Nighthawk117 said: Who was the dumbass who named a virus after a popular beer??? |
The word corona predates the beer.
Nighthawk117 said: Who was the dumbass who named a virus after a popular beer??? |
The word corona predates the beer.
Phoenix20 said: More profit is made by the media selling bad news and the pharmaceutical companies making huge profits from the increased sales of vaccines. The media creates the fear and panic with claims that millions are going to die worldwide as a new deadly outbreak spreads like the plague. |
The black death (plague) killed around 40-60% of europes population back in the 1300's.
It was spread by flea's from differnt rodents, and animals.
It also came from Central/Eastern Asia, and spread up here.
Pandemics should be taken seriously, if there's cause to do so.
Theres potential for this one to kill millions, even if its mortality rate is only currently at 3%.
It just needs to spread enough or mutate.
curl-6 said:
The word corona predates the beer. |
Hahahaha I hadnt even thought of that.
Tbh its not a rather good beer though, like 19 out of 20 random German beers, would probably beat it in taste & price.
Whats even more amasing is that germans have strick rules about what is and isnt beer, so their not allowed to "cheat" by subtitueing things, or enhnace things via usage of chemmical means. Its just pure beer.
Its like when you buy something and it tastes abit like Vanilla, and then you find out, its some exract from the glands near a beavers ass.
Euuuuewwwwwww.... I rather they use the "real" thing.
JRPGfan said: [...] |
That's a common misconception. The Reinheitsgebot isn't a law. You can choose to stick to it, but you can also just ignore it without any consequences whatsoever. It's mostly a marketing gag.
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JRPGfan said:
I agree with this.
First of all, mortality rate of 3% is pretty high, especially as the disease spreads that quickly. And if you got to that rate by dividing the 26 reported death by the 895 reported infections, than this is problematic, as these diseases are a case literally of the last days. Alone from yesterday to today the number of reported infections grew by 260 people. So these people are still ill, you can't calculate mortality rate until the persons have either died or recovered. And people newly fallen ill yesterday haven't recovered today.
You don't need to be too concerned though yet, not because of mortality rate, but because it so far is restricted to a few countries and at this point emergency border checks are in place in many countries. Well, except you live in the countries in question. If despite that the illness will spread globally, than it starts to become more serious for other parts of the world too.
Last edited by Mnementh - on 24 January 2020curl-6 said:
Bad news may sell more papers, but vaccines take years to develop, trial, and manufacture, so there won't be one for this in the near future, and no existing vaccine will protect you from a new virus. |
Well, there are some more general antivirals, although it might be hit or miss if they work on this specific virus. Also in cases of emergency labs can work directly on a solution and may be able to fix up something in weeks, depending on circumstances. Still this has to be produced afterwards and these emergency research is very costly.
Hiku said: |
My main takeaway from this is, that CNN managed to bring a reporter team to Wuhan before the city got quarantined yesterday.
JRPGfan said:
Hahahaha I hadnt even thought of that. |
Unless it's Kölsch, the only piss that's legally allowed to call itself beer. Can't even get drunk on that stuff!
Also, German breweries do cheat. The Reinheitsgebot for instance says Gerste (barley), not Malz (malt). But using the raw fruit is disallowed in German breweries these days. Also, they add zinc, since the yeast needs it badly, but not by adding a zinc salt, like the rest of the world does. Instead, they add it to the water supply or as water softener. They add milk acid bacteria as acidifier, which is much worse than what the rest of world does by adding a bit of some weak acid like phosphoric acid (
Believe me, that Brauer in my username is not there by accident...
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Ok, I'm a little nervous. Undercounting cases as much as 10:1 is a little scary, and the fact that it can incubate for as much as 2 weeks and still spread coming out tells me this is going to get bad quick.
Also, this isn't going to calm frayed nerves:
Made a bet with LipeJJ and HylianYoshi that the XB1 will reach 30 million before Wii U reaches 15 million. Loser has to get avatar picked by winner for 6 months (or if I lose, either 6 months avatar control for both Lipe and Hylian, or my patrick avatar comes back forever).
I was never scared of the flu and I won't start now.
If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.