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Final Fantasy VII (PS1)

YoY: =

I'm not really sure what there is to say about Final Fantasy VII at this point. It's been talked to death for close to 25 years now, and it effectively made JRPGs one of the biggest genres around for a period almost by itself. However, to me it was neither the introduction to the genre or the series. The first Final Fantasy I played was VIII, and I had already seen and played a few other JRPGs on the SNES and PS1 by the time I got around to VII. It's also not the best game in the series as far as I'm concerned, though as you can probably tell from its placement here, I still consider it an excellent game.

For me, FFVII is more or less on par with VI and VIII, and their order can change practically every day depending on how I feel at the time. This year, VII finds itself as the 5th highest Final Fantasy on my list, though it could just as well be the third highest. Pretty much everything about the game is great, the only two notable negatives being the obviously dated graphics, which never bothered me, and the somewhat clumsy and lackluster English translation.