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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Discussion Thread | The 12th Annual Greatest Games Event

Kakadu18 said:
UnderwaterFunktown said:

No unfortunately not. Since we're so close now I might as well specify: It's one of the first 3D games.

It's Majora's Mask.

Indeed it is!

The_Liquid_Laser said:
UnderwaterFunktown said:

No unfortunately not. Since we're so close now I might as well specify: It's one of the first 3D games.

Is it Ocarina of Time?

^As you can see unfortunately not. OoT is on my list, but further down.

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2025 OpenCritic Prediction Leagues

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S.Peelman said:

Okay #13 was guessed, but #12 wasn't. Extra hint plus moving on to #11.

#13: This game features an item of which sound and use are the same as in another game from another series featuring the same item.

Hint 2: So is the graphic that accompanies it on use; a tornado flies across the screen. Guessed by TruckOSaurus - Super Mario Bros. 3

#12: When you fully complete a level and go the hall of fame, many of those there ridicule you because you're not really the hero you were given credit for.

Hint 2: Which is true, on the final battle, you took an arrow to the eye (I think) right as it began, dying then and there.

#11: Elvis syndrome.

12: Medievil?

Farsala said:

Already day 14? Let's make these easy

22. - A man drifts onto an island and finds the place infested with demons.
That island is within Japan, and the guy is not Japanese

21- You play as a dragon, you need to collect dragon eggs that were stolen by a sorceress.

20- RTS PC game where you play in medieval times. Original civs include Teutons, Franks, Mongols, Britons, Vikings.

19- Japan is infested with demons part 2. Though it is technically a prequel to the first game.

18- It is the Three Kingdoms era once again. The story was significantly changed from the novel and proper history. Still it was quite refreshing with its strategy and various decisions to make while playing. Gameplay involves commanding units lead by your officers as well as hitting soldiers with your weapon while on a horse.

22: Nioh? Which would make 19 Nioh 2.

Alright I got a lot of catching up to do so go ahead and throw some guesses.

19) While this game is in some ways a return to the basics for this series, the additions it makes to your arsenal are some of the more original.

Hint 2: Includes a new mad villain as well as the classic one.

Hint 3: The new villain stole the throne from the companion that follows you for most of the game

16) In a loooog running series, this game is around the middle of numbered entries

15) Re-re-release

14) One thing that annoys me about this game is that it's named like a reboot even though it isn't

13) The one game in this series that has a lot of cutscenes

12) Ended on a heartfelt note

11) Starts in a train

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2025 OpenCritic Prediction Leagues

Ocarina of Time gets my spot for #14. The only game in my top 50 I played on 3DS. (Mario Kart 7 and Animal Crossing New Leaf would have made top 50 but were cut to avoid repeating the same series many times.)

drbunnig said:
S.Peelman said:

#11: Elvis syndrome.

Theme Hospital


Darashiva said:
S.Peelman said:

#12: When you fully complete a level and go the hall of fame, many of those there ridicule you because you're not really the hero you were given credit for.

Hint 2: Which is true, on the final battle, you took an arrow to the eye (I think) right as it began, dying then and there.

12: Medievil?

Also yes!

UnderwaterFunktown said:

Alright I got a lot of catching up to do so go ahead and throw some guesses.

19) While this game is in some ways a return to the basics for this series, the additions it makes to your arsenal are some of the more original.

Hint 2: Includes a new mad villain as well as the classic one.

Hint 3: The new villain stole the throne from the companion that follows you for most of the game

16) In a loooog running series, this game is around the middle of numbered entries

11) Starts in a train

19: Twilight Princess?

16: Final Fantasy VII

11: Uncharted 2? Though I don’t really feel like that’s correct.

Around the Network
coolbeans said:
Farsala said:

Already day 14? Let's make these easy

22. - A man drifts onto an island and finds the place infested with demons.
That island is within Japan, and the guy is not Japanese

21- You play as a dragon, you need to collect dragon eggs that were stolen by a sorceress.

20- RTS PC game where you play in medieval times. Original civs include Teutons, Franks, Mongols, Britons, Vikings.

19- Japan is infested with demons part 2. Though it is technically a prequel to the first game.

18- It is the Three Kingdoms era once again. The story was significantly changed from the novel and proper history. Still it was quite refreshing with its strategy and various decisions to make while playing. Gameplay involves commanding units lead by your officers as well as hitting soldiers with your weapon while on a horse.

20 - Age of Empires 1 or 2?

Yes it is Age of Empires 2.

My newest addition to the list has slotted itself into #20. And now I can send my list, since I have finally decided where to put it.

Darashiva said:

Farsala said:

Already day 14? Let's make these easy

22. - A man drifts onto an island and finds the place infested with demons.
That island is within Japan, and the guy is not Japanese

21- You play as a dragon, you need to collect dragon eggs that were stolen by a sorceress.

20- RTS PC game where you play in medieval times. Original civs include Teutons, Franks, Mongols, Britons, Vikings.

19- Japan is infested with demons part 2. Though it is technically a prequel to the first game.

18- It is the Three Kingdoms era once again. The story was significantly changed from the novel and proper history. Still it was quite refreshing with its strategy and various decisions to make while playing. Gameplay involves commanding units lead by your officers as well as hitting soldiers with your weapon while on a horse.

22: Nioh? Which would make 19 Nioh 2.

Yes both are correct.

New hint for 18.

18- It is the Three Kingdoms era once again. The story was significantly changed from the novel and proper history. Still it was quite refreshing with its strategy and various decisions to make while playing. Gameplay involves commanding units lead by your officers as well as hitting soldiers with your weapon while on a horse.

The games name starts with a K. The reason being, is because the first game in the series actually took place in Japan as well as the third game. But this is the 2nd game in the series, so it takes place in China, hmmmm.

Last edited by Farsala - on 18 December 2021

UnderwaterFunktown said:

11) Starts in a train

I'll go for Resident Evil 0 here - it's the only one I can think of.

S.Peelman said:
UnderwaterFunktown said:

Alright I got a lot of catching up to do so go ahead and throw some guesses.

19) While this game is in some ways a return to the basics for this series, the additions it makes to your arsenal are some of the more original.

Hint 2: Includes a new mad villain as well as the classic one.

Hint 3: The new villain stole the throne from the companion that follows you for most of the game

16) In a loooog running series, this game is around the middle of numbered entries

11) Starts in a train

19: Twilight Princess?

16: Final Fantasy VII

11: Uncharted 2? Though I don’t really feel like that’s correct.

19) Correct!

16) Yep! And with such a vague hint too, but I figured FF would come to mind

11) Nope, not the right train.

drbunnig said:
UnderwaterFunktown said:

11) Starts in a train

I'll go for Resident Evil 0 here - it's the only one I can think of.

Also nope. Actually thought this one might have been too easy, but I suppose there are several games that fit.

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2025 OpenCritic Prediction Leagues

OK, because I was caught up in work I am now seriously behind. Time to catch up. Also, so far The_Liquid_Laser, Machina and Darashoiva are leading with guesses on my games, with 7, 6 and 5 correct guesses respectively.

#17: Elirium 115 (first game). Had a different name in the US than in europe, which is used as the name of the series modernizing this 90s series.

#16: Time travel in the john. Guessed by The_Liquid_Laser.

#15: A shrine can revive your horse, if you managed to kill it. Guessed by drbunnig.

#14: Sorry to keep you waiting. With all us gods,... errrr, and Pyrrhon, united

#13: On the first day man was granted a soul and with it clarity. On the second day, upon Earth was planted an irrevocable poison; Guessed by Darashiva.

#12: In difference to some other shooters of the time, you only could save between mission, but you had multiple lifes.

#11: Remake of the first game in this dungeon crawler series with self-drawn maps that added an extended story.

Last edited by Mnementh - on 18 December 2021

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

#16: Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition

Where to start? I played the Definitive Edition on the Switch, never played the Wii original. The story of Xenoblade Chronicles is incredible. It blows most others out of the water with ease. Stunning. The great characters and dialogue play a big part in why it's so good. The premise and setting are  very unique, ingenious even.

An area where Monolith Soft have exceptional expertise in is the level design with the different areas in this game being of magnificent beauty. The combat is to me more intuitive and easier to get into than in Xenoblade Chronicles 2. There is an abundance of side quests that I had a ton of fun to complete even if they're just fetch quests because I just love strolling around, taking in the beautiful view and enjoying the great soundtrack. Yes the soundtrack is better than in XC2, especially the final song made even more emotional than the one at the end of XC2. Future Connected is great too but not quite as much as the main game.

Xenoblade Chronicles is a wonderful journey I wished more people would experience. The ending in particular is incredible. Like every game this high on my list it's very special to me.

When I play video games this is exactly what I'm looking for, an experience that will always stay in my memories for how fantastic it was. I don't know wether I will ever replay Xenoblade Chronicles, but I know that my first playthrough like with so many games will always stay the best.