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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Discussion Thread | The 12th Annual Greatest Games Event

More hints.

9.  a)  This is the first time an entry of this handheld console game was released in North America.  However the series started in Japan over a decade earlier.
b)  Once your character is named, its going to stay that name.
c)  The name of the system the games in this series appear on often influence the name of the game.
d)  There is going to be an updated compilation releasing next year that has this game on it.  It's the first one.

3.  Six years before the MCU even started, this PC game was paying tribute to the Silver Age comics of Stan Lee and Jack Kirby.

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#11Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl
guessed byPlatina
release year2013
developer/publisherAtlus/NIS America
genreturn based RPG
past years2020: #6, 2019: #7, 2018: #5, 2017: #2

Atlus started the Etrian Odyssey series on the DS, using the touchscreen for showing and drawing the map, while the upper screen showed the usual stuff: the environment outside of battle and the battle screen while fighting. The game was great and justified many sequels. On the 3DS Atlus remade this first game, now with the graphical engine of the fourth game and some quality of life improvements. But also with one very important thing: an additional story mode, which played differently and has a more cohesive story than the original mode. You can play both modes. As this basically doubles the content, Untold: The Millenium Girl stands as it's own game, not only an improved version of the first game.

The original game (and therefore this remake) offer a very satisfying dungeon delve. You explore the maps while mastering the dangers of the labyrinth. You are tasked with mapping alongside the exploration of the labyrinth. The labyrinth uses traps, tresure chests, on the map visible boss enemies (called foes) and a lot of other stuff to spice up things. The battle system offers a well working turn based battle with many options like magic, different skills and items. Other than battles, the labyrinth has a lot of smaller events taking place at certain places.

The remake offers additionally a story mode with fixed characters (but including a lot of customization), additional mazes and anime cutscenes to drive the story. Between classic mode and story mode this remake offers you a lot of content. And all with a great RPG as base and the exploration of an unknown maze as task.

I always liked already in the original game, how the style of the labyrinth changes the deeper you go into it. You have plenty to do while leveling up. Being it missions from the townsfolk or collecting monster materials for new items in the store. With the remake offering so much more it is a great RPG experience. This game at this spot represents in part the whole series, all very good classic RPGs.

Sadly so far Atlus hasn't graced the Switch with any Etrian Odyssey game, I had liked to see how they evolve the series on the new platform. Maybe Atlus intends to let it die with the 3DS. Which would be a shame.

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

The_Liquid_Laser said:

More hints.

9.  a)  This is the first time an entry of this handheld console game was released in North America.  However the series started in Japan over a decade earlier.
b)  Once your character is named, its going to stay that name.
c)  The name of the system the games in this series appear on often influence the name of the game.
d)  There is going to be an updated compilation releasing next year that has this game on it.  It's the first one.

3.  Six years before the MCU even started, this PC game was paying tribute to the Silver Age comics of Stan Lee and Jack Kirby.

9: Advance Wars?

The_Liquid_Laser said:

More hints.

9.  a)  This is the first time an entry of this handheld console game was released in North America.  However the series started in Japan over a decade earlier.
b)  Once your character is named, its going to stay that name.
c)  The name of the system the games in this series appear on often influence the name of the game.
d)  There is going to be an updated compilation releasing next year that has this game on it.  It's the first one.

3.  Six years before the MCU even started, this PC game was paying tribute to the Silver Age comics of Stan Lee and Jack Kirby.

Oh wait, is #3 Freedom Force?

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

S.Peelman said:
The_Liquid_Laser said:

More hints.

9.  a)  This is the first time an entry of this handheld console game was released in North America.  However the series started in Japan over a decade earlier.
b)  Once your character is named, its going to stay that name.
c)  The name of the system the games in this series appear on often influence the name of the game.
d)  There is going to be an updated compilation releasing next year that has this game on it.  It's the first one.

3.  Six years before the MCU even started, this PC game was paying tribute to the Silver Age comics of Stan Lee and Jack Kirby.

9: Advance Wars?


Mnementh said:
The_Liquid_Laser said:

More hints.

9.  a)  This is the first time an entry of this handheld console game was released in North America.  However the series started in Japan over a decade earlier.
b)  Once your character is named, its going to stay that name.
c)  The name of the system the games in this series appear on often influence the name of the game.
d)  There is going to be an updated compilation releasing next year that has this game on it.  It's the first one.

3.  Six years before the MCU even started, this PC game was paying tribute to the Silver Age comics of Stan Lee and Jack Kirby.

Oh wait, is #3 Freedom Force?


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Ahhhhh gotta catch up.
Was my #12 guessed?
Nevermind just gonna reveal it: Doom Eternal.
Entering the top 10.
#10: Hint: The big new game mechanic in this most recent installment in this long running series is really messed up if you think to much about it.

#9: Hint: Blown by the wind into an unknown new land where a terrifying miscreant is trying to kill everything alive.

#13: Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

Gorgeous looking, smooth controlls and performance, a blast to play. I love this game to bits and pieces. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is fantastic. The auto acceleration and motion steering with the steering wheel make it so much more fun than Mario Kart DS and Mario Kart 7. The tracks are great, MK8 Rainbow Road, N64 Rainbow Road and Electrodrome are my favorites. The soundtrack is awesome especially the title theme. Online works perfectly. The battle mode is a ton of fun.

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is my favorite Mario Kart and multiplayer game.


Doom Eternal slaps even harder than it's predecessor. The action is faster, smoother and harder. More guns, more demons, more blood and gore. Earth has been invaded by the demons and now the Doom Slayer has to save humanity from the Khan Maykr and the Hell Priests.

The story is convoluted but still makes sense, but ultimately it's not the main focus of the game. That would be kicking some demon ass. The combat is so much fun, fast paced,nearly perfect. Only the Marauders are a bit annoying and reason for like 75% of my deaths. The sword is cool and fun to use. The insane badassery of the Doom Slayer is so much fun. So many great quotes come from this game. "You can't just shoot a hole into the surface of mars."

The DLC is also awesome, introducing some new stuff, like the hammer and new demons. The story in the DLC reveals that the father isn't God and didn't create everything, the Dark Lord did.

The ending couldn't be more perfect, with a great face reveal and the Doom Slayer for the first time since he got out of the Divinity Machine and gained his insane power. One word: "No", he says as he stabbs his creator in the chest, killing him.

coolbeans said:
Kakadu18 said:

Ahhhhh gotta catch up.
Was my #12 guessed?
Nevermind just gonna reveal it: Doom Eternal.
Entering the top 10.
#10: Hint: The big new game mechanic in this most recent installment in this long running series is really messed up if you think to much about it.

#9: Hint: Blown by the wind into an unknown new land where a terrifying miscreant is trying to kill everything alive.

10 - Super Mario Odyssey?



Final Fantasy VII (PS1)

YoY: =

I'm not really sure what there is to say about Final Fantasy VII at this point. It's been talked to death for close to 25 years now, and it effectively made JRPGs one of the biggest genres around for a period almost by itself. However, to me it was neither the introduction to the genre or the series. The first Final Fantasy I played was VIII, and I had already seen and played a few other JRPGs on the SNES and PS1 by the time I got around to VII. It's also not the best game in the series as far as I'm concerned, though as you can probably tell from its placement here, I still consider it an excellent game.

For me, FFVII is more or less on par with VI and VIII, and their order can change practically every day depending on how I feel at the time. This year, VII finds itself as the 5th highest Final Fantasy on my list, though it could just as well be the third highest. Pretty much everything about the game is great, the only two notable negatives being the obviously dated graphics, which never bothered me, and the somewhat clumsy and lackluster English translation.