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Forums - General Discussion - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Discussion Thread

last92 said:
JRPGfan said:

So far only 28 states out of the 50? in the USA have gone into shutdown, an demanded people "social distance", and avoid gatherings ect right?

My question is.... what the hell are the last 22 states thinking?
Do they believe they wont get hit nearly as badly by this thing?
Wont we just see a repeat of New York play out those places 2 weeks or so down the line?

Thousands will probably die, but hey, at least they have their guns.

The american way, through and through. Money>Life.

And what's the Italian way?  Drink wine and eat pasta?  I live in Texas and I own zero guns.  I was born in Ohio though.  Don't lump us all together because I'll start forgetting you make nice sports cars over there and only remember you make shitty Fiats.

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sethnintendo said:

Just let this sink in...

“When they’re not appreciative to me, they’re not appreciative to the Army Corps, they’re not appreciative to FEMA, it’s not right,” Trump said.

He then added: “I say, ‘Mike, don’t call the governor of Washington; you’re wasting your time with him. Don’t call the woman in Michigan. It doesn’t make any difference what happens.’

So if governors don't kiss his ass then their state might be ignored.  I know one governor that is attempting to kiss his ass because his state is fucked.  That would be Cuomo.

He doesnt like that nasty woman, she always calls complaining to him.
Why would she expect his help in getting PPE or Ventilors?  *sarcasm tag*

Cuomo has been praiseing the way Fema and army corps have handled things.
Rightfully so, its amasing their able to build 4000+ sick bed, care area's in like 3days.
Army be like "guys we need a building here, it needs to house 4000 sick beds, lets get to work"... and a few days lateron its there.

He was in the army as a engineer too right? thats why the last press thingy he did, you saw him speaking with army personal sitting around.
He was thanking the engineers that worked on the new site there.

And yes Cuomo might actually have tried to manage trump, by being overly nice or praiseing him.
If that saves lives, Cuomo is more than willing to do so.

Also I think Cuomo is smart in trying to stockpike a few ventilators.
If his advisers, thinks he's gonna need 30,000 of them soon, the more he can get the better (even if he doesnt need them, right now, today).
(a week or two down the line, that could be saveing thusands of lives)

Cuomo only has like 7,000 right? a far cry from the 30,000 hes hopeing to get.
Its too early to start saying he should stop hoarding them.

"better to have, and not need, than to need, and not have"

Last edited by JRPGfan - on 28 March 2020

JRPGfan said:
sethnintendo said:

Just let this sink in...

“When they’re not appreciative to me, they’re not appreciative to the Army Corps, they’re not appreciative to FEMA, it’s not right,” Trump said.

He then added: “I say, ‘Mike, don’t call the governor of Washington; you’re wasting your time with him. Don’t call the woman in Michigan. It doesn’t make any difference what happens.’

So if governors don't kiss his ass then their state might be ignored.  I know one governor that is attempting to kiss his ass because his state is fucked.  That would be Cuomo.

He doesnt like that nasty woman, she always calls complaining to him.
Why would she expect his help in getting PPE or Ventilors?  *sarcasm tag*

Cuomo has been praiseing the way Fema and army corps have handled things.
Rightfully so, its amasing their able to build 4000+ sick bed, care area's in like 3days.
Army be like "guys we need a building here, it needs to house 4000 sick beds, lets get to work"... and a few days lateron its there.

He was in the army as a engineer too right? thats why the last press thingy he did, you saw him speaking with army personal sitting around.
He was thanking the engineers that worked on the new site there.

And yes Cuomo might actually have tried to manage trump, by being overly nice or praiseing him.
If that saves lives, Cuomo is more than willing to do so.

Also I think Cuomo is smart in trying to stockpike a few ventilators.
If his advisers, thinks he's gonna need 30,000 of them soon, the more he can get the better (even if he doesnt need them, right now, today).
(a week or two down the line, that could be saveing thusands of lives)

Also Cuomo only has like 7,000 right? a far cry from the 30,000 hes hopeing to get.
Its too early to start saying he should stop hoarding them.

"better to have, and not need, than to need, and not have"

Yea I agree he is doing the best he can.  Perhaps should have put NYC on lockdown once virus was showing up in Washington state but otherwise he has been dealt a bad hand.  For one NYC is biggest US city and tourist flock there.  It's just a breeding ground for the virus.  Throw in a mass transit system like the subway and anything could potentially take off.

I'm in suburb of Austin and I'm about done with it here.   Too many damn people here and that is only fraction of what's in NYC area.  I'm just happy they cancelled South by Southwest otherwise Austin would be fucked like N.O. is now.

RolStoppable said:
Everything feels surreal right now. I can't believe that I still live. The virus is out there and it can only be a matter of time until the vast majority of the population is infected. Healthcare doesn't have the capacities to treat everyone, so only the rich and important people will see their lives saved.

The rich and important people need worker bees to keep them rich and important. So they'll try to save at least a few non-rich unimportant people too.

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

John2290 said:
vivster said:

Ideally stay at home, as everyone should for non essential activities.

Nah, you should be getting excecise and sun, keep your immune system up to help the health services. If ya can't get a walk, at least get sun on a roof or balcony, it's a mood boost too so when shit gets tough at least we'll be cheery. Thank god for the coming summer. 

You can get both exercise and sun within your home. Going outside for that while complaining that others don't respect quarantines is just a dick move.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Around the Network
vivster said:
John2290 said:

Nah, you should be getting excecise and sun, keep your immune system up to help the health services. If ya can't get a walk, at least get sun on a roof or balcony, it's a mood boost too so when shit gets tough at least we'll be cheery. Thank god for the coming summer. 

You can get both exercise and sun within your home. Going outside for that while complaining that others don't respect quarantines is just a dick move.

Quarantine != Social distancing. Not blaming you, but it seems some people can't understand the difference. The virus transmits by close proximity / contact over a period of time. South Korea is the proof of that where the current measures prevent spread in hospitals. Stay 2 meters apart, always cover your cough, don't touch surfaces, don't touch your face, wash your hands and you will be fine.

If you are sick you should quarantine yourself, check for fever every morning, stay in when you have a cough or other symptoms. It is not necessary for everyone to stay locked inside, it is necessary to stay the fuck away from each other (unless you live with them on daily basis anyway)

My kids don't visit their grandparents anymore for now. My brother in law still does and is an unknown in contact with more ways of transmission :/ With Ontario so far behind on testing, it's better to close that door for now considering my wife's underlying conditions. They also don't get to play with their friends anymore (except online of course) but can still go outside with us.

It's a bit of a problem in big cities where there might not be enough space to stay apart. Out here in rural areas it doesn't make sense to lock people in their homes. Just not necessary. If it is a problem in big cities, simple things like even house numbers can go out on even days and odds on odd days will solve that problem. Yet for now people are still grouping up and even having quarantine parties... I praised the park for being empty yesterday, well that didn't last. Late afternoon (not long after parks and recreation came by to check) it filled up, people walking together, people playing basketball together, good way to pass the virus along... It's people like these that make it worse than it has to be for all of us.

Go play badminton, frisbee or any other non close contact sport if you have to play with a friend. Greet from a distance, bring your own equipment, wash it before you go and when you're done just in case, wash your hands before and after, don't touch your face. Simple precautions.

Back to virus tracking, I made a couple charts with avg growth comparisons up to the 26th.

First grapth, growth comparison of Europe and USA vs the World.

The average growth factor in Europe was 1.151 for the past 5 days, slightly below the predicted average of 1.16
The average growth factor in the USA was 1.195 for the past 5 days, still catching up on testing.
The average for the world was 1.141, many more countries outside the USA and Europe still have dodgy testing.

Europe currently represents 53.9% of total detected cases. (321.7K as of yesterday)
The USA currently represents 17.5% of total detected cases. (104.1K as of yesterday) and is 7 days behind Europe.
The world now has 7.3x as many cases as there are in China (596.4K as of yesterday)

Europe is responsible for 58.1% of daily growth and 79.2% of daily deaths
USA is responsible for 28.5% of daily growth and 10.8% of daily deaths
Europe is slowing down while the USA is still speeding up.

Second graph, comparing the corners of the world.

China, still importing cases trying to contain them not to get a second out break.
South Korea, an early super spreader got the country up to speed, stable for now.
Iran getting testing up to speed, way behind on that part considering the death rate.
Canada started early, still having problems with testing but schools and most non essentials are closed.
Australia slowly ramping up.
Brazil not willing to do anything for now.

Bottom row Europe.

Italy reached the top of the curve for growth, but isn't going down much yet.
Spain and Germany have passed Italy in daily added cases, Spain is also close to passing Italy in daily deaths.
France isn't slowing down much yet, but is about 10 days behind on Italy for lock downs.
Sweden, Norway and Denmark all ramped up their testing early when the first symptomatic cases were detected.
This might have given a false sense of 'being on top of the virus', it's still increasing not unlike others.

The measures are helping, Italy has flattened out, Europe's growth is slowing down. How high the peak in cases will be is still hard to say. The USA is chasing Europe, when it will pass Europe depends on the fallout of spring break and many states not doing much yet.

Nighthawk117 said:
China is the epicenter of this my fucking ass, China !!!!

that seems like a pretty dogmatic and emotion based assessment especially for someone apparently interested in space exploration

this scares me abit:

blue is the "avg" last 5years,
Green is the offical numbers of deaths confirmed to be caused by corona virus in italy,
and the "red" is how many just happended to die dueing this periode.

This is from italy.

The article's name is "The real death toll for Covid-19 is at least 4 times the official numbers"

"Nembro, in the province of Bergamo, is the municipality most affected by Covid-19 in relation to the population. We do not know exactly how many people have been infected, but we know that the number of deaths officially attributed to Covid-19 is 31. We are two physicists: one who became an entrepreneur in the health sector, the other a mayor, in close contact with a very cohesive territory, where we know each other very well. We noticed that something in these official numbers did not come back right, and we decided - together - to check. We looked at the average of the deaths in the municipality of previous years, in the period January - March. Nembro should have had - under normal conditions - about 35 deaths. 158 people were registered dead this year by the municipal offices. That is 123 more than the average. Not 31 more, as it should have been according to the official numbers of the coronavirus epidemic."

Unusual spike in deaths, is noticed. Not counted as covid19 in stats though.

Last edited by JRPGfan - on 28 March 2020

Well I'll just share this story to try and lighten the mood here since most is depressing. Well I'm trying to do my part by eating leftovers and whatever food is available. I was up early today hungry and asked about meat in fridge. My girlfriend is Asian and English isn't her best so she assumed I was talking about beef stew bowl. So I cooked up the meat in microwave and was making 1 bread sandwiches with it.

Since my girl told me it was beef from beef stew I assumed this meat was excess chopped beef that somehow didn't make it into beef stew. Well it tasted kind of funny and I was like hmmm this beef seemed to have turned bad. Trying to make sure no food goes to waste though I kept eating it. I later asked her why the beef tasted different and she then realized I apparently found tuna in container. It was tuna....

I haven't eaten it in a long time and apparently I can be quite the dumb ass sometimes.

Last edited by sethnintendo - on 28 March 2020

JRPGfan said:

this scares me abit:

blue is the "avg" last 5years,
Green is the offical numbers of deaths confirmed to be caused by corona virus in italy,
and the "red" is how many just happended to die dueing this periode.

This is from italy.

The article's name is "The real death toll for Covid-19 is at least 4 times the official numbers"

"Nembro, in the province of Bergamo, is the municipality most affected by Covid-19 in relation to the population. We do not know exactly how many people have been infected, but we know that the number of deaths officially attributed to Covid-19 is 31. We are two physicists: one who became an entrepreneur in the health sector, the other a mayor, in close contact with a very cohesive territory, where we know each other very well. We noticed that something in these official numbers did not come back right, and we decided - together - to check. We looked at the average of the deaths in the municipality of previous years, in the period January - March. Nembro should have had - under normal conditions - about 35 deaths. 158 people were registered dead this year by the municipal offices. That is 123 more than the average. Not 31 more, as it should have been according to the official numbers of the coronavirus epidemic."

Unusual spike in deaths, is noticed. Not counted as covid19 in stats though.

On the same source it says that in the only city of Bergamo there have been 1128 deaths between January and last week... +500 than average...

Now, considering that in the city of Bergamo there are 100.000 people... is like if literally in three months 0.5% (500 people) of the population was killed by the virus... and only 48 of them are confirmed ones;

Now in total they are 70... so maybe further 100 hidden death cases by Covid?... the situation is very tragic... and maybe today italy will hit 10K confirmed deaths, maybe the real number of deaths in Italy are two or three times higher...

Last edited by supermattia10 - on 28 March 2020