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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Your dream sequel

Suikoden VI

Direct sequel of the events in Suikoden III, set a couple of years after, in the kingdom of Harmonia. At the time most of its territories are declaring independence from Harmonia following what Grasslands and Zexen did in S3. yada yada, you know, jrpg stuff. The overaching story is uncovering a political conspiracy all while discovering what happened to Hikusaak (who will in fact be the final boss) 

Similar gameplay to SV. There will be no war-exlusive characters, all characters will be playable even if at least in support capacity. 

Returning characters: Futch, Bright, Sasarai, Sierra, Yuber, Pesmerga, Viki and Jeane... and maybe Melville/Alanis/Elliott all as adults, that'd be great. In non-playable capacity: Geddoe and Albert. 

If someone from Konami reads this: You are welcome. 

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Im waiting on chrono brake. Why did they cancel that?

Lunar 3 done using a full 3-D engine like Tales of Arise or Persona 5.

Alright, here we go again:

Chrono Break (chrono series 3rd game)
Sin and punishment 3
Gravity rush 3
Half life 3
Portal 3
The world ends with you 3

Legacy of Kain 5
Blood 3
The Darkness III
Alice 3
Quake 5
Crash 5
Spyro 4
Ninja Gaiden 4
Wario Land 6
F-Zero FX or F-Zero GTX or F-Zero RTX or F-Zero RX
Deus Ex 5
Fighting Force 3
Akuji The Heartless 2
F.E.A.R. 4
Brutal Legend 2
Unreal Championship 3
Jet Set Radio 3
Jade Empire 2
Warcraft 4
Starcraft 3
Snowblind 2
Prototype 3
Virtua Fighter 6
Bulletstorm 2
Dishonored 3
Crysis 4
Heretic (reboot)
Strife 2
Omikron 2
SiN (reboot)
Battlefield Bad Company 3

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VanQuish 2
Metal Gear Rising 2
Zone of the Enders 3
Jet Set Radio 3
Skies of Arcadia 2
The Last Story 2

A Golden Axe from Vanillaware
Shinobi from Platinum Games

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

CaptainExplosion said:

This is my kind of thread. ^^

*ahem* Here are some of mine.

Banjo-Threeie: Essentially a true follow-up to Banjo-Tooie. The plot would involve something along the lines of Grunty's severed skull teaming up with Captain Blackeye (the angry drunken pirate who was gonna be the antagonist of Dream before it became Banjo-Kazooie) to get revenge on Banjo and Kazooie. To do this they'd be out searching various new worlds locked behind Jiggy puzzles (about 10 or 12 of them) on a mysterious island for an ancient treasure that could not only restore Grunty's body but also make her invincible. Naturally Banjo and Kazooie, along with returning characters like Bottles, Mumbo Jumbo and Humba Wumba, and some new friends they'd make on the way, arrive on the island to make sure they stop Grunty and Blackeye from finding the treasure. Overall the plot would be more light-hearted than Banjo-Tooie, but still not afraid to occasionally get dark or slip adult jokes past the censors. The gameplay would be a much welcomed return to form, as well as adding new moves for the duo to use, and making the in-game world more connected than in previous Banjo-Kazooie games. By which I mean there would be a central hub world as usual, but with each Jiggy puzzle completed a new world rises out of the sea that Banjo and Kazooie can now access. It would also include multiplayer games like in Banjo-Tooie, allowing up to 8 players locally and online, based on the various minigame challenges encountered in the main story. And of course new music by Grant Kirkhope!

Star Fox Adventures Redone: Turning Star Fox Adventures into a game more akin to Star Fox 2 on the Super NES. Krystal is reintroduced, only this time she's been changed from a simple damsel in distress to a badass warrior woman out to avenge her parents. She bumps into Fox while investigating an enemy base leftover from Andross' forces, and while she doesn't trust him at first, she's willing to work with him against Captain Shears, a Cornerian Army officer who's gone rogue. General Pepper gives Star Fox intel that Shears is planting devastatingly powerful explosives on numerous planets in the Lylat System, and will detonate them all within seven days unless the Star Fox team can stop him. After 20 levels altogether that can be completed in no specific order, Star Fox launches their final attack on Captain Shears' hideout, where Fox fights the renegade captain and defeats him, but in a second phase Shears turns out to have previously died, and his consciousness replaced with that of Andross. Fox kills Andross like before, and after escaping the enemy fortress' explosion, he reconvenes with his team, and unlike her original appearances, Krystal gets closure when she finds refugees from Krystal's homeworld alive and well. She says goodbye and leaves Star Fox to help her people rebuild. The game itself would offer multiplayer death matches, and up to 4 player splitscreen co-op in the main campaign. The main campaign would also have a much more open Lylat System like in Starlink, but without the toy ships whatsoever. Amiibo support, but not required to finish the game.

F-Zero: Ok, for this one I'm cheating, because instead of a sequel it's an outright reboot. A brand new F-Zero with an adventure mode similar to Diddy Kong Racing, but all the cutesy stuff is tossed aside in favor of a badass sci-fi racing adventure. The player is able to drive their F-Zero machine around Mute City after choosing from either Captain Falcon, Samurai Goroh, Dr. Stewart, Pico, Jody Summer, Mighty Gazelle, Baba or Octoman. Captain Falcon has organized this specific group of pilots to help stop a plot by Black Shadow to use F-Zero racing cash prizes to buy up enough weapons and mercenaries to help him conquer the universe. The adventure mode would gradually dive into main eight pilots to explore their backstories, their relationships with other pilots, and give them some character development. EX: Captain Falcon finally shows players what lead him to become a bounty hunter alongside his racing career, Pico is trying to clear his name over an assassination that was made to look like one of his jobs, and Jody Summer is able to give Zoda a well-deserved ass kicking for killing her father. Gameplay would be essentially like F-Zero GX, but more forgiving so as not to alienate newcomers, which was a big problem with GX. Grand Prix mode would open up with your chosen pilot's opening cinematic and end with their closing cinematic, regardless of difficulty. Some characters from the F-Zero anime (and the GBA games based on it) would return, but with their backstories reworked to better integrate them into this new continuity, along with a few brand new pilots.

Wario's Wacky Worlds: Think of this as both a new Wario Land game and a successor to Wario World. A 3D puzzle platformer where Wario is once again out to strike it rich by pillaging ancient treasures, while for the first time in ages competing with Captain Syrup and her Sugar Pirates. Wario has to fight his way through Wario Land enemies old and new, even bringing with him transformations from Wario Land 2 through 4 (Like Fat Wario which lets him smash through certain floors, or Puffy Wario which lets Wario float up). Of course he'd have new transformations to help him along the way, like something that would turn Wario into a boxer and let him punch his enemies with giant fists, or something that would turn Wario into a mole and allow him to dig through the ground. To make up for Wario World being so short, there would be 7 uniquely themed worlds connected to the hub world, and each world would have five levels not including their respective bosses. The plot would most likely be something along the lines of Wario hearing about an ancient city that has been uncovered from a desert, after ten thousand years of being buried in the sand, so he rushes off to the city to make sure he gets all the treasure to himself. The final boss would be unique for the series, as instead of being actually evil like Rudy the Clown or the Golden Diva, it would be the city's guardian trying to defeat Wario in order to protect the city and it's treasures. Wario would defeat the guardian and get the treasure, but then Captain Syrup would chase Wario for the treasure into the horizon.

Donkey Kong Country 6: One I've been clamoring for since I finished Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze. It would have the same gameplay style and aesthetic as Donkey Kong Country Returns and Tropical Freeze, but this time it would bring the long-awaited return of King K. Rool as the final boss. The Kremlings have been conquering and ransacking different islands they've come across, setting their sites on Donkey Kong Island next, so Donkey, Diddy, Dixie, Cranky, and for the first time in years Chunky Kong, set out to drive the Kremlings back and defeat K. Rool at his stronghold. While Donkey can easily carry Diddy, Dixie or Cranky on his back for extra hearts and abilities, freeing Chunky from a barrel has Chunky carry DK on his back instead. With Chunky the player can't jump as high, but they're strong enough that they can throw DK into enemies to defeat them. Also returning would be Rambi, Enguarde, Rattly, and Squitter, each featuring improved versions of their abilities from the original DKC trilogy. There would be a total of eight worlds, Donkey Kong Island, an Egypt-like desert, a city, a haunted forest, a vast canyon, a Japanese-esque mountain range, a Switzerland-esque snow world, and finally a newly rebuilt K. Rool's Keep. Keeping with the running gag of King K. Rool adopting different aliases almost every time he's the final boss (King K. Rool in DKC, Kaptain K. Rool in DKC2, Baron K. Roolenstein in DKC3, and King Krusha K. Rool in DK64), K. Rool takes part in the final battle as a military officer named Kommander K. Rool.

Wow dude, above and beyond!

I think I did this thread to read cool, creative, fun ideas about what could happen next. But also to feel the excitement and passion. It is heartwarming to see how much thought and theirfore work goes into these possible sequels. Really a passionate delivery! The story inricacies of Star Fox - that really sold me :)

And I'd love for the DK you described to be my first I would ever play.

And I would really give a lot to play that Wario sequel of yours. What an underutilised character. I'm glad for what he gets. Still I cannot help but see that as breadcrums.

A new Paper Mario like the first two. This has had quite a lot of interest, but not by Nintendo or Intelligent Systems. Take Paper Mario: The-Thousand-Year-Door and bulld on it.
-Bring back partners. Have some species that haven't been used as partners before like a chain chomp and have at least one new species altogether as a partner. Allow up to two partners in battle.
-If Bowser or Peach are in the game have them as much smaller roles than ever before. Peach won't be captured; Bowser won't be a major antagonist.
-Bring in Wario somehow.

-Luigi interludes between the Chapters, maybe even the adventure he went on during TTYD.

-A new main antagonist, and a lot of new villains in general.

-Return of the Trouble Center or requests for side quests.

Lifetime Sales Predictions 

Switch: 161 million (was 73 million, then 96 million, then 113 million, then 125 million, then 144 million, then 151 million, then 156 million)

PS5: 115 million (was 105 million) Xbox Series S/X: 48 million (was 60 million, then 67 million, then 57 million)

PS4: 120 mil (was 100 then 130 million, then 122 million) Xbox One: 51 mil (was 50 then 55 mil)

3DS: 75.5 mil (was 73, then 77 million)

"Let go your earthly tether, enter the void, empty and become wind." - Guru Laghima

QUAKECore89 said:

Legacy of Kain 5
Blood 3
The Darkness III
Alice 3
Quake 5
Crash 5
Spyro 4
Ninja Gaiden 4
Wario Land 6
F-Zero FX or F-Zero GTX or F-Zero RTX or F-Zero RX
Deus Ex 5
Fighting Force 3
Akuji The Heartless 2
F.E.A.R. 4
Brutal Legend 2
Unreal Championship 3
Jet Set Radio 3
Jade Empire 2
Warcraft 4
Starcraft 3
Snowblind 2
Prototype 3
Virtua Fighter 6
Bulletstorm 2
Dishonored 3
Crysis 4
Heretic (reboot)
Strife 2
Omikron 2
SiN (reboot)
Battlefield Bad Company 3

What a list! Can't say that I have played a lot of them, but to pick just one or two that I know a bit about:

How would your ideal crash 5 look like? Multiple playable characters like in 4? Whos gonna be the villain? Is their a main theme? Is it going to be as brutally hard as some sections of part 1? Are we gonna get a playable backstory to how the masks came about?

I could really see a new Dishonered to break with the established aesthetic a bit and go scifi. Dishonered with augmentations like in Deus Ex. Could be something.

gtotheunit91 said:

Warcraft 4. I'm a huge RTS fan, and I had spent soooooooo much time playing Warcraft 3 for years. Unfortunately, WoW took all the spotlight for so long that the Warcraft franchise has been an MMORPG longer than it was an RTS. Plus the pile the crap that was WC3: Reforged, and knowing now that Blizzard will forever be dead to me.

Since I never tried any Warcraft-stuff, I want to ask: Is there a narrative continuation between Warcraft 1-3 and wow? Are these even the same universes, timelines, dimensions? And are these games even about story aswell? (I have a friend who told me quite some stuff about WoW, so I know there is a sort of story.) And than, would Warcraft 4 take place after WoW? Or in between, or before?

What would the narrative be about? Or are you not really looking for that in a game like this?