were a few games that looked ok and may have promise, though they clearly left Starfield until last for good reason, as it was what saved the show from being quite mediocre in my view. What was shown of Starfield wasn't enough to get me hyped, but by that point I was expecting a Halo Infinite early reveal, yet instead it was actually reasonable.

I like SolidRev, he is an entertaining guy. I've been watching his content for years, but the guy has a clear bias with certain genres/styles of games. He is a dudebro for the most part. Anything that isn't some hardcore action game, gritty shooter, racing, he is going to dismiss it entirely. It's his opinion which is fine, and he makes it clear that it's his opinion. If you agree with his taste in games then cool, but most of us on a gaming forum enjoy more diversity than he does. If I want to know if Calisto Protocol is good, if the newest CoD is trash or not, or if a new piece of hardware is good, I'll watch his video. I would never share one of his videos to try and validate if something is good or not lol. 

Last edited by smroadkill15 - on 14 June 2022

Finally got around to watching the Starfield gameplay demo and I have to's giving me some pretty hardcore No Man's Sky vibes. But it's also giving me some really good vibes.

I get the distinct impression this is either gonna be an over-ambitious, under-delivered catastrophe or the next major advancement of the medium. I just don't think there's much room for middle ground. Either it succeeds and is revolutionary or it fails and becomes the next major flop. I mean, it COULD get an 85 or something but that's not the vibe I get. "Good Enough" Is either not going to be enough or too high a bar to pass.

My Console Library:

PS5, Switch, XSX

PS4, PS3, PS2, PS1, WiiU, Wii, GCN, N64 SNES, XBO, 360

3DS, DS, GBA, Vita, PSP, Android

smroadkill15 said:
ConservagameR said:

The presentation in itself was good, in terms of the type and flow of the show. The games shown, and the clarity as to exclusivity or not, not so much.

I agree more so with Solidrev here, though not entirely. They're a little more down on the show than I was, but it wasn't the show itself, it was the content.

There were a few games that looked ok and may have promise, though they clearly left Starfield until last for good reason, as it was what saved the show from being quite mediocre in my view. What was shown of Starfield wasn't enough to get me hyped, but by that point I was expecting a Halo Infinite early reveal, yet instead it was actually reasonable.

I like SolidRev, he is an entertaining guy. I've been watching his content for years, but the guy has a clear bias with certain genres/styles of games. He is a dudebro for the most part. Anything that isn't some hardcore action game, gritty shooter, racing, he is going to dismiss it entirely. It's his opinion which is fine, and he makes it clear that it's his opinion. If you agree with his taste in games then cool, but most of us on a gaming forum enjoy more diversity than he does. If I want to know if Calisto Protocol is good, if the newest CoD is trash or not, or if a new piece of hardware is good, I'll watch his video. I would never share one of his videos to try and validate if something is good or not lol. 

Not true. He liked death stranding and kena. He is open to trying different genres.  He might give an initial reaction, but it's just that.