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Forums - Sales Discussion - The Road to 160m+ for Nintendo Switch

Given the November sales, I think the only way to 160 is with Switch having another full year without the successor in 2024 and preferably a couple more big exclusives (new 2D Zelda and Donkey Kong would fit the bill nicely).

If Switch 2 launches next year and Mario Wonder really was meant to be the last big swan song 1st party game, then I don’t think we’re getting to 160.

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it doesn't matter if it hits 160million, it won't mean what people think anyways, it happened over a longer period of time, it is a sign of failure, not success

sure if it sold 160 million in 6 or 7 years that would be the best selling of all time, but if it hits is after 8 or 9 years all that means is that Nintendo made us suffer for a long time

as I've said before, we got half the Zelda titles, no Star Fox, no Mario Kart, no Donkey Kong, i'm ready for the next console, it is torture to use the Switch 1

XtremeBG said:
javi741 said:

The Wii Mini kept on selling til 2017, so the Wii had an 11 year shelf life

Wii was officially discontinued in 2013. There were some leftovers as many other consoles 1-2 years after that, which is why we have numbers till 2015 here on VGCharts. But if we don't have numbers after 2015 then it's not counting. Also XB1 sold units till 2022 however it stopped production in 2020. It's the same.

Wii U sold 1 unit this year, this does not make it's market life till 2023.

The Wii Mini was in production til 2017, not just selling. 

XtremeBG said:
javi741 said:

The Wii Mini kept on selling til 2017, so the Wii had an 11 year shelf life

Wii was officially discontinued in 2013. There were some leftovers as many other consoles 1-2 years after that, which is why we have numbers till 2015 here on VGCharts. But if we don't have numbers after 2015 then it's not counting. Also XB1 sold units till 2022 however it stopped production in 2020. It's the same.

Wii U sold 1 unit this year, this does not make it's market life till 2023.

Just because its not on VGChartz does not mean it does not exist. The Wii Mini was introduced in 2012 and discontinued in 2017.



Shtinamin_ said:
XtremeBG said:

I think for announcement they will wait till their Fiscal year ends. So the announcement can be anything from April onwards, with end target by september if they want to launch it in the fall.

Would a September launch be better than a November launch?

Spreading demand before the holiday period helps logistics

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javi741 said:

The Wii Mini was in production til 2017, not just selling. 

it is obvious that it sold little to no units as it wasn't reported anywhere about sales of the Wii mini.

The 99% of the sales of the Wii system were till 2013.

The other thing is those are not legitimate sources.

So you are saying the VGChartz data isn't correct ? Cuz there are no sales past 2015, therefore no production.

Either way the original post was that he was wrong about the Wii being on shelve live for 10 years, cuz this means 2016. 2013 is it's 7th year. Even if we agree on 2017, this is not 10 but 11 years.

Last edited by XtremeBG - on 15 December 2023

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Tober said:
XtremeBG said:

Wii was officially discontinued in 2013. There were some leftovers as many other consoles 1-2 years after that, which is why we have numbers till 2015 here on VGCharts. But if we don't have numbers after 2015 then it's not counting. Also XB1 sold units till 2022 however it stopped production in 2020. It's the same.

Wii U sold 1 unit this year, this does not make it's market life till 2023.

Just because its not on VGChartz does not mean it does not exist. The Wii Mini was introduced in 2012 and discontinued in 2017.



Neither of which are legitimate sources. One random person stated it was manufactured until 2017 without a source and then all the wikis copied that person and other wikis.

XtremeBG said:
javi741 said:

The Wii Mini was in production til 2017, not just selling. 

Everywhere where you search on the web you will see that the Wii (all models) were discountinued in 2013.

Also if the Wii was selling past 2015 we would have sales here on this site too. So you are wrong. Wii was officially discountinued in 2013, therefore it was in production for only 7 years.

Nintendo kept reporting Wii shipments until March 2016, this can be seen in their fiscal reports.

March 2014 - 101.06m - 140507e.pdf ( (page 15)
March 2015 - 101.52m - 150507e.pdf ( (page 16)
March 2016 - 101.63m - 160427e.pdf ( (page 17)

The Wii Mini barely sold anything, and they manufactured very few, but it was still sold.

The Wii Mini wasn't announced until December 2012 and had a staggered release. It launched in Canada in December 2012, the UK in March 2013 and the USA didn't get it until November 2013. Nintendo Wii Mini Headed to the U.S. for $99.99 | PCMag

The other Wii models were discontinued in October 2013, however "the Wii Mini will continue to be stocked" - Wii discontinued in Europe, Nintendo confirms | VG247

The discontinuation of the Wii Mini was never officially announced and I cannot find any source for the 2017 date, but it was definitely still being shipped after March 2015.

Zippy6 said:

Nintendo kept reporting Wii shipments until March 2016, this can be seen in their fiscal reports.

March 2014 - 101.06m - 140507e.pdf ( (page 15)
March 2015 - 101.52m - 150507e.pdf ( (page 16)
March 2016 - 101.63m - 160427e.pdf ( (page 17)

The Wii Mini barely sold anything, and they manufactured very few, but it was still sold.

The Wii Mini wasn't announced until December 2012 and had a staggered release. It launched in Canada in December 2012, the UK in March 2013 and the USA didn't get it until November 2013. Nintendo Wii Mini Headed to the U.S. for $99.99 | PCMag

The other Wii models were discontinued in October 2013, however "the Wii Mini will continue to be stocked" - Wii discontinued in Europe, Nintendo confirms | VG247

Still the original poster was wrong. Wii shelve life wasn't 10 years. If we count 2017 then they are 11 years. If we count till 2015 (the actual sales) it's 9 years.

Last edited by XtremeBG - on 15 December 2023

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Zippy6 said:
XtremeBG said:

Everywhere where you search on the web you will see that the Wii (all models) were discountinued in 2013.

Also if the Wii was selling past 2015 we would have sales here on this site too. So you are wrong. Wii was officially discountinued in 2013, therefore it was in production for only 7 years.

Nintendo kept reporting Wii shipments until March 2016, this can be seen in their fiscal reports.

March 2014 - 101.06m - 140507e.pdf ( (page 15)
March 2015 - 101.52m - 150507e.pdf ( (page 16)
March 2016 - 101.63m - 160427e.pdf ( (page 17)

The Wii Mini barely sold anything, and they manufactured very few, but it was still sold.

The Wii Mini wasn't announced until December 2012 and had a staggered release. It launched in Canada in December 2012, the UK in March 2013 and the USA didn't get it until November 2013. Nintendo Wii Mini Headed to the U.S. for $99.99 | PCMag

The other Wii models were discontinued in October 2013, however "the Wii Mini will continue to be stocked" - Wii discontinued in Europe, Nintendo confirms | VG247

Nintendo didn't ship any more Wii's during January-March 2016 Quarter. It was included as part of the FY though.

All intents and purposes the last shipments were December 2015.